similar to: Wine loading batch files

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "Wine loading batch files"

2011 Oct 11
unable to start when WINELOADER is set to path of winconsole
Hi all. I am wanting to run the following command from the shell :: wineconsole explorer /desktop=ajay Since I intend to launch Windows CUI executables after launching explorer, I use wineconsole; and secondly, I set WINELOADER to the path of 'wineconsole' binary. (These steps are in conjunction with the link But the application just hangs, always.
2009 Jul 06
Wine and Crossover
Hey, I am new here but I wanted to know what code differences are there in crossover wine and opensource wine. I know the crossover uses wineloader to load programs and in opensource wine it uses mwine. So there must be some code difference. Any help is appreciated Thnx
2009 Apr 03
Wine hangs vb program after 3/4 seconds
Hello all, I have made the program run using winetricks to install a bunch of packages into my wine drive. So the program is running BUT it hangs (disapears) after 3/4 seconds it is started. I have this debut output (using verbose): Code: [nata at localhost bin]$ ./wine --verbose --cx-app mycommerce.exe CXConfig->read(/home/nata/cxoffice/etc/cxoffice.conf) Product version=7.1.0 Running
2009 Feb 24
Displaying line breaks & paragraphs using 'simple_format' ?
Hi there, I need to: 1. STORE a text of the below format in a (MySQL) database (using a ''textarea''), and then 2. RETRIEVE & DISPLAY it in exactly the same format (meaning: keeping all paragraphs/line breaks). The intended text format looks like this: *** Blah blahblah blah blah blahblah blah blah blahblah blah blah blahblah blah, blah blahblah. <- NEW
2009 Jan 28
Newbie question about "grouping"
Hi folks: I am a SQL guy who just downloaded and installed R yesterday. I am trying to evaluate some "complex" aggregations we are currently performing with Syncsort (and have tried in Oracle) with R. I have loaded data in a dataframe and have performed some of the simple aggregations on a subset of data. What I do not see how to do though, is to "group" the aggregations
2009 Mar 22
wineboot not working as expected
I'm trying to install "Microsoft Digital Image 9", and the very first thing it does is configures a few files then immediately prompts the user it's going to reboot. I press "Ok", and it then does what it just did, and pops up the same message. This can continue forever. So, I decided to try to press "Ok", then immediately enter in "wineboot".
2010 Nov 09
help cannot put multiple chart Stacked Bar (from PerformanceAnalysis library) in a single plot
Hi I'm having problems displaying multiple chart.StackedBar from PerformanceAnalysis library on a single plot. I've tried using par(mfrow=c(2,1)) but that doesn't work. If I do it with barplot(), it works fine and I see both plots on a single plot. > plot(mfrow=c(2,1)) > barplot(blahblah) > barplot(blahblah) However if I try to use chart.StackedBar, the second entry
2003 May 05
IAXTEL toll-free gateway
I have been playing around with asterisk for a week or so now and haven't had too much trouble getting things to work but one thing seems to puzzle me. I have been patient hoping that there was a configuration error on the server or that the toll-free gateway was down but nothing has changed. I have the following configuration context for IAXTEL: [iaxtel] exten =>
2004 Dec 08
Serving a playlist.pls / listen.m3u file
Hi - I've heard that Icecast provides a fake "playlist file" along the lines of http://blahblah:8000/listen.m3u or http://blahblah:8000/playlist.pls because Quicktime can't seem to handle the stream without a playlist file to wrap it up. (There may be other reasons.) However, I can't seem to find any documentation about this, and guessing various URLs on my icecast2.0.1
2011 Mar 23
using R variables in RMySQL query
I have the following function myGetstockdataMySQL <- function(startdate, enddate, ticker) { con <- dbConnect(MySQL(), user="blahblah", password="blahblah", dbname="blahblah", host="localhost") rs <- dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT price.close FROM price INNER JOIN stocks ON stocks.stock_id=price.stock_ID WHERE (price.date_holding BETWEEN
