Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "AD : Did you miss the footy on On Digital ???"
2013 Sep 14
Dojo London 2013
Thank you Karanbir and everyone who came to ITV for making CentOS Dojo a
great success.
It was a pleasure to have you all.
Julio Martinez
</PRE><a href="http://www.itv.com"><img src="https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-YJsNOaY5C2A/UPOvkVzskII/AAAAAAAAAKU/3VqcYfUYzOo/s90/ITV-Logo%2520Footer.png"/></a>
2004 Jun 09
Samba client filesize problems
Filesize problems with samba client on Redhat 9 and W2k machine.
The original smbclient did this so I upgraded to the latest, it didn't
help. The server is W2k with an NTFS volume, these are video files - the
windows software breaks the files at the 2G limit, but for some
reason some are reported as 2G others as huge !!
One day I might own 25T of disk, but not today.
Anyone any ideas ?
2012 Dec 10
Long equation in documentation
I have a long equation that I need to break in the R documentation of a package or it trails off the right hand side of the page. Here's the formula:
\deqn{Cov(r_{ist}, r_{iuv})= [.5\rho_{ist}\rho_{iuv}(\rho_{isu}^2 + \rho_{isv}^2 + \rho_{itu}^2 + \rho_{itv}^2) + \rho_{isu}\rho_{itv}+ \rho_{isv}\rho_{itu}-(\rho_{ist}\rho_{isu}\rho_{isv} + \rho_{its}\rho_{itu}\rho_{itv}) +
2013 Sep 04
CentOS Dojo and drinks, London on the 13th Sept, 2013
hi Guys,
On the 13th Sept 2013, we will be hosting a CentOS Dojo in London, UK;
hosted by ITV ( http://www.itv.com/ ) at their Waterloo offices. Details
of the venue are on the wiki page at :
As with the other Dojo's things start off at 9:30am and we have :
* Stefan Cocora talking about the Deploument pipeline at ITV
* Justin Clift talking about
2005 May 31
weird problem
i'm having a rather weird (i think) problem:
i have a freebsd 5.4 box running apache2.0.54. i use samba3.0.14a mount_smbfs to mount a share (my documents) from my windows2003 machine to under the apache www dir. the problem is that i cannot access much of the files on win2k3 from the internet. i'll try to explain:
apache seems to work fine.
samba seems to work fine both
2006 Oct 14
rxfax problem ("Trainability test failed")
Dear folks,
I couldnt receive faxes and get the following debug traces on the console, I
appreciate any help or even hints. Using Spandsp-0.2
app_rxfax.c:76 span_message: FLOW Get at 9600bps, modem 1
app_rxfax.c:76 span_message: FLOW Changed from phase 3 to 5
app_rxfax.c:76 span_message: FLOW Non-ECM carrier up
app_rxfax.c:76 span_message: FLOW Non-ECM carrier down
app_rxfax.c:76 span_message:
2006 Mar 25
Asterisk spanDSP / Faxing problem
Hi There.
I have the following setup :
Asterisk 1.2.4 , freePBX 2.0.1, spandsp-0.0.2pre24
My problem is as follows :
If I set up a very simple extensions.conf. when I dial from a fax
machine, it seems as if no fax is being recognised.
If I answer the call, I can hear the fax machine beeping.
extensions.conf :
2009 May 05
1.6.1 app_fax: WARNING T.30 ECM carrier not found ??
Receiving a fax with 1.6.1:
== Spawn extension (incoming-pstn-line, fax, 1) exited non-zero on
-- Executing [fax at incoming-pstn-line:1] NoOp("DAHDI/4-1", "Fax
Detected") in new stack
-- Executing [fax at incoming-pstn-line:2] Goto("DAHDI/4-1",
"incoming-fax,s,1") in new stack
-- Goto (incoming-fax,s,1)
2008 Oct 15
dynlm and lm: should they give same estimates?
I was wondering why the results from lm and dynlm are not the same for what I think is the same model.
I have just modified example 4.2 from the Pfaff book, please see below for the code and results.
Can anyone tell my what I am doing wrongly?
Many thanks,
e1 <- rnorm(100)
e2 <- rnorm(100)
y1 <- ts(cumsum(e1))
y2 <- ts(0.6*y1 + e2)
lr.reg <- lm(y2
2014 Dec 23
ReceiveFax for multiple page (asterisk 13.0.1)
Hi all,
I have problem for receiving fax from multiple page fax that sent from fax
machine (analog).
