similar to: HH.EXE location

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "HH.EXE location"

2008 May 25
Registry override?
I first installed kchmviewer. I then created the file run_prog: #!/bin/sh $1 "`wine winepath -u "$2"`" I tested by running from a terminal run_prog kchmviewer c:\MyChmFile.chm This worked fine I edited the registry entry for chm.file to /usr/bin/run_prog kchmviewer %1 > > Note: > While researching regedit I noticed the reference to wineprefixcreate at: >
2008 Apr 14
Viewing .CHM files with hh.exe from command line
I would like to be able to start the Wine .chm file-viewer, C:\windows\hh.exe, from the command-line like this: wine hh.exe /some/dir/somefile.chm It works if the current directory contains the .chm file, but not if I have to specify a path. Am I missing something?
2011 Apr 27
trouble with chm files
Hi, I have been trying to configure Wine to associate kchmviewer with chm files in hopes of having kchmviewer launch whenever I push a help button within SkyTools 3 ( I am running Wine 1.3.18 under Ubuntu 10.10 on an amd64 machine. I followed the instructions in the Wine FAQ at and have tried
2008 Dec 06
chm NOT fixed but success elswhere
First: Contrary to claims chm viewing is NOT fixed.It's better but graphics and the index are still broken. I washed my hands on bug reporting of the problems, as I now use firefox with the chm addon which works even better than the last kchmviewer I tried. Great News: I installed the latest PBWin9.0 and the first example I tried worked flawlessly. This surprised me as this was a COM example
2006 Jan 13
HtmlHelp in Wine
Hi, All! I've tried to invoke a command (using Wine-0.9.5) "wine hh document.chm" and received a message that a Mozilla Active X control is needed, and then this control was downloaded from (Mozilla ActiveX Control v1.7.12) and installed. I've installed Mozilla-1.7, too. And nevertheless, the command "wine hh document.chm" produces a message about a
2006 Jan 28
wine-0.9.6 and Microsoft HTML Help
Dear All! I'd like to view CHM files using hh.exe (standard windows tool). I installed Internet Explorer 6 ( In general it seems that hh.exe is working: It displays navigation tree. But html pages from CHM file is not displayed (see screenshot). Nearly a year ago I have made hh.exe working. This is why I believe that it is possible
2001 Jul 26
Need some help on using Wine with DDK 2000
Hi, I am a newbe with Wine and I need some advice.. I have 2 partitions on my computer: Linux + winnt40. I use wine for developping drivers for W2K (yes it is NOT a joke!) under Linux (some kinda of cross-compiling if you want ..). So for compiling and linking it works flawlessly (really!) and it's GREAT! The only problem is that I cannot browse the DDK documentation. For doing that
2007 Sep 24
Is builtin chm viewer works ?
Future Pinball (a free pinball simulation) have some chm help files. I can't see it with 'wine hh.exe file.chm' command (chm are okay with a native viewer, like gnochm) Is there a way to make it works ?
2009 Jul 01
Newb question - CHM files - Best method to view
Please excuse my first couple of probably quite a few newb questions. Are there still probs with viewing chm files? If I browse to the chm file and just launch it seems fine until I try search for a subject. I search, find what I'm looking for, click it and the help file closes. If I use wine hh / winepath windows path it launches but if I click search I can't try the search, it's
2009 Mar 17
Converting time from HH:MM:SS to only HH:MM
Hi all, I need to compare between times and put all similar times in specific 1 minute bins. Unfortunately the original data include seconds as well. My data is in HH:MM:SS format but I need it rounded to only HH:MM and trying in Excel to display "unique" records only does not work since the seconds are not unique. Is there an easy way using perhaps CHRON to change all from the
2001 Nov 27
Windows Help function
Hi! I can?t run the Windows help in my programs, I have a debian woody without windows partition, with wine and winesetup. I have copy winhelp.exe and winhlp32.exe to c:\windows\ . I installed hh.exe, the html help works, but the *.chm (the most popular in windows) doesn?t works. Please I need it for my job! Thanks to all.
2007 Nov 19
building packages: hhc.exe not found using xp
Hello, Apologies in advance if this should be in R-devel, not Rhelp. I did read through the R-devel thread started by Gabor Grothendieck in September of this year - I am getting the exact same error using a new computer that has XP installed, not vista, complaining that the file hhc.exe is not found. I have downloaded the hhc.exe to HTML Help Workshop dir in Program Files but it says that
2009 Aug 31
Offtopic, HT vs. HH in coin flips
Dear R-help, Could someone please try to explain this paradox to me? What is more likely to show up first in a string of coin tosses, "Heads then Tails", or "Heads then Heads"? ##generate 2500 strings of random coin flips ht <- replicate(2500, paste(sample(c("H", "T"), 100, replace = TRUE), collapse =
2011 Dec 12
Help with charting time in seconds as HH:MM:SS on charts
Hello, I am dealing with data stored in a database as a 'time' object. I export the data from the database to a text file and utilize the 'time_to_sec()' function of the database to convert the human readable time (HH:MM:SS) to seconds so that I can use R to do analysis and create charts of the data. I do not need or use days or dates in the data, and the data range is from
2010 Sep 07
hhc.exe compiles .chm files, but does not index properly
Hello, I've spent a while reading about configuring WINE for use with hhc.exe to create .chm files. These instructions almost work: But, when comparing the Windows-generated .chm to the Linux-generated .chm, the Linux-generated one does not have sorted or consolidated index entries. It seems that whatever part of the process is responsible for
2005 Oct 31
MS Visual FoxPro DECLARE command doesnt work
I'm a programmer using Microsoft Visual FoxPro for daily work. I'm trying to run a self written program on wine. This program uses several Windows API functions. An example is: DECLARE INTEGER ShellExecute IN z:/usr/lib/wine/ ; INTEGER, STRING, STRING, STRING, STRING, INTEGER ShellExecute( 0, "open", "notepad.exe", "", "", 1 )
2006 Aug 22
HH and Rcmdr.HH packages available
The software for my recent book Statistical Analysis and Data Display Richard M. Heiberger and Burt Holland is now available as an R package from the book's website. The package has been submitted to CRAN. Description: Support software for Statistical Analysis and Data Display (Springer, ISBN 0-387-40270-5). This contemporary
2012 Mar 29
Adding duration (hh:mm:ss)\Converting factor column into duration class
Hi All, I have a data frame: Time1 Time2 1 176:46:10 41:48:06 2 171:28:57 61:19:10 3 178:25:15 34:05:35 4 74:04:20 25:01:55 5 136:11:20 37:59:32 6 138:17:17 30:22:27 7 183:04:48 29:25:02 8 179:35:01 19:29:44 > str(df) 'data.frame': 8 obs. of 2 variables: $ Time1: Factor w/ 583 levels
2008 May 30
HELP! rc3 and still no chm help
I was going to file a bugzilla but it appears it has not been updated to rc3 yet Still No html help. I heard that codeweavers had fixed the html help bug and hoped the fix might make into rc3 but no joy. I know most don't feel it's very high priority but it's a real PIA when you are so used to double clicking on a word in an editor and having the help pop up! Any chance it will
2012 Feb 27
win zip archive of library(HH) for R2.12.0
Dear R Group Can any body point me to a link from where I can get zip archive of the package HH for R 2.12.0? Thanks & Regards Vijayan Padmanabhan "What is expressed without proof can be denied without proof" - Euclide. Please visit us at ****************************************************************************** This Communication is for the exclusive use