similar to: should_have_tag: What am I doing wrong?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 11000 matches similar to: "should_have_tag: What am I doing wrong?"

2006 Oct 17
Should fixtures be transactional?
I started using the new Model.should_have(1).records expectation in rspec_on_rails, and quickly realized that my fixtures were remaining loaded, even in contexts that didn''t use them. Bug or feature? Jay Levitt
2007 Aug 13
Backtrace tweaker - broken or me?
Using 1.0.8, I just realized that I''ve been scrolling through pages of backtraces when rspec is supposed to clean them up for me. This is a new development machine, so I''m not sure if older versions worked or not. I''m running Ruby 1.8.6, Rails edge, Mac OS X 10.4.10. I''ve verified that the QuietBacktraceTweaker is the one that''s running.
2007 Aug 27
Foreign key constraints, fixtures, and rake task
I''ve got a spec that loads a fixture in the "before" block. This works fine running scripts/spec, but when I run rake spec instead, I get: ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid in ''User in fixture :quentin with an IM service but no IM name should be invalid'' Mysql::Error: Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails
2006 Nov 06
Integration testing: coupling of get and post on forms
This is such a vague request it''s not even worthy of a ticket, but: When rspec does support integration testing, it''d be really nice to be able to do things like this plugin does for standard Rails tests: In a nutshell, it finally closes the loop between "the empty form sent by a
2006 Nov 07
RSpec/Selenium start_browser_once patch?
The 0.7.0 vendor/selenium/README.txt references a "start_browser_once.patch" file. This doesn''t seem to be included in either the rspec or selenium-rc distributions, and Google finds nothing... where might I find that patch? Jay Levitt
2006 Oct 04
I''ve just upgraded to rspec 0.6.4 and several specs were broken. All for the same reason. String.should_have_tag doesn''t seem to be supported any longer. It used to be possible to write assertions like: response.body.should_have_tag :tag => "form" or "<html><body/></html>".should_have_tag :tag => "body" But these fail
2006 Nov 07
Should Selenium support be doing rollbacks?
Now that 0.7.0 is forcing me to write properly compartmented specs, I thought I''d give the "dead easy Selenium support" a try. Is it supposed to all the things that rspec normally does for me, or is it just for using rspec-like grammar to surround Selenium tests? Specifically, should it roll back the database between specifications? I just did a quick test, and the result
2006 Nov 07
should_redirect_to in advance - feels unnatural
I can understand that it''s easier for rspec to set up a mock in advance of the controller call. But it makes it difficult to do something like: context "The HarkController, given Louie the logged-in user" do setup do post :login, :username => ''louie'', :password => ''atest'' end specify "should redirect Louie to the home
2008 Mar 16
undefined method `redirect_to'
Hi all. I''m getting the following error in my app: undefined method `redirect_to'' for ActionController::Base:Class I''m using Windows 2000, Rails 2.0.2 and resource_controller (from James Golick). My controller: class CommentsController < ApplicationController include ResourceController::Controller belongs_to :post, :article, :photo create do
2007 Sep 16
I lost the RSpec fight
I''ve been working on a Rails project with one other developer; he was using Test::Unit, and I was using RSpec. That works OK for a while, but obviously it starts causing pain when you have to check in two places to see if a piece of code is properly tested/spec''d, you can''t use TextMate shortcuts to switch back and forth between code and test, you have to duplicate
2007 Jan 16
Links in view specs
Hi I have this simple view (used by the Gap controller): <h1>Gap#index</h1> <%= link_to "Get a GAP quote", :action => "get_quote" %> And this spec: context "A rendered gap/index" do setup do render ''gap/index'' end specify "should have a link to the get_quote page" do
2008 Jun 14
Caseless folder delivery?
I'm using exim4 to deliver into dovecot 1.1, and using plus-addressing to deliver mailing lists directly to appropriate folders in my "lists" mailbox. I created a file called /folder-map.lists that looks like ## folder-map.lists dovecot: Dovecot lpedge: Linux PowerEdge ... and so on. So mail to lists-lpedge at goes to the "Linux PowerEdge" folder. The one
2007 Aug 06
Specifying custom rails FormBuilders
I want to write a spec for a custom form builder, but I''m not really sure where it should live or how to include the right rspec_on_rails contexts. Ideally, I should be able to write a spec like: describe LabelledBuilder do it "should let me create a text field" do object = mock(object) object.stub!(:attribute).and_return("Test String") render
2008 Aug 28
HostName not quite working as expected?
Setting up a few hosts in a small domain, I thought I'd save keystrokes by defining ssh_config aliases for their non-canonicalized names. For example: Host myhost HostName Host * Port 23 ... I would have expected that "ssh myhost" would then start a session on port 23 (instead of 22). And I've seen blog/list posts that suggest the same
2008 Jun 14
FTS/squat search indexes built when?
I know that a given search index doesn't get built the first time until you do an actual search on it from an IMAP client. I don't much care about that; I'm the only user, and I don't create new folders too often. At worst, I could create a script to go search every folder once. But what I'm not clear about: Does it then get updated on every delivery by LDA? Or does the
2007 Aug 02
got/expects causes mental layering violation
I was, for the first time, spec''ing a class that redefined ==. And my spec was incorrect, so == was returning false. The result was something like: class C def ==(other) false end end .. == other... expected other, got #<C:0x7f03c454> (using ==) But wait! Why on earth is == returning the class itself instead of true/false? That shouldn''t be
2006 Nov 10
Stubbing in trunk
I''m a big fan of stubbing so it returns a known value. I used to be able to use stubba and say: @time_now = Time.parse("Jan 1 2001") Time.stubs(:now).returns(lambda{@time_now}) However, something in trunk broke that. Fine, rspec''s got its own stubbing lib now, so I tried switching to that: @time_now = Time.parse("Jan 1 2001")
2007 Feb 15
Specs for RJS HTML output NOT containing an element
Hi I have an RJS template that renders a partial to update a page. I just added a parameter to get passed into this partial to eliminate a row in the table it generates, but I can''t find a way to test that the unwanted output is in fact missing. should(_not)_have_tag doesn''t work with RJS, and there''s no should_not_have from assert select. What
2006 Nov 08
controller.session not same as session?
> context "A user logging out" do > fixtures :users > controller_name :account > > setup do > login_as :quentin > users(:quentin).remember_me > request.cookies["auth_token"] = cookie_for(:quentin) > end > > def logout > get :logout > end > > specify "should unset :user in session" do
2000 Mar 12
Trouble building 1.2.2p1 on Solaris 2.7
I installed OpenSSL 0.9.5 in the default location (/usr/local/ssl) on my Solaris 2.7 box, and then tried to install OpenSSH 1.2.2p1. Configure (with no arguments) complains that it can't find working OpenSSL libraries. The last few lines of config.log show a whole bunch of attempts to compile the test code, all failing of course. My /usr/local/ssl DOES have an include/openssl directory