similar to: How to run edge RSpec (on Rails)?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 40000 matches similar to: "How to run edge RSpec (on Rails)?"

2008 Mar 04
Pretty story output for non-Rails project
I''m taking my first fledgling steps driving a new ruby (non-rails) project with BDD. I''ve got a (test) story working. However, when I run the story in TextMate (via command-r), the output is plain text. See: How do I get the output to look pretty (formatted)? rspec-1.1.3 OS X 10.5.2 TextMate v1.5.7 (1455) Thanks, /g --
2007 Oct 11
Incompatibility Issues after updating CURRENT
Hi, I''m using piston to manage rspec and rspec_on_rails in vendor/plugins. ---- ~/work/simplify_md $ piston st vendor/plugins/ vendor/plugins/rspec (svn:// vendor/plugins/rspec_on_rails (svn:// ---- After I ''piston update''d rspec and
2007 Oct 13
[RSpec] Unexpected behavior using TextMate Bundle...
Howdy, Why does the bundle NOT work when I do the following: - Start TextMate - Open my project - Open my spec - Try to run spec and get an error While the following DOES work: - Open Terminal - Locate my project - Start TextMate via command line (mate .) - Open my spec - Try to run spec and it works Cheers, Mel -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was
2007 Apr 04
ANN: RSpec 0.9.0 beta-1 available for download.
We''d like to get some feedback on RSpec 0.9 before we start pushing out releases via Rubyforge''s gem server and update the website. We have therefore made the first beta of 0.9 available - both prepackaged and tagged in subversion (see below). RSpec 0.9 introduces a new API for expectations, which essentially means that your underscores go away (there has been other discussions
2007 Nov 22
Initial run of RSpec 1.0.8 on MS-WinXPproSP2
Rails 1.2.5 Ruby 1.8.6 Rake 0.7.3 RSpec 1.0.8 PostgreSQL 8.2.5 I am experiencing a problem with the "rake spec spec" task on an initial trial of rspec. After creating the rails app I installed rspec and rspec_on_rails in the vendor\plugins subdirectory from svn. I then used ruby script\generate rspec_model product. I next manually created the database instances depot_development and
2007 Feb 26
drbspec - "no server running"
At times I''ve gotten the message "No Server Running" from drbspec with my rails app. The thing is, the drb server certainly is running! This happened a few times with my model specs. I''m not sure exactly what the problem was there - I believe I was loading up fixtures that didn''t exist. I was calling fixtures :singular_table_name as opposed to
2006 Dec 20
Edge RSpec on Rails...what did I forget?
Started a new Rails project, and installed RSpec and the Rails plugin vendor/plugins/rspec (svn:// - 1332 vendor/plugins/rspec_on_rails (svn:// - 1332 Generated the rspec file, created a model...the spec runs fine if I do ruby spec/models/foo_spec.rb. Running rake though gives
2007 May 04
Custom Matcher and NAME NOT GENERATED annoyance
Hello RSpec users, Have been using RSpec since 0.8.2 (not too long ago, I must say). and been creating my custom matchers since was defined as "good practice". Also, auto-generated names for the examples is very helpful, I''m trying to take advantage of it. Since I often prior code/define all the "examples", I have created a few matchers to fulfill associations and
2006 Nov 24
Bugs Fixed in Trunk
I''m backed off Edge Rails and all the way back to 0.7.2 of rSpec to make my tests pass. The changes to rSpec are coming together fast and furious and they seem too good to pass up. Is there an approved way to upgrade the components in the absence of prebuilt stuff? Every time I''ve tried, I''ve been punished harshly by the Version Conflict Gods. Just asking for
2007 Feb 27
Using a subversion repository to spec in a rails app
Is it a bad practice to use a subversion repository to the trunk of rspec and rspec_on_rails? Or rather, is it doomed to fail, since my gem will always be out of date? I know I can''t use spec, installed from gem,s if I have the latest revision of rspec and rspec_on_rails checked into my plugins directory. But I should still be able to use it with the --drb option, correct?
2008 May 06
"Plugin not found" after RSpec install
I tried to install the RSpec Rails plugin as described here: After I run this... ruby script/plugin install At the very end after a lot of output I get this error: Plugin not found: [" rspec"] It looks as though it actually was installed
2006 Nov 19
artificial sugar causes cancer
All, If you look at you''ll see that Chad (the submitter) found the source of the bug. Unfortunately, the source of *this* bug is the *solution* to a *previous bug* in which Rails was replacing RSpec''s method missing with its own. When we settled on underscores, my one reservation was
2007 May 22
rails edge
hi, first time trying rspec, and rails edge. Are there any known issues running rspec with rails edge? for one, apparently script/generate scaffold_resource has been renamed just "resource". Do I just search/replace "scaffold_resource" with "resource" in file rspec_resource_generator.rb ? Somethings still missing. before i get "Couldn''t find
2007 Oct 23
Problem Upgrading from 1.0.5 to 1.0.8
Hey Guys, I''m getting the following error: 1) NameError in ''ProductsController with a GET to /products NO NAME (Because of Error raised in matcher)'' uninitialized constant Spec::Mocks::BaseExpectation::AnyArgsConstraint /Users/mattlins/Projects/RailsProjects/SWNetworkServices/vendor/plugins/rspec_on_rails/lib/spec/rails/dsl/behaviour/render_observer.rb:86:in
2007 Jan 12
spec_ui problems
While looking into spec_ui, I decided to run the examples. The watir example works a little, but always chokes on the ''better than fudge'' spec (failure output below). Also, is there any command to pause the "browser"? If my connection slows, the test gets out of whack. The selenium example fails right away (output below). I do have the 0.9.0 selenium-rc
2008 Jan 19
Quiet Backtrace in RSpec
I''m using RSpec on Rails and would like to clean up the backtraces, so I went looking for an RSpec equivalent to ThoughtBot''s Quiet Backtrace gem<>. I found Spec::Runner::QuietBacktraceTweaker in the RDOCS, but I can''t figure out how to use it. Can I add something to spec_helper.rb that will utilize
2007 Jul 31
helper spec not finding rails core helpers
Hi, My helper specs were going ok until I added a call to a rails DateHelper method in one of my helpers DateHelper.html#M000574 The helper runs fine from my view templates, just dies in the spec test. I boiled my question down to a simple (not too useful) example. I''m not sure what I''m missing. #
2007 May 01
RSpec 0.9.1 released
The RSpec team is pleased to announce RSpec 0.9.1 (we skipped 0.9.0). RSpec is a framework that provides programmers with a Domain Specific Language to describe the behaviour of Ruby code with readable, executable examples that guide you in the design process and serve well as both documentation as tests. This release includes a complete overhaul of the API, which can be summarised as follows: *
2006 Aug 26
ANN: RSpec 0.6.2
I just released RSpec 0.6.2 Hopefully this fixes the couple of glitches that went into 0.6.1 - the RSpec rake task was heavily refactored in 0.6.1 and didn''t work properly when packaged as a gem. This should be fixed now. Holler if things are still broken. Cheers, Aslak
2006 Nov 03
[PLUGIN] rspec_resource_generator - RESTful scaffold generator with RSpec specifications
rspec_resource_generator ======================== By Pat Maddox Use this generator to generate RESTful scaffolding with RSpec specifications. Syntax is exactly the same as the scaffold_resource generator: ./script/generate rspec_resource ModelName [field:type field:type] When you run this generator, it will create a migration, model, and model spec file. In addition, it gives you a RESTful