Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Advice with Model tests"
2007 Aug 27
Testing arbitrary SQL
I would like to know how would you test a method in a model that uses
complex a SQL query that joins several tables in order to make a
I suppose that I need fixtures, although my approach with rspec is to
avoid fixtures and isolate model specs, but none of both seems
possible in this case. Is there another way than fixtures?
2007 Aug 31
Deprecating the mocking framework?
I saw in one of Dave C.''s comments to a ticket that "our current plan
is to deprecate the mocking framework." I hadn''t heard anything about
that, but then again I haven''t paid super close attention to the list.
Are we planning on dumping the mock framework in favor of using Mocha
(or any other framework one might want to plug in?).
2007 Aug 24
testing behaviour or testing code?
hypothetical question for all you BDD experts:
I want to make sure that a :list action always returns widgets in
alphabetical order. There''s at least 2 ways of doing this:
it "should fetch items in alphabetical order" do
Widget.should_receive(:find).with(:order => "name ASC")
get :list
it "should fetch items in alphabetical order" do
2007 May 12
[OT] - In Memory Databases
My specs are still taking to long to run in a rails app. Is anyone
using an in-memory database to run their specs? Any pointers or tips?
2007 Sep 04
Model Specs: Fixtures vs Mocks + Stubs?
What is the general opinion about fixtures versus mocking and stubbing
in model specs? I heard from agile on IRC that they save the database
testing for integration testing, but I also see that the caboose
sample applicaiton uses fixtures. I also noticed that on the rspec
site, it says "Ironically (for the traditional TDD''er) these are the
only specs that we feel should actually
2008 Mar 18
"Why not MockEverthing" or why use fixtures for all tests?
Hello fellow RSpec users.
Before you all start warming up your flame throwers please let me
explain my Subject line.
I''ve been working over 4 months on a large Rails project with a few
other developers. Test coverage was spotty at best, though they
*were* RSpec tests. One of the other developers and I had started
adding more tests, mostly controller tests using the methodology
2007 Sep 26
How do I best setup data for Story Runner?
Just started looking at the Story Runner integration, and am
converting a few Rails integration tests to get a feel for it.
My integration tests relied on fixtures, and since my models have a
significant amount of validation (and hence need valid data unless I
save without validation), this has made setup easy.
With stories however, I''m wondering what the recommended approach is.
2007 Dec 06
Mocks? Really?
OK, so i''ve played a bit with mocks and mock_models in controller and
view tests and i have a question. Is this statement really correct:
"We highly recommend that you exploit the mock framework here rather
than providing real model objects in order to keep the view specs
isolated from changes to your models."
2007 Nov 10
Problem with view spec - works inside the browser but spec fails with nil object
I''ve been trying to find an answer for this problem in the last couple
hours, but I think no discussion was about this exact same thing. So here it
goes, hope someone can help.
I''m trying to spec a view which works correctly on the browser, but that
generates the following error when I run "rake spec:views".
ActionView::TemplateError in ''/survey/show
2007 Jan 05
How To Spec Controllers with Finders
Given this code (which renders rjs), I''m faced with the fixture-
driven way of spec-ing or mocking. How the heck to you mock this so
the code at line (2) and (4) work right? I''m still struggling with
mocks but it seems like this can be done. Forgive the naivety of this
1. def change_quantity
2. @line_item = LineItem.find_by_id(params[:id])
3. unless
2007 Dec 11
Attachment-fu + Story Runner
Hi all,
I''m trying to run a Story Runner integration test that uploads a file
through Attachment-fu.
I''ve tried various ways of specifying the file data, from custom mocks:
class MockFile < Struct.new
(:original_filename, :read, :content_type); end
fdata = MockFile.new "test_upload.txt", "Test Upload", "text/plain"
2007 Aug 28
How do you keep mocks updated without pain?
I know you must be answering a lot of basic questions, sorry about that :-)
However I have not get it, how do you keep mocks updated without pain?
I reached to the point where mocking things for view. I spec
model-controller-view using "correct doc" way mocking-stubbing (plus I
should run integration test to be sure that everything really works
Now, when I want to
2007 Jul 18
Rails - Mock going out of scope?
Hello list,
I think I have a rails related RSpec problem with a mock going out of
scope on a recursive call to a model.
The code is at: http://pastie.textmate.org/79821 if you want to see it
highlighted. I have pasted it below as well.
Basically, I have an acts_as_nested_set model called "Node", which
works fine. I have a function which finds the language name of the
node instance.
2007 May 30
authentication mocks
I''m using restful_authentication
and have controller specs working using users fixtures (and login_as)
however i''ve been trying for hours without success to do it without
fixtures, using mocks and stubs instead.
anyone here done this? got code?
2007 Nov 14
Interdependency between RSpec files
I run my suite of tests, one test fails.
I run that one test file, no tests fail.
Something is carrying over between files and I can''t figure out what.
I tracked down the problem to the very line it''s occurring on, with
printouts before and after every call to make sure I know exactly what
is being reached.
In this spec I have 0 fixtures/mocks/stubs. The objects in this
2008 May 22
Specifying certain tables NOT to be cleared each example?
Is it possible to specify that certain tables not be cleared on each
I''ve inherited a project where a good amount of enumerated data is
stored in the database (US States, statuses, about 15-20 tables worth.
Over all, it''s a reasonable decision that leads to solid production
code (acts_as_enumerated is good). This data is read-only and
relatively static; any
2007 Jun 07
checking associated objects have been deleted
I have the following model:
class Book < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :taggings, :dependent => :delete_all
has_many :tags, :through => :taggings
is it possible to check that associated taggings are being destroyed
using mocks? I don''t want to test that rails is deleting the
associations, I want to test that I have specified the association as
a dependent one.
the only
2007 Aug 10
This may have turned up in the RSS feeds of many of you already, but
for those who haven''t seen it yet, looks intersting:
> The main problem with fixtures, for me, has always been how unfun
> they are. They literally suck the fun out of anything they?re
> around. You throw them in your test/ directory, then suddenly
> testing
2007 May 21
Rails'' fixtures suck! But what about something like this?
Sorry about the very long email, but this is a hairy topic that''s been
annoying me for some time and I decided to try to do something about.
Also, if you got this twice, I apologize too, but it didn''t seem to
have successfully gone out the first time.
I''ve been dealing with Rails for about a year and a half now. I''ve
been using
2012 Oct 18
Issues upgrading RSpec
My specs work fine with this in my Gemfile.lock:
grep rspec Gemfile.lock
rspec (2.11.0)
rspec-core (~> 2.11.0)
rspec-expectations (~> 2.11.0)
rspec-mocks (~> 2.11.0)
rspec-core (2.11.0)
rspec-expectations (2.11.1)
rspec-mocks (2.11.1)
rspec-rails (2.11.0)
rspec (~> 2.11.0)
rspec-rails (~> 2.11)
After "bundle update