Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "problem with ms office"
2009 Apr 21
plotting with R
i) I am new to R. Kindly suggest some resources that has examples of
plotting with R.
ii) How to set number of tick marks and labels, i have a x axis ranging fro
1 to 21. By default R shows the tick marks at 5, 10,15,20. How can i change
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2009 Apr 22
Exporting objects plotted with plot3d() - rgl package
Dear all,
Can anybody tell me how to export a 3d figure made with the plot3d
function? I'm careless about whether it's still interactive or not in
another format, as long I can get it out of R.
Alejandro Gonz?lez
Departamento de Biodiversidad y Conservaci?n
Real Jard?n Bot?nico
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cient?ficas
Claudio Moyano, 1
28014 Madrid, Spain
Tel +0034
2009 Jun 03
installing latest wine
I installed wine in fedora with *yum install wine*. It has installed version
1.1.15. I want to install the latest version. How to do it with yum.
When i give *yum update wine*, no updates are coming.
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2011 Jun 06
re-installing a software (office 2007)
Dear Friends,
I am using wine version 1.1.37 in fedora 10. I have been using ms office
2007. Suddenly word behaves in a strange way that when i open word, the
system hangs. I would like to re-install the ms office application. So i
would like to know,
How to un-install the existing version and install the ms office once again
Thanks in advance,
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2009 Apr 21
joined R-today
I am a newbie to R. Just installed and started with R. I installed netcdf
library (netcdf-4.0.tar.gz) and then ncdf package of R from CRAN with the
following command.
-with-netcdf_libdir=/usr/local/netcdf/lib" ncdf_1.6.tar.gz
The installation was successful. But when i try to use ncdf inside R, i
2009 Apr 21
Someone please share your experience in installing ncdf and RNetCDF in
fedora10. I am not able make it work as it throws me the following error. My
R version is 2.8.0.
> library(ncdf)
unable to load shared library '/usr/lib/R/library/ncdf/libs/ncdf.so':
/usr/lib/R/library/ncdf/libs/ncdf.so: cannot restore segment prot after
reloc: Permission denied
Error in library(ncdf)
2010 Sep 16
ms office 2007 beep sound
I am using ms offfice 2007 with wine 1.1.37 in fedora10. Everytime i open or
close the office applications, it produces a horrible beep sound. Is anyone
successful in switching it off.
Thanks in advance,
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2009 May 13
overlap contour
I have two covariance matrices (m1 and m2) of same size (150x150). I used
contourplot function to make contour plots individually (c1 and c2). I am
interested in making one contourplot overlapping the two individual contours
so that the portion of the plot above and below the diagonal can represent
the c1 and c2. Someone suggest me how can i do the same.
Is there any way that i can
2009 Apr 21
joined R-today [SELinux]
Redhat's Security Enhanced Linux (in some modes)
generates messages like that when code in a shared library
is not compiled to have position independent code.
I.e., the -fpic or -fPIC flag was not supplied when
compiling. Your build log showed that -fpic was used
when compiling your code, but the 3rd party library,
libnetcdf.a may not have been compiled this way.
The command
2009 Apr 20
AstDB & MixMonitor queries
My setup : Trixbox 2.6.1 & TE410P running well ..I've 2 design issues to consider :
1. I need to store the CallerId of the PSTN caller with his language preference so that next time he is played the prompt in his language that he chose the first time.What would be better - storing his number in the Asterisk DB and using Dbput and DBget ? or storing it in MySQL from the dial plan and
2007 Mar 06
need to create a NewsLetter Funtionality in RoR
Me a newbie in RoR - switching from .NET. i want to write an application
that has a newsletter functionality where I can create an interface where in
I can have options to send newsletters to multiple people in the database.
i need to make a form which has from hardcoded, to is selected from te
database maybe a listbox next to it and then a subject and text area.
how wud i go about doing
2007 Mar 21
question on suppressing error messages with Rmath library
Dear list,
I have been using the Rmath library for quite a while: in the current instance, I am calling dnt (non-central t density function) repeatedly for several million. When the argument is small, I get the warning message:
full precision was not achieved in 'pnt'
which is nothing unexpected. (The density calls pnt, if you look at the function dnt.) However, to have this happen a
2010 Mar 09
ncdf installation
I tried to install ncdf package in ubuntu with the following command.
-with-netcdf_libdir=/apps/netcdf/4.0.1/gcc/lib" ncdf_1.6.tar.gz
The installation was stopped throwing the following error. I tried to google
it but didnt find any solution. someone kindly write me what is going wrong.
2007 Oct 12
Dock-N-Talk with Asterisk, Anyone?
Hello My Aster-Friends!
I would like to hear if anyone out there in
Asteriskland has used the Dock-N-Talk (DNT) box to
connect cell phones to Asterisk box.
I have a couple of these boxes that I need to make
work with Asterisk, connected with Digium TDM400P
card. Anyone tried it before, and how did it go?
Thank you.
2004 Aug 26
Good day all
I want to know what the best codec is to use for asteris for VOIP
We have two towns connected with a 64k line that's going to do VOIP with
astersik.At the moment with the default installation the quality is bad and
the bandwith is high.
Is this even a codec problem
Pleas help
2005 Jun 10
Shaping incoming bandwidth
Hello Everyone,
i''m having problem in limiting bandwith on my external interface in the
i''m having a network here which is online via a linux server with cbq
compiled in kernel.
i''m having eth0 as internal network card,
eth 1 as external network card
my internet bandwith line is 8kbps on eth1
i want to limit this 8kbps to 4kbps at eth1 and no shaping on
2012 Feb 09
Hotelling T2 test extension for multigroup data
Hi all,
I've got the following matrix :
mat <- matrix(rnorm(700), ncol=5, dimnames=list( paste("f", c(1:140), sep="_"), c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E")))
I can see that currently most of the multivariate Hotelling T2 tests are limited for application on two groups/samples.
I wud appreciate if someone can provide me a
2006 Mar 24
(no subject)
i want to know if i have written a program in php and access functions of xapian then how wud i exectur it.
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2011 Oct 31
Is it possible to install Gluster management console using manual install process?
Is it possible to install Gluster management console using manual
install process?
I mean the management console when installing using the ISO image; by
doing the manual install from a base Centos server?
2009 Jun 17
Nagios Asterisk
I am trying to implement monitoring of asterisk (all 4 spans-i want to show them line by line Up or down) using nagios using below script, but i always get the status as down and red..can anyone let me know how to read an output from nagios plugin ? nagios etc is configured already and is working
SPANS=$(asterisk -rnx "pri show