similar to: DRb delays using rails_spec_server?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "DRb delays using rails_spec_server?"

2006 Sep 06
DRb error when using rails_spec on OS X
Hi, all- I started playing with RSpec in a new Rails app. I''ve installed the plugin and bootstrapped it, and run ''script/rails_spec_runner'' (not rails_spec_server as the website currently reads, btw) in a separate shell, then in another shell I run ''script/rails_spec'' and get the following: /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/drb/drb.rb:837:in
2006 Dec 25
Issues with 0.7.5
I installed 0.7.5 and the corresponding Rails plugin. Now it seems that the rake command is: rake spec:autotest I immediately ran into several problems: 1. rspec_autotest.rb line 30 has curly quotes and makes Ruby choke 2. Same line, rails_spec is spelled solid, when it should have the underscore But fixing these didn''t get me back going. Now I have to have a rails_spec_server
2006 Dec 21
heres how to get color output in rspec_autotest with rspec 0.7.5
In case anyone else is trying to make this work, here is what I did (Before 0.7.4 I had patched the regex in zentest redgreen, but that is not used any more) To use directly, it is very simple. In rspec_autotest/lib/ rspec_autotest.rb, add a -c to the spec_command in the initializer function: @spec_command = "spec -c --diff unified" This won''t help however if you want
2006 Oct 17
Should fixtures be transactional?
I started using the new Model.should_have(1).records expectation in rspec_on_rails, and quickly realized that my fixtures were remaining loaded, even in contexts that didn''t use them. Bug or feature? Jay Levitt
2007 Aug 13
Backtrace tweaker - broken or me?
Using 1.0.8, I just realized that I''ve been scrolling through pages of backtraces when rspec is supposed to clean them up for me. This is a new development machine, so I''m not sure if older versions worked or not. I''m running Ruby 1.8.6, Rails edge, Mac OS X 10.4.10. I''ve verified that the QuietBacktraceTweaker is the one that''s running.
2007 Jan 22
Observed models cause failures with DRBSpec ?
Hi all ! I don''t believe I am the only one using model observers, right ? Well, here''s a nice one: $ drbspec spec . Finished in 0.125322 seconds 1 specification, 0 failures $ drbspec spec F 1) ''A user with an inactive and an active project should be able to return active projects only'' FAILED [] should == [#<Spec::Mocks::Mock:0xb75590bc
2007 Aug 27
Foreign key constraints, fixtures, and rake task
I''ve got a spec that loads a fixture in the "before" block. This works fine running scripts/spec, but when I run rake spec instead, I get: ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid in ''User in fixture :quentin with an IM service but no IM name should be invalid'' Mysql::Error: Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails
2006 Nov 06
Integration testing: coupling of get and post on forms
This is such a vague request it''s not even worthy of a ticket, but: When rspec does support integration testing, it''d be really nice to be able to do things like this plugin does for standard Rails tests: In a nutshell, it finally closes the loop between "the empty form sent by a
2006 Nov 07
RSpec/Selenium start_browser_once patch?
The 0.7.0 vendor/selenium/README.txt references a "start_browser_once.patch" file. This doesn''t seem to be included in either the rspec or selenium-rc distributions, and Google finds nothing... where might I find that patch? Jay Levitt
2006 Nov 07
should_redirect_to in advance - feels unnatural
I can understand that it''s easier for rspec to set up a mock in advance of the controller call. But it makes it difficult to do something like: context "The HarkController, given Louie the logged-in user" do setup do post :login, :username => ''louie'', :password => ''atest'' end specify "should redirect Louie to the home
2006 Oct 20
slow rails_spec
My rails_spec runs are taking around 75 seconds. I''m on REL_0_6_4 with edge rails. This is a fresh application I just started this morning?I''ve got four specs that take less than a second to run via rake. Any ideas why it''s so slow?
2007 Mar 27
mocking/stubbing newbie questions
I''m new to mocking and stubbing. Can someone help me out with the following? I don''t exactly know why this spec is failing: describe "GET /users/1/terms" do controller_name :terms setup do @user = mock_model(User) User.stub!(:find).and_return(@user) end def do_get get :index, :user_id => 1 end it "should find all terms
2007 Sep 16
I lost the RSpec fight
I''ve been working on a Rails project with one other developer; he was using Test::Unit, and I was using RSpec. That works OK for a while, but obviously it starts causing pain when you have to check in two places to see if a piece of code is properly tested/spec''d, you can''t use TextMate shortcuts to switch back and forth between code and test, you have to duplicate
2007 Aug 16
undefined method `mock_model'' for [RSpec example]:#<Class:0x25550a8>
I am getting: undefined method `mock_model'' for [RSpec example]:#<Class:0x25550a8> with my view specs after upgrading to 1.0.8. Is anyone else seeing this? To isolate the message I did the following setup: - create new rails project (with edge) - installed rspec and rspec_on_rails - ran rake spec - ran script/generate rspec_scaffold products - tried to run a builtin view
2008 Apr 30
get_peername - start_server vs. connect
Hi, On windows, get_peername works both with connections obtained via start_server, and connections obtained via connect. On linux, get_peername seems to only work with connections obtained via start_server. (I''m using svn HEAD.) I''m wondering which is the intended behavior? (I realize get_peername is less useful for connections obtained via connect, since one should already
2007 Jan 21
Collection proxies need to be stubbed ?
Hi all ! I just started writing specs on a new project. I would just like to validate that this is the way you would write it. I know about mocks, stubs and expectations. I don''t think this is a problem for me. My question really boils down to: def index @projects = end My spec needs to return the proxy, no ? Here''s my code: context "A
2008 Jan 31
RSpec-1.1.3 has been released. If you''re using RSpec and autotest, you''ll have to upgrade to RSpec-1.1.3 and ZenTest-3.9.0 at the same time. == Version 1.1.3 Maintenance release. * Tightened up exceptions list in autotest/rails_spec. Closes #264. * Applied patch from Ryan Davis for ZenTest-3.9.0 compatibility * Applied patch from Kero to add step_upcoming to story listeners.
2007 Aug 30
mock_model in spec/lib
Has anyone else run into a problem with trying to use mock_model in spec/lib ? For some reason, I can take the same spec, put it in spec/models, have it run fine, but put it in spec/lib, and have it complain about not being able to find #mock_model Thanks, Edward
2006 Apr 29
error rsync'ing links of the form ../xxx
I am running latest rsync version 2.6.8 on both ends. The receiver is a daemon. When I transfer a symbolic link like this: /tmp/rsync -av /opt/iat/IaT3.1.1/bin/* uxgary::root/opt/iat/IaT3.1/bin building file list ... done -> ../python/ iat_status -> ../python/ -> ../python/ ->
2007 Aug 06
Specifying custom rails FormBuilders
I want to write a spec for a custom form builder, but I''m not really sure where it should live or how to include the right rspec_on_rails contexts. Ideally, I should be able to write a spec like: describe LabelledBuilder do it "should let me create a text field" do object = mock(object) object.stub!(:attribute).and_return("Test String") render