similar to: RSpec/Selenium start_browser_once patch?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "RSpec/Selenium start_browser_once patch?"

2006 Nov 07
Should Selenium support be doing rollbacks?
Now that 0.7.0 is forcing me to write properly compartmented specs, I thought I''d give the "dead easy Selenium support" a try. Is it supposed to all the things that rspec normally does for me, or is it just for using rspec-like grammar to surround Selenium tests? Specifically, should it roll back the database between specifications? I just did a quick test, and the result
2006 Feb 13
Selenium. Replacement for traditional rails functional test?
Hi list I''ve got a bit of a philosophical question. After just having discovered Selenium /Selenium IDE and the rails selenium plugin I''ve realized that it''s a whole lot easier to do functinoal testing than writing the traditional rails functional tests. However it implies that the development database consists of standardized test data (e.g the test & dev
2006 Oct 17
Should fixtures be transactional?
I started using the new Model.should_have(1).records expectation in rspec_on_rails, and quickly realized that my fixtures were remaining loaded, even in contexts that didn''t use them. Bug or feature? Jay Levitt
2007 Aug 27
Foreign key constraints, fixtures, and rake task
I''ve got a spec that loads a fixture in the "before" block. This works fine running scripts/spec, but when I run rake spec instead, I get: ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid in ''User in fixture :quentin with an IM service but no IM name should be invalid'' Mysql::Error: Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails
2007 Aug 13
Backtrace tweaker - broken or me?
Using 1.0.8, I just realized that I''ve been scrolling through pages of backtraces when rspec is supposed to clean them up for me. This is a new development machine, so I''m not sure if older versions worked or not. I''m running Ruby 1.8.6, Rails edge, Mac OS X 10.4.10. I''ve verified that the QuietBacktraceTweaker is the one that''s running.
2008 Aug 20
I want RSpec for CSS layout.
I don''t even know how it''d be possible (through Selenium?), but I want it. I want to see if my stupid CSS hacks break. I want to say: describe "#nav-column" do body = something("#body-column") it "should line up at the top" do dom[:top].should_be == body.dom[:top] end it "should always be to the right" do
2012 Jan 17
does jruby rspec have to use selenium?
With jruby and rspec requests, do you have to use selenium webdriver? I''m confused, with ruby and rubyonrails using cucumber with capybara, I didn''t have to set the default driver, what was it using and can i use that with jruby? Things just worked w/o me even having to know about it :) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2007 Aug 16
undefined method `mock_model'' for [RSpec example]:#<Class:0x25550a8>
I am getting: undefined method `mock_model'' for [RSpec example]:#<Class:0x25550a8> with my view specs after upgrading to 1.0.8. Is anyone else seeing this? To isolate the message I did the following setup: - create new rails project (with edge) - installed rspec and rspec_on_rails - ran rake spec - ran script/generate rspec_scaffold products - tried to run a builtin view
2008 May 08
Rspec Stories / Selenium Nightmare
I have been using Rspec stories with Webrat feeling very productive and happy. Then I needed to do something with Selenium (Webrat could have done what I needed but it does not yet have the functionality). Selenium-core as part of a rails plugin looked nice but did not seem to fit with rspec stories. So I went the Selenium-rc route. Since Selenium uses a separate instance of rails
2007 Sep 16
I lost the RSpec fight
I''ve been working on a Rails project with one other developer; he was using Test::Unit, and I was using RSpec. That works OK for a while, but obviously it starts causing pain when you have to check in two places to see if a piece of code is properly tested/spec''d, you can''t use TextMate shortcuts to switch back and forth between code and test, you have to duplicate
2008 Mar 20
stories with selenium and the db
Hi all Tonight I wanted to test out selenium in a story to test some ajax stuff on a page. After struggling for an hour or two with disappearing database objects I found the solution in a blog post by Kerry Buckley. with the comment included it reads: # Don''t add an ActiveRecordSafetyListener, or it''ll roll stuff back class Spec::Story::Runner::ScenarioRunner def
2008 Oct 24
Mulitbrowser selenium ruby
Hope all is well, Striaght to the point I wonder if someone has any ideas to help me with the following problem: I have written an automation framework in ruby, that uses selenium and rspec and is run by an ant task, as thats the build process that is implemented here. Im currently running all my spec tests in firefox on my local machine by passing the selenium variable: @selenium =
2006 Nov 07
should_redirect_to in advance - feels unnatural
I can understand that it''s easier for rspec to set up a mock in advance of the controller call. But it makes it difficult to do something like: context "The HarkController, given Louie the logged-in user" do setup do post :login, :username => ''louie'', :password => ''atest'' end specify "should redirect Louie to the home
2009 Apr 29
Cucumber/Webrat/Selenium + SSL?
Has anybody had any luck getting Cucumber, Webrat and Selenium to play nicely together for SSL sites? My test environment: - nginx front-end accepting SSL requests, proxying them to mongrel back-end - mongrel back-end accepting normal HTTP requests - application routes configured with ":protocol => ''https''" so that URLs generated with "_url"
2008 Jul 17
Selenium docs or tutorial?
Does anyone have links to any complete Selenium docs or tutorial? I have Selenium 1.0.9 installed (OS X, Leopard), the proxy server appears to launch ok, and got the test to reach: @browser ="localhost", 4444, "*firefox", "", 15000) this method has no documentation as far as I can tell (or
2006 Nov 06
Integration testing: coupling of get and post on forms
This is such a vague request it''s not even worthy of a ticket, but: When rspec does support integration testing, it''d be really nice to be able to do things like this plugin does for standard Rails tests: In a nutshell, it finally closes the loop between "the empty form sent by a
2007 May 29
Selenium, Spec:Ui and ... forks?
I am using Spec:UI to run my Selenium tests, and I want to start Selenium only once, for many descriptions. I''ve come quite far solving it by declaring a main ui spec like the following: require ''pathname'' require File.dirname(__FILE__) + ''/selenium'' $base_url="http://localhost:3000" $browser =
2006 Feb 16
How to use Selenium from Rails
I caught two different approaches to integrate Selenium to Rails: It seems that the first makes it easy to right the tests, and the second makes it easy to run them. Am I correct? Any chance of the two hooking up and cross polinating? -- Posted via
2006 Feb 09
Alternative take on Selenium in Rails
Hey there, There''s been a bit of work going on with Selenium and Rails recently, so I thought I may as well share what I came up with. Check out my blog post at, grab the plugin and give it a whirl (be sure to read the README!). Basically, my approach was to make it possible to write Selenium tests in the same way that
2008 Jun 09
Selenium/Watir usage along side Webrat in story testing
This is related to Selenium/Watir usage along side webrat in story testing. MHS_Testing and Rspec-ui provide some great help for testing through frameworks like Selenium/Watir. But there is something missing, Webrat has changed the landscape somewhat with Acceptance Tests/Story Driven development. Now I have a choice: 1. Tests and rails process run as one test process (Webrat) 2. Use