similar to: String.should_hav_tag

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 9000 matches similar to: "String.should_hav_tag"

2006 Oct 04
spec task prints usage
A small feature request. When running the spec rake task, if any of the folders ''spec/models'', ''spec/controller'', or ''spec/views'' doesn''t exist or if they don''t contain any specs, the spec usage is printed. In my case I didn''t have a views directory. I was able to get rid of the usage output by creating the
2006 Oct 23
overriding mock expectations
There is one annoyance I''m encountering with the Mock API in rSpec. Overall it works well, as far as dynamic mocks go ;)... but there''s this one thing... It doesn''t allow overriding of expectations. example: m = mock("blah") m.should_receive(:one).any_number_of_times().and_return(1) m.should_receive(:one).and_return(1) The second call to should_receive
2006 Sep 13
stale spec runner?
I''ve been working with the RSpec on Rails plugin. Great job guys! The Rails spec runner (server) definitely speeds things up nicely. But I''m having some trouble keeping it functional. When I start the server, the first spec execution runs fine. Every following execution fails though. Each spec complains about the ''controller_path'' missing from my
2007 Jan 16
Links in view specs
Hi I have this simple view (used by the Gap controller): <h1>Gap#index</h1> <%= link_to "Get a GAP quote", :action => "get_quote" %> And this spec: context "A rendered gap/index" do setup do render ''gap/index'' end specify "should have a link to the get_quote page" do
2007 Feb 07
odd mock behavior
I''m seeing some odd behavior around the should_receive() when given a block combined with some cardinality. For example, with the following... my_mock.should_receive(:foo).twice do |i| puts i end ... the spec passes but i never gets puts''ed. With the following... my_mock.should_receive(:foo) do |i| puts i end ... i gets puts''ed twice but the spec fails because
2007 Feb 12
Specs for Ajax partials with unicode characters
Hi Not sure if this is more Rails or RSpec related... I''ve got an app with an RJS view that updates a div in a page with the contents of a partial. The partial contains a non-ascii character namely a pound sign. I set up a simple test app with this RJS view: page.replace_html("test_div", :partial => "test_action") and this _test_action.rhtml:
2006 Oct 27
and_return broken when using arrays
m = mock("blah") m.should_receive(:foo).and_return([1, 2, 3]) When foo() is called on the mock it returns the first elements of the array, 1. Shouldn''t it return the whole array? Micah Martin 8th Light, Inc. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2006 Oct 24
1 should be 2. huh?
There''s another quirk I wanted to bring up. It''s about the failure message with should_equal and should_be. x.should_equal 2 a.should_not_be nil When they fail they yield messages like: 1 should equal 2 nil should not be nil When I''m caught off guard, which can be often, these messages confuse me. 1 should equal 2? No it shouldn''t. nil should not be
2006 Nov 07
include Helper in context?
Brandon, can you get your Helpers to work in rspec 0.7 ? I''m including them in the context but the render fails to see it. If you have it working, I''ll go back and bang my head against it some more, otherwise I''ll file a bug! Many thanks, Jerry context "account/login (view)" do include StandardHelpers specify ''displays title
2006 Nov 16
helpers not rendered in views? func=detail&aid=6713&group_id=797&atid=3150 I''m not sure if this is true of all helper methods but it is for the following. In this case the forn_remote_tag is rendered as an empty line. Apprently helpers are not rendered in view tests... template _xyz: <div> <% form_remote_tag :update => "some_div", :url
2006 Oct 25
mock parameter problem
Here''s another one. spec: m = mock("blah") m.should_receive(:foo).with(1) code: Failure message: Mock ''blah'' expected ''foo'' once, but received it 0 times ------ Twice now I''ve gotten this failure message and wasted time trying to understand why the method foo() was not being called despite all evidence suggesting
2006 Nov 10
Specifying views
I''m trying to spec my views with 0.7.1 on edge rails per the instructions on the rspec site [1] and David''s blog [2], but I''m not having much luck. Here''s my spec in specs/views/accounts/ new_view_spec.rb: require File.dirname(__FILE__) + ''/../../spec_helper'' context "The new account form" do specify "should have an
2006 Nov 28
view specs with partials
When I first learned about the View specs I was very excited. I still am. However, I haven''t found them useful yet for one reason. They throw the following exception when ever a view renders another view, which is very common. ActionView::TemplateError in ''Event View message'' No rhtml, rxml, rjs or delegate template found for spec/rails/ view_spec/_info
2007 Apr 11
View Specs Fail with "protected method render"
I''ve got rspec and zentest installed as well as the rspec rails plugin, and my model/controller specs all pass and work well. I can''t seem to get views to work though - 100% of the specs fail with: NoMethodError in ''/users/show.rhtml should render attributes in <p>'' protected method `render'' called for
2006 Dec 13
RSpec and simply_helpful
Hi All I''m having some problems running my view specs when using simply_helpful. I have it semi-working via the following: module SimplyHelpfulHelper def self.included(base) base.send :include, SimplyHelpful::RecordIdentificationHelper base.send :include, SimplyHelpful::RecordTagHelper end end context "The index template" do setup do @shift =
2007 May 07
mock frameworks
Just curious - now that rspec (as of 0.9) let''s you choose your mock framework, how many of you are actually using (or planning to use) mocha or flexmock? Anybody planning to use any other mock framework besides rspec, mocha or flexmock? Thanks, David
2006 Oct 07
should_have_tag: What am I doing wrong?
My spec contains: response.should_have_tag "<legend>", :content => "Add new Contact" The output is: Spec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError in ''The ResourceController should do something when I try to edit contacts'' .. <legend>Add new Contact</legend> .. should include [[{:content=>"Add new Contact",
2005 Jan 05
asterisk - oh323 driver
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <meta content="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1" http-equiv="Content-Type"> <title></title> </head> <body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000"> <font size="-1">Hi List<br> <br> </font> <pre
2006 Nov 30
response is null when using should_render_rjs
I''m trying to use rspec to test a controller that has ajax. I have the following action: def change_ad_type_form render :update do |page| page.replace_html ''ad_sub_form'', :partial => ''text'' end end and the following spec: specify "should return Text subform on AJAX request to change_ad_type_form" do
2007 Feb 19
Sizer question
First, Thank you, thank you, thank you for those who put wxRuby together. I''m thrilled to be able to write GUI code in Ruby! I''m hitting some confusion about how Sizers work. I''ve read the tutorials and the section in the wxWidgets book but I still can''t seem to figure this out. Here''s an example of my code: parent =, -1,