2011 Oct 01
Debugging a "X Error of failed request: BadAlloc"
Hello all, as an almost daily user of Wine I'd finally like to get around to use my favourite CAD application, Catia, on Wine as well. This complex application is close, simple things can be done already. Even a small Finite Elements Analysis got the right results. My OS of choice is Ubuntu 11.04, AMD64. With Wine 1.2 from the package manager one gets far, although menus are very slow. Wine
2023 Mar 07
Feature request: a good way to supply short-lived certificates to openssh
On Tue, Mar 7, 2023, at 3:25 AM, Rory Campbell-Lange wrote: > On 07/03/23, Darren Tucker (dtucker at wrote: >> On Tue, 7 Mar 2023 at 05:26, Andy Lutomirski <luto at> wrote: >> [...] >> > ssh_config contains a Match ... exec [command to refresh the certificate]. >> > This sort of works, except that it runs the command far too
2010 Mar 31
regular expression help to extract specific strings from text
Dear all, Lets say I have the following: > x <- c("Eve: Going to try something new today...", "Adam: Hey @Eve, how are you finding R? #rstats", "Eve: @Adam, It's awesome, so much better at statistics that #Excel ever was! @Cain & @Able disagree though :(", "Adam: @Eve I'm sure they'll sort it out :)", "blahblah") > x [1]
2009 Apr 03
Trying to run a VB software using wine
Hello all, I am trying to run a VB software using Wine but the software responds that it "ActiveX can't create objects". I have tryed many option that I know but no solution. This is the log file (using the command wine --bottle win98 --cx-app <name>): Code: ** Thu Apr 2 21:03:48 2009 Starting '/home/nata/cxoffice/bin/wineloader' 'winewrapper.exe'
2003 Apr 13
users cannot change their passwords in domain
hello, samba. i have running samba 2.2.8a from the ports on the system: FreeBSD 4.7-STABLE FreeBSD 4.7-STABLE #2: Tue Mar 25 20:30:51 YEKT 2003 i386 with config: === cut === [global] workgroup = bingo netbios name = emily server string = bingo samba daemon hosts allow = 192.168.2. 127. hosts deny = 192.168.1. interfaces = xl2 bind
2004 Dec 09
Can asterisk accept cleartext auth (uri user:pass) via SIP
Does anyone know if Asterisk can accept cleartext auth (SIP), as in it recv's a call destined to: The problem I'm having is simply for faxing, normal calls come in as g729 and of course we need ULAW for faxes. sip.conf snippet [sipfarm] insecure=very type=peer context=sip-out username=+18165551212 secret=blah canreinvite=no disallow=all
2003 Aug 05
Re: Windows 2000 don't fetch user.DOMAIN profile
>| I've successfully added a machine to my DOMAIN but >| the users still continue to use his local profile. >| this profile is in folder >| c:\document and Settings\blahblah\username >| but I want he to get those in >| c:\document and Settings\blahblah\username.DOMAIN. >| How is it possible ? > >You mean > c:\Documents and Settings\blahblah-username.DOMAIN
2003 Aug 05
Re: Windows 2000 don't fetch user.DOMAIN profile
running echo %userprofile% from a windows command prompt will tell you exactly where your user profile is located. running set will give you all your environment settings. Jim Wharton Network Administrator Alachua County Property Appraiser > -----Original Message----- > From: >
2004 Sep 10
detecting host machine in
On Tue, May 22, 2001 at 05:15:36PM -0700, Josh Coalson wrote: > I am trying to set up a flexible infrastructure for the assembly > code. Basically what I want is determination of > basic machine type (intel/compatible, alpha, ppc), then within > that (say intel) the code will detect variants like MMX, SSE, > and use the right routines. > > I know how to do the
2009 Oct 16
Origin of "Exceptionally long voice queue length queuing to IAX2/blahblah" messages
Hello, I'm using asterisk for a quite long period, i integrated a lot of stuff to make it behave like any carrier class system, so users can: manage Call forward on busy manage Call forward on no answer manage unconditionnal call forward call back missed calls and a lot of such services that can be both configured by menus and dtmf or by web interfaces (PHP+SQL), in fact i recreated