similar to: How to format a USB drive?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "How to format a USB drive?"

2007 May 24
Reformatting a USB drive
I have a USB drive that has been formatted as NTFS. Can I reformat it? I have identified these properties about it /dev/sda1 /media/Extrnl_Bkup Not sure what to do next since the GUI will not mount a NTFS disk (expected). Todd -- Ariste Software 2200 D Street Ext Petaluma, CA 94952 (707) 773-4523
2007 Jan 31
The equivalent of Ghosting the system
If I were to lose my main hard drive, I would like to have the opportunity to do the same as I can do using Windows: restore from my USB and have a working system. If I were to rsync everything on the main drive (excluding the backup drive, of course and a few other directories) to my USB drive, could I restore using some CD based version of Linux e.g. Knoppix? Todd -- Ariste Software 2200
2015 Nov 30
Idiot-proof method to format a flash drive
Whenever I format a flash drive I'm always terrified that I'm going to fat-finger something in the terminal and accidentally blow away a partition on one of my hard drives. *shudder* Is gparted the best gui to handle this task? Or is there something better? I'd really prefer something more limited that just allows me to select whatever it sees as a removable drive and disallows any
2014 Mar 24
installing extlinux on a fresh system. Why does it fail ?
Hi All, I am trying to install extlinux on a fresh system. Here are my steps : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A) Create an ext2 partition. I did the following steps : 1) boot from CD 2) Activate GParted 3) Create Partition table on the "fresh disk" (/dev/sda). 4) Create 1 ext2 partition (and mark its flag as "boot"). B)mkdir /mnt/Ext2_partition C) mount /dev/sda1
2011 Oct 05
Formatting an external USB drive
I have an external USB drive that was formatted with NTFS and I want to use it to backup some files from my Centos 5.5 system. When I check my documentation, I am not certain of the best way to do the formatting. Suggestions welcomed.... Todd -- Ariste Software Petaluma, CA 94952
2009 Jun 14
Trouble (?) reformatting flash drive to include former U3 partition
Semi-OT? I just got a new SanDisk 8GB flash drive, and, as usual, it came with the U3 software (for Windoze) on a "CD" partition and considerably less than 8GB on the disk partition. I put it into my WinXP portable and told U3 to delete itself, but I still can't get at the old U3 part of the drive. I've tried WinXP's format command, disk management and CentOS's fdisk,
2011 Apr 26
Setting up a GUI remote access
Currently I have VNC running on my Windows desktop with Samba providing access to my Linux server. Since Linux is more reliable than Windows, I would like to be able to access my Linux (Centos 5.5) via my Windows notebook - hopefully via VNC or some similar application and then access the Windows desktop (if it is not locked up :-) ) with Samba. What is the best VNC like application to
2010 Jun 25
Hardware RAID 10 server - reformat NTFS partition to ext3 and resize for Centos 5.5
Here's the situation. I have a dual boot machine - originally had Red Hat and Windows 2000 Pro. The NTFS partition never did seem to 'get along' with the Adaptec 2400A caching RAID controller. Linux always seemed to like the I2O drivers. I went from RH Enterprise to now running Centos 5.5. Works great! I really don't want the 200 gigs worth of NTFS. Can't I just run
2011 May 07
How to add a HD to a LVM
I have connected a HD that was a prior system drive (Centos 4.8) and I am not sure of the command line procedures to find out if it is recognized (I believe it is since it present in the GUI), delete all data on it and finally add it to the LVM. I would like to use it as a backup data drive. Todd -- Ariste Software Petaluma, CA 94952
2010 Mar 10
Help with Ruby on Rails setup using Centos 4
Before asking questions about Ruby on Rails setup on CentOS 4, I want to make sure that this forum is the proper place for those questions. Are there any members who can help? Many thanks... Todd -- Ariste Software Petaluma, CA 94952
2006 Sep 25
Missing dependencies
I tried to update my Centos with yum update as I have done in the past, but this time I received a list of dependencies. This is a new experience for me and I would appreciate any help/suggestions. Here is one of the lines: Error: Missing Dependency: php = 4.3.9-3.15 is needed by package php-mysql Todd -- Ariste Software 2200 D Street Ext Petaluma, CA 94952 (707) 773-4523
2007 Jan 30
Changing the file type
I have a USB external drive that has not been used with my Linux system. The HD is from a Windows system, so it has a NTFS file system. My manuals speak of the fdisk -t command to change the file type, however that does not appear to be available with Centos. Could someone refer me to the steps I should use to change the file type, change to partition if necessary, create a Linux file
2014 Mar 24
installing extlinux on a fresh system. Why does it fail ?
Thanks I let GParted create the file system. It was done on a rescue disk of Ubuntu 12.04 (GParted 0.11.0) I think that the problem is in my command line. Mau On Mon, Mar 24, 2014 at 4:04 PM, Mattias Schlenker <ms at>wrote: > Am 24.03.2014 14:13, schrieb Mau Z: > > Hi All, >> >> I am trying to install extlinux on a fresh system. >>
2005 Dec 15
How to select a motherboard
Not being familiar with chip sets and other factors that "hardware experts" understand, I am perplexed with the multitude of available motherboards. Is there a Web site that can be of help or a "strategy"? My goal is to replace my motherboard with one that is Centos compatible and uses a Pentium 4 in the 2 MHz range. As example, when I go to Mwave, I am presented with
2007 Nov 12
More failover issues
In 1.6.0, when creating a MDT, you could specify multiple --mgsnode options and it would failover between them. 1.6.3 only seems to take the last one and --mgsnode= at o2ib: at o2ib doesn''t seem to failover to the other node. Any ideas how to get around this? Robert Robert LeBlanc College of Life Sciences Computer Support Brigham Young University leblanc at
2007 Oct 01
Permissions question
My www directory is owned by "apache" and the group is "todd" and the permissions are 775. My Windows computers use Samba and they log into Linux with "todd". Under the www directory there are various directories which may have a group belonging to a user e.g. "viewpoint". Using this example, there is a directory under www (acutally called httpd),
2007 Jan 12
Problem with rpmbuild
I want to be able to recompile php, so I downloaded the src dvd and did a rpm -i php-4.3.9-3.15.src.rpm After doing that I wanted to check to see if I can recompile it before making changes. So, I went to the SPECS dir and did a rpmbuild -i php.spec It spent a lot of time doing the compile, but at the end there were errors. What am I missing? Todd -- Ariste Software 2200 D Street Ext
2012 Oct 05
PHP version dilemma
I am running Centos 5.8; at least uname -rmi gives me centos-release-5-8.el5.centos A CMS package is telling me that I need PHP 5.2x, however yum update says that I am fully up to date. Is there a "safe" way to upgrade PHP to 5.2x? Todd -- Ariste Software Bend, OR 97702
2011 Apr 11
Best configuration for /var/www/html/
For a long period of time, my Apache root directory has been /home/httpd. For security reasons, this is not so good as SELinux has informed me. Now all of the files have been copied to /var/www/etc with owner and group "root". The privileges are 754 (rwxr-xr--), however apache does not have access to them. Should the owner be apache? Group? Todd -- Ariste Software Petaluma,
2007 Jan 21
Limiting files when using rsync
I use the following command to sync the home directory on the two computers, however I would like not to send the "dot" files e.g. ".ssh". Can that be done, and if so, how would I construct the command line? /usr/bin/rsync -av -e ssh /home/ Many thanks.... Todd -- Ariste Software 2200 D Street Ext Petaluma, CA 94952 (707) 773-4523