The error is : WARNING T.30 Page did not end cleanly
This is my dialplan
exten => s,1,NoOp(**** FAX RECEIVED from ${CALLERID(num)}
${STRFTIME(${EPOCH},,%c)} ****)
exten => s,n,Set(FAXOPT(ecm)=yes)
exten =>
2010 Mar 08
fax & spandsp
hi folks.
i recently upgraded asterisk to 1.2) and i'm having
problems with fax. after receiving fax with the ReceiveFAX app.
everything seems ok. the .tiff file was there, phone line seems
to hang up. then asterisk will crash. any ideas?
also i looked in the log file. this is what before it crashed:
[Mar 8 12:12:12] WARNING[30115] app_fax.c: WARNING T.30 ECM carrier not found
2005 Aug 16
A question about MIX package
Hello all,
When I used commands "ecm.mix and dabipf.mix" to do a simulation (sample size is small 100), I got an error : Steps of ECM, missing value where True/False needed.
I've checked the menu, and the option "prior" of ecm.mix said that if structural zeros appear in the table, hyperparameters for those cells should be set to NA. However, it didn't say how to do
2011 Sep 13
estimating Fstats in strucchange
I am new to R. It would be kind if I could get some help on this.
I am using R to estimate Fstats but I am getting following error. a3 is
annual GDP data from 1951 to 2010.
> fs<- Fstats(ecm.model, from=1954, to = 1975,data=a3)
Error in Fstats(ecm.model, from = 1954, to = 1975, data = a3) :
inadmissable change points: 'from' is larger than 'to'
In addition: Warning
2013 May 28
The weak exogeneity test in R for the Error Correction Model?
Hello all,
I would like to carry out a single-equation approach of the Error Correction Model such as
Delta_y(t) = a + b*y(t-1) + c*x1(t-1) + d*x2(t-1) + e*delta_x1(t) + f*delta_x2(t) + epsilon(t)
Where, a, b, c, d, e, f are coefficients to be estimated, y is the dependent variable, and x1, x2 are independent variables.
For the single equation approach of ECM, there is a requirement of the
2002 Dec 26
(no subject)
The IP addresses are assigned via DHCP - a Linksys router.
David I. Sommers, Ph.D.
Scientific Review Administrator
Interventions Review Committee (ITV)
National Institute of Mental Health
6001 Executive Boulevard
Room 6144, MSC 9608
Bethesda, MD 20892
Rockville, MD 20852 (for express or courier service)
301-443-7861 - voice
301-443-4720 - fax
dsommers@mail.nih.gov - email
2012 Apr 16
Groups on AD and LDAP samba configuration
I have a problem regarding Samba on AIX, AD and LDAP integration.
The setup is this:
AIX 5.3
Samba 3.6.4, compliled with the following:
./configure AR="ar -X64" NM="nm -X64" CC="/usr/vacpp/bin/xlc -q64"
CXX="/usr/vacpp/bin/xlC -q64" CFLAGS="-O -q64" CXXFLAGS="-O -q64"
LDFLAGS="-bdynamic -brtl -b64
2011 Apr 15
1.8.4-rc2: ReceiveFAX fails
On a test fax:
-- Executing [s at incoming-fax:1] Set("DAHDI/4-1",
"FAXFILE=/var/spool/asterisk/fax/20110415_1825") in new stack
-- Executing [s at incoming-fax:2] Answer("DAHDI/4-1", "") in new stack
-- Executing [s at incoming-fax:3] ReceiveFAX("DAHDI/4-1",
"/var/spool/asterisk/fax/20110415_1825.tif") in new stack
2011 Apr 22
WARNING T.30 ECM carrier not found
We have two asterisk back to back connected over PRI T1 and i am testing FAX over T1 line. Its working fine and i am getting fax file as well but i got "WARNING T.30 ECM carrier not found" is it safe to ignore this WARNING ?
;Fax testing
exten => 8000,1,Set(FAXFILE=/var/spool/asterisk/fax/${CALLERID(num).tif)
exten =>
2003 Sep 25
Time Series DGPs
I was wondering if anyone had some sample time series dgp code. I am
particularly interested in examples of autoregressive processes and
error correction model DGPs. I have attached a more specific example
of what I mean. I have tried myself but would hoping someone had some
more elegant code that would help me extend my own code.
Luke Keele
UNC-Chapel Hill
Nuffield College, Oxford
2008 Dec 16
Cointegration and ECM in Package {urca}
Dear R Core Team,
I am using package {urca} to do cointegration and estimate ECM model,
but I have the following two problems:
(1) I use ca.jo() to do cointegration first and can get the
cointegration rank, alpha and beta. The next step is to test some
restrictions on beta with blrtest(),bh5lrtest(), and bh6lrtest(). But
none of them can add restrictions on all the cointegration