similar to: mock parameter problem

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2006 Oct 23
overriding mock expectations
There is one annoyance I''m encountering with the Mock API in rSpec. Overall it works well, as far as dynamic mocks go ;)... but there''s this one thing... It doesn''t allow overriding of expectations. example: m = mock("blah") m.should_receive(:one).any_number_of_times().and_return(1) m.should_receive(:one).and_return(1) The second call to should_receive
2007 Feb 07
odd mock behavior
I''m seeing some odd behavior around the should_receive() when given a block combined with some cardinality. For example, with the following... my_mock.should_receive(:foo).twice do |i| puts i end ... the spec passes but i never gets puts''ed. With the following... my_mock.should_receive(:foo) do |i| puts i end ... i gets puts''ed twice but the spec fails because
2006 Oct 27
and_return broken when using arrays
m = mock("blah") m.should_receive(:foo).and_return([1, 2, 3]) When foo() is called on the mock it returns the first elements of the array, 1. Shouldn''t it return the whole array? Micah Martin 8th Light, Inc. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2006 Nov 10
mock syntax order
I have the following statement mock_requester.should_receive(:request_with).with ("x").any_number_of_times.and_return(@object) which works fine, but when i do it backwards, which makes the same amount of sense syntactically, it fails mock_requester.should_receive(:request_with).with("x").and_return (@object).any_number_of_times are all of the mock options
2007 May 07
mock frameworks
Just curious - now that rspec (as of 0.9) let''s you choose your mock framework, how many of you are actually using (or planning to use) mocha or flexmock? Anybody planning to use any other mock framework besides rspec, mocha or flexmock? Thanks, David
2007 Feb 15
Odd parameter munging with with()
Hi, I have this setup block: setup do session[:login] = ''jhughes'' @user = mock("user") User.stub!(:find).and_return(@user) @params = {:cn => "Bilbo Baggins", :telephoneNumber => "416-277-4418", :mail => "bilbo at"} end And then this spec: specify "should update and save the
2007 Jan 21
A Thread / Mock question
Hi! What I''m trying at the moment is to build specifications for some background thread code. What I want is a class Task and a class TaskRunner. The TaskRunner should run a task in a background thread. It should also indicate the status of the running task when calling the running? method. That''s basically, what I came up with so far: class TaskRunner def initialize
2008 Jun 04
Mock with an attributes that has state
I''m developing a rails application. I have an Order model that has_many OrderItems. I mocked the OrderItem model in my Order specs using mock_model. I thought I should focus my specs on each model and always mock associated models. In my Order model I need a way to merge OrderItems which have the same cost and same product_id. That I can spec. The other thing this merge helper
2008 Jun 12
Does anyone know how to mock the Rails Logger then set expectations with should_receive?
Hey Guys, I''m trying to mock the Rails Logger for the following code: ... rescue TimeoutError => error $logger.error("#{} Timeout for #{path}: #{error}") and return rescue SocketError => error $logger.error("#{} SocketError for #{path}: #{error}") and return rescue StandardError => error
2008 Jun 12
how do I mock the Rails Logger with should_receive?
Hey Guys, I''m trying to mock the Rails Logger for the following code: ... rescue TimeoutError => error $logger.error("#{} Timeout for #{path}: #{error}") and return rescue SocketError => error $logger.error("#{} SocketError for #{path}: #{error}") and return rescue StandardError => error
2012 Jul 27
Rspec: How to mock class method
Hi, I have two model: Message, User message.rb ``` class Message < ActiveRecord::Base class << self def method_a(args) [1,2] end end end ``` user.rb ``` class User < ActiveRecord::Base def method_user if Message.method_a(''anythings'') #... some code end end end ``` I want to test method_user,but I don''t want to test
2008 May 18
Using Hash to mock classes that respond to :
Hi I''ve been doing this a while now. If I have a class that responds to : [], and all I''m interested in stubbing is that method, then instead of using a mock I just create a hash. (Similarly, you could create an array when you are testing an Enumerable object.) Example from code I just worked on, where uses MigrationGraph#[] looks up graph vertices by name:
2007 May 17
How to mock helpers in view specs ?
Hi all, I am mocking the following Rails view (inside a partial): <%= render :partial => "forums/forum", :collection => forum_category.forums.readable_by(current_user? ? current_user : nil) %> My spec fails with the following message: 1) ActionView::TemplateError in ''forum_categories/index (anonymous user) should only render forums accessible to anonymous
2006 Oct 24
1 should be 2. huh?
There''s another quirk I wanted to bring up. It''s about the failure message with should_equal and should_be. x.should_equal 2 a.should_not_be nil When they fail they yield messages like: 1 should equal 2 nil should not be nil When I''m caught off guard, which can be often, these messages confuse me. 1 should equal 2? No it shouldn''t. nil should not be
2007 Jul 24
Mocking Resolv::DNS?
Hello Rspecers, I have a rails project where I am calling and then using the block to check a domain name. The code snippet in question is: domain = "" do |dns| @mx = dns.getresources(domain, Resolv::DNS::Resource::IN::MX) end I obviously want to stub this out, especially for speed but can''t quite work out how. I
2007 Aug 22
mock framework ethics question
Hi James, Jim, and everyone else who''s listening. I''ve been investigating an interesting bug related to mocks and rails AssociationProxies. See for details. The crux is that if you do this (rspec mock syntax): obj.should_receive(:msg).with(mock_of_a_model) and the implementation does
2008 Mar 05
mocking successive return values
I''m having a problems mocking successive return values. I don''t know if I''m doing something wrong or if this is a limitation of rspec mocks. Any ideas of what I may be doing wrong? I''m trying to test the generate_quote_number method. It generates a quote number, looks to see if it is in the db already. If it is, it calls itself to try again. I want
2007 May 30
Using mocks
I''ve just started doing TDD/BDD and like the idea of mocks. So I set out to use them. The doc pages seem great, I setup the mock and then it just works. Here is what I am trying to do: Myuser is a non-rails model of user attributes. We are going to be mocking the connection to the ldap server. The user class has a login method that connects to the ldap server and if successful,
2007 Sep 30
Problems with testing nested routes using mocking
Hello forum I have there to files #----- virtual_host_controller.rb class VirtualHostsController < ApplicationController before_filter :capture_domain # GET /domain/1/virtual_hosts/1 def show @virtual_host = @domain.virtual_hosts.find(params[:id]) respond_to do |format| format.html # show.rhtml end end private def capture_domain if
2007 Dec 06
mock libraries, Object#send, and Object#__send__
What is the appropriate way to stub out (and put an expectation on Object#__send__), without getting warnings from the Rspec mock library? Scott