similar to: Running soft with flexlm MAC based license under wine?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "Running soft with flexlm MAC based license under wine?"

2001 Nov 18
hotline server 1.85 under wine
hello.... I'm new to wine and tested and installed it, because I wanted to run the hotline server from windows under linux... upload, news works great but download from this maschine is not working! strange thing does anybody has the hotline server runing? do you have had similar problems with another network app? this are the errors.... imted from C:\windows\system\wininet.dll, setting
2002 Dec 30
Internet Explorer problem
Hello Internet Explorer does not see the Internet even though the dial in connection has automatically been made. [DllOverrides] "kernel32" = "builtin" "ntdll" = "builtin" "winsock" = "builtin" "wsock32" = "builtin" "ws2_32" = "builtin"
2001 Apr 10
[Newbie] How to get IE5.0 run
I try to get IE 5.0 run under wine. All I understood is that I have to use a native installed IE, which I copied FROM Win98SE under VMWare to my $HOME/c/Program\ Files/ Directory. It didn't work, so I copied the native windows/system directory, too. This didn't work, even when I'm starting with this switches: wine -dll shell,shell32,commctrl,comctl32=n IEXPLORE.EXE I get this error
2003 Mar 20
Hi, I'm trying to run the following program with lastest wine release. The installation runs OK, but when I try to run the program I got a exception. I think the problem is this fixme:file:DeviceIoControl Unimplemented control 256 for VxD device NWLINK How can I solve this? Is there any NWLINK.VXD
2001 Jun 24
troubles installing MS apps
Basics: OS: Linux Distribution: Mandrake 8.0 Wine RPM: wine-20010305-1mdk Wine version: Wine release 20010305 (from wine --version) Windoze: 98 SE (nothing installed but the OS) Problem: Okay, I am trying to install Baldur's Gate II and the install program keep dying with "Setup failed to launch installation engine: (0x80080005)". The following is from wine:
2001 Jul 04
Internet Explorer and winehelp !!!!!
I have to run Internet Explorer 5.5 on wine (not from a windows installation but directly from a Linux ext2fs filesystem. I' tried lots of DLL override configuration but I have not been able to run Ie yet... At the moment, I've copied all ie related file to my directory so I no longer get file open errors. Here is the message I get when I start IE : fixme:shell:shell32_654 0x7118c350
2001 Nov 05
winemulating ICQ 2001b
Anybody has runned ICQ 2001b successfully with Wine? When I try to run it, it crashes on the startup. Maybe the fault is in NTDLL.dll.3 which has not implented fully yet? Or I don't have all dll's? I'm not sure for I'm a newbie with Wine... :( Well anyway here's the output of Wine: ----- Invoking /usr/bin/wine.bin icq ... fixme:win32:DeviceIo_MMDEVLDR
2001 Apr 14
directx problems methinks
im trying to run worms world party with wine cvs 04/13/01 after manually instaling by installing on a windows machine then copying acorss to my machine (it uses installshield which crashes under wine), the game launches it is really really horribly flickery, and quite slow. its a directdraw game, but as far as i can tell its not making any attempt to change to the resolution it wants. im
2008 Jul 10
Re: Problem with FlexLM licensing
I have the same problem. copying the dll to system32 and/or win32xoem don't fix this problem... :(
2008 Jul 16
Re: Problem with FlexLM licensing
Where do you get your Linux FlexLM server? It's not that you are really deciding when you buy a software.
2002 Apr 24
No applications work
Hello I am trying to get wine working for more than half a year. I intend to run the following applications with wine: Word 97 Excel 97 PowerPoint 97 Internet Explorer Outlook Express PC-bib2 My configuration is as follows: SuSE Linux 7.1 Kernel 2.2.18 glibc 4.7.6 & 6 gcc 2.95.2 XFree86 4.0.2 Freetype 1.3.1-164 from Freetype2 2.0.5
2002 Dec 05
WINE Configuration for MDK 9.0!
I run MDK 9.0 which has Win 98 as well installed. I did NOT do any changes to the configuration file. However, I am able to run freecell.exe and notepad.exe applications. However when I try to run iexplore.exe after cd'ing into the mnt/windows/program Files/ directory. The wine just collapeses with bunch of error messages. I am just wondering has any body successfully run ie on MDK 9.0
2007 Sep 28
Problem with FlexLM licensing
I'm trying to run up ModelSim (a commercial simulator for hardware description languages), which is licensed on FlexLM, using the hard disk number. This program isn't listed in the apps database. I have a valid license, and the Flex tools are correctly identifying, under Wine, that there's a licence and that it's valid. They find the appropriate env variable, identify the
2008 May 06
Hi all, Ok, what am I doing wrong here? require ''windows/device_io'' require ''windows/handle'' require ''windows/error'' include Windows::DeviceIO include Windows::Handle include Windows::Error fh =''test.txt'') # Assume you have this handle = get_osfhandle(fh.fileno) if handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE puts
2011 Aug 03
Saving data across install
I installed a Solaris 10 development box on a 500G root mirror and later I received some smaller drives. I learned from this list its better to have the root mirror on the smaller small drives and then create another mirror on the original 500G drives so I copied everything that was on the small drives onto the 500G mirror to free up the smaller drives for a new install. After my install
2001 May 20
Win98 IE5 on WINE 20009090
I just can't seem to get this working... I've moved a number of OS level DLLs and VXDs over from WIN98... HERE'S WHAT I GET: # wine --dll shell,shell32,shlwapi=n EXPLORER.EXE fixme:ddeml:DdeNameService (1,49195,0,1): stub fixme:ddeml:DdeNameService (1,49191,0,1): stub fixme:ddeml:DdeNameService (1,49193,0,1): stub fixme:process:SetProcessShutdownParameters (00000002, 00000000):
2004 Nov 07
Problems with DeviceIoControl()
Hi all, Thanks to Wayne and Park, I''ve got something like this now: static VALUE file_set_compressed(VALUE self, VALUE rbBool){ HANDLE h; BOOL rv; DWORD dwBytesReturned; int fn; USHORT inBuf = COMPRESSION_FORMAT_DEFAULT; if((rbBool != Qtrue) && (rbBool != Qfalse)){ rb_raise(rb_eTypeError,"Argument must be true or false"); }
2017 Feb 15
(DeviceIoControl, FSCTL_SET_SPARSE)
To whomever reads this, This post I accidentally sent to david himself, I am now sending it to the group. It will be out of order, and includes the strace. Regards Brian My apologies for any inconvenience. -------------- Hi David, Thanks for your response. The Error message is for e.g.: Cannot write file attributes of "\\MYHOST\backup\sparse\My Family Tree".
2008 Jul 16
Re: Problem with FlexLM licensing
Thank you very much! that's great!! I made a bookmark, I hope I will be able to digest the instructions someday because the problems with the license manager are the last thing preventing the use of my software in a productive situation (even if not perfect). I guess Suse Linux Entreprise Desktop could match the entry for Suse Linux Enterprise Server.
2010 Mar 25
CreateFile \\\\.\\x: non-root
Hello, I have a usb data aquisition device interfaced by mass storage protocol. I open it like: hEcgDrive=CreateFile("\\\\.\\g:", GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING | FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH | FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, NULL); for communication I use DeviceIoControl(hEcgDrive,