similar to: Problem

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 9000 matches similar to: "Problem"

2006 Jan 25
About lmer output
Dear R users: I am using lmer fo fit binomial data with a probit link function: > fer_lmer_PQL<-lmer(fer ~ gae + ctipo + (1|perm) -1, + family = binomial(link="probit"), + method = 'PQL', + data = FERTILIDAD, + msVerbose= True) The output look like this: > fer_lmer_PQL Generalized linear mixed model fit
2016 Sep 16
Bug: Shared Mailbox - Case Sensitivity
Hi, unfortunately I found a bug in Dovecot's ACL handling for shared mailboxes. It turns out Dovecot doesn't enforce lower casing the privileged username to whom the mailbox should be shared to. This results in a invalid configuration. Users get confused, since they passed on a valid email address in their ACL setup. /usr/local/www/default/mail/test at
2016 Sep 16
BUG - DELETE Public/Folder not working with Thunderbird
Hi Anton, Thank you very much for your helpful hint. Thunderbird clearly wants to move Public/Test to the Trash of the user who subscribed the Public folder. Question is how to solve this from a Dovecot point of a view, so a user can also delete folders? 2020200448[10053c700]: proposed url = Public/Test folder for connection INBOX has To Wait = FALSE can run = FALSE 2020200448[10053c700]:
2015 Jul 14
Conservar el nombre de la variable entre varias funciones: ejemplos de resultados
Hola Carlos: Te adjunto un ejemplo de aplicación: las funciones (he borrado los path de las funciones y las ordenes "source()" que las carga ) y un ejemplo para ejecutarlas para las opciones que tengo implementadas con la tabla de datos birthwt del paquete"MASS": - Descriptiva de todas las variables de una tabla. - Análisis univariado de todas las variables de una tabla
2016 Sep 16
BUG - DELETE Public/Folder not working with Thunderbird
Hi, Unfortunately it looks like the parameter: "imap_client_workarounds = tb-extra-mailbox-sep" does not work. Neither inside nor outside "protocol imap {}" configuration section. ACLs are set correctly. Manual "DELETE Public/Test" via telnet is working as expected. Is this a known bug? See: - -
2003 Jan 31
How to find out, if samba has SSL/LDAP support or not ?
Hi, I'm the developer of KSambaPlugin. Is there a way to find out if samba was compiled with SSL / LDAP support or not ? I want to disable the options in the case that samba doesn't support them. Thanks, Jan Sch?fer
2010 May 11
indexing words with alternative spellings
Some languages (e.g. German and Danish) have special letters that are often written using two-letter combinations when the appropriate keyboard or medium is not available: ? = ae ? = ue ? = oe ? = ae ? = oe ? = aa ? = ss (there are undoubtedly far more examples than those) As a user of an index, I would like to be able to search for e.g. "schaefer" and get matches on both
2014 Aug 27
sssd with ad backend and "ldap_id_mapping = false" refuse to start
Hello, we are using sssd version 1.12 on openSUSE 13.1 with Sernet-Samba Packages 4.1.11. Samba runs as a single AD DC We have removed the complete openSUSE samba stuff before testing. sssd runs on the same machine as samba. Our sssd config: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [sssd] services = nss, pam config_file_version = 2 domains =
2024 Nov 28
Remove all box around a plot except bottom line (base graphics)
That's pretty similar to call axis function, i.e. ?plot(rnorm(100), yaxt="n", bty="n") ?usr <- par("usr") ?## lines(usr[c(1,2)], usr[c(3,3)], xpd = TRUE) ?axis(1, ...) # where 1 is bottom, 2 left, 3 top, and 4 right sides of the plot box) Best Fer On 11/28/24 14:52, Duncan Murdoch wrote: > On 2024-11-28 8:36 a.m., Michael Dewey wrote: >> To
2017 Jun 04
nmax parameter in factor function
I'll go just a bit "fer-er." It appears the anomaly -- I hesitate to call it a bug -- is in the C code for duplicated.default(): > duplicated(letters[1:10],nmax=10) [1] FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE > duplicated(letters[1:10],nmax=9) [1] FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE > duplicated(letters[1:10],nmax=8) ## for
2002 Nov 07
Printing under Wine - Mission Impossible? (solved)
I finally compiled latest 20021031 tar.gz myself with cups development deb package installed and finally got cups to work. I also send a note to the daily deb maitainer to ask him and "why not" suggest him to include this feature. Hopes he does :) -daniel >From: Duane Clark <> >To: >Subject: Re:
2015 Dec 04
Thank you for your quick feedback. I added it to my plugins in the config. How can I make sure my mailclients are using it? Is there a way to check this like I can check headers with additional Firefox plug-in you may recomment? Kind regards Leander Am 04.12.15 um 15:30 schrieb Michael Slusarz: > On 12/4/2015 6:11 AM, Leander Sch?fer wrote: > >> With Apache one may use
2009 Feb 05
Multiple-Line Comment (PR#13503)
Hello, sorry for writing here because my problem is not a realt bug but may be a solution for many people working with R: I miss the feature for commenting some lines of code at once without writing a bunch of "#" in front of each line. This is interesting for trying out some code. I found some workarounds like IFELSE(FALSE){} and `!`<- function(x) { if (inherits(x,
2010 Sep 09
confidence intervals around p-values
Dear all I wonder if anyone has heard of confidence intervals around p-values... Any pointer would be highly appreciated. Best Fer
2011 Feb 01
Help need to define method of an s4 class
I need some help in defining a "print" method for my new S4 class definition. So fer I have worked like this: setClass("MyClass", sealed=F, representation(slot1 = "list", #create a new class slot2 = "vector", slot3 = "vector", slot4 = "vector")) setMethod("print",
2011 Mar 30
calculating the mode in R...
Dear R users I?m aware that the package ?modest? is useful to find the mode in an array. However, I?d like to know if someone has translated the ?mode? function built-in in MATLAB into R language. This function finds the most frequent value in an array ( Best Fer
2011 Oct 18
Help text in plot
Hi all, I have a basic plot MC_P1.DEM.1<-qplot(x=Group, y=P1.DEM.UN.WPP.FER.TOT_var, data=GroupMeans_gr_DEM, geom="bar", stat="identity", fill=Group)+ myScale_fill()+getLabs("MC_P1.DEM.1") I would like to add a y-lab horizontally ON TOP OF y-axis...and I didn't understand how it works (with axis.text.y???how) thanks a lot filippo [[alternative HTML
2017 Jun 04
nmax parameter in factor function
Well, you won't like this, but it is kind of wimpily (is that a word?) documented: If you check the code of factor(), you will see that nmax appears as an argument in a call to unique(). ?unique says for nmax, "... see duplicated" . And ?duplicated says: "If nmax is set too small there is liable to be an error: nmax = 1 is silently ignored." So sometimes you get an error
2001 Jun 12
Wine on RedHat7.1?
Hi there! I'm trying to compile Wine on my Red Hat7.1. But during the compilation my system suddenly reboots without any error message. Under Red Hat 7.0 I also can't compile it, only on SuSE 7.0 does it work! What's wrong? What can I do about it? Thx Marius
2007 Jul 04
Miserable read performance (factor ~60 too slow)
Hi, I am trying to migrate my files from a Windows XP Pro box to a new server running OpenSuSE 10.2/Linux 2.6.18 (x86_64) and Samba 3.0.25b. The Server is a new Athlon 64 X2 4000+/1GB with two 400GB SATA disks in a software RAID1 configuration. The share file system is reiserfs on a 350GB RAID1 partition. I have a small LAN with three PCs on 100MBit Ethernet and a Laptop on WLAN on a 4 Port