similar to: Just a question about the Announce List

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7000 matches similar to: "Just a question about the Announce List"

2011 Jul 06
When CentOS 6 arrives ...
What is the best way to install CentOS 6? Is there an upgrade facility from CentOS-5.6? If so, how does this compare with a clean installation? -- Timothy Murphy e-mail: gayleard /at/ tel: +353-86-2336090, +353-1-2842366 s-mail: School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland
2011 Sep 06
"Continious Repo" vs. 'normal' Centos-Base/Updates questions
I have some questions about the "Continious Repo". Does the "Continious Repo" replace the Centos-Base/Updates repo? Is the "Continious Repo" in a standard place on the CentOS mirrors? Ie. can I just add another line to my rsync script to get this repo? It is not possible for me to just update directly off the net (I have a slow and unreliable network connection)
2013 Mar 21
CentOS 6.4 x86_64 VM Install freezes
I am trying to install a CentOS 6.4 x86_64 VM using a CentOS 5.9 x86_64 host, but its install has froze *twice*. What I am doing is to create a 10gig LVM volume, which I put a MS-DOS partition table on (using fdisk). I then format the only partition to ext3, install grub and install the pxeboot kernel and initrd.img and a simple grub.conf to load this. I have the CentOS 6.4 x86_64 ISOs mounted
2013 Nov 06
Running MacOSX as VM under CentOS 5.10?
Is it even remotely possible to run MacOSX (or Darwin) as VM under CentOS 5.10 / xen? Or am I better off not even trying and just getting a MacMini or MacBook to just jack into my LAN? I just need a 'build box' and possibly something to do light testing (eg does the program run? Does the GUI come up?). I don't really have the *physical* room for an iMac, unless the screen is tiny.
2011 Feb 03
filter unwanted email
I am new to CentOS. How do I set a rule to so that any email coming from @ (and other abused locations), going to an application RT (setup on the system), will get rejected or dropped silently. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <>
2011 Feb 10
Strange Kernel for Centos 5.5
One of my VPS stopped working. After the data centre replaced a disk normal service resumed, then I notices this: CentOS release 5.5 (Final) Kernel on an x86_64 I always thought Centos 5.x would always be on 2.6.18. Any thoughts?
2013 Feb 04
Questions about software RAID, LVM.
I am planning to increase the disk space on my desktop system. It is running CentOS 5.9 w/XEN. I have two 160Gig 2.5" laptop (2.5") SATA drives in two slots of a 4-slot hot swap bay configured like this: Disk /dev/sda: 160.0 GB, 160041885696 bytes 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 19457 cylinders Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes Device Boot Start End
2013 Mar 20
Ctrl-Alt-F? bindings broken under xen 3.0.3-142.el5_9.1 / 2.6.18-348.1.1.el5xen?
I am not sure what I did, but for some reason Ctrl-Alt-F? bindings are broken on 64-bit xen desktop machine (but not on my laptop (32-bit, no xen)). Both machines are (mostly) up-to-date and running CentOS 5.9. I rarely hop to different Virtual Consoles (eg Ctrl-Alt-F1 ... Ctrl-Alt-F7), but today I wanted to go to the main console to watch some kernel verbage (I was checking something with
2008 Sep 17
Connecting to dovecot
Hi All, I've got a brand new dovecot installation. I'm new to dovecot, so please be gentle :-) Anyway, I'm getting some errors when I try to connect to dovecot. I've tried searching the web and haven't been able to find a lot of information. Here's the config info: # dovecot --version 1.1.2 # dovecot -n sudo dovecot -n # 1.1.2: /usr/local/etc/dovecot.conf base_dir:
2006 Apr 07
Network and default route
I have had this problem on and off since RedHat 6, and I always worked through it, but I thought I would ask. When you have multiple network interfaces, how does the system determine the default route? Or is it the first, (or last) interface that comes up? On the problem systems I have to add a "route add default..." statement in some systems in the rc.local to get them to work right.
2011 Apr 10
Merging Install DVDs on a PXE server
Hi all, Probably a simple question, but, I'd like to merge both install DVDs into one directory on my PXE server. Obviously I will need to copy all of the files, but do I need to cast a magical incantation to recreate .discinfo, .treeinfo, etc? Thanks! -- Digimer E-Mail: digimer at AN!Whitepapers: Node Assassin:
2010 Oct 15
grep pattern x, but not pattern y on the same line
Hi folks I have the command "find . | xargs grep 'mailx'", to search all files with "mailx" in contents. I wish to add a second condition that NOT contains string sven.aluoor at on the same line. Every file which contains "mailx", but not the string sven.aluoor at in the same line. cheers Sven
2010 Oct 16
Another wireless problem
Hi folks I have my Linksys WUSB54GC USB wifi card already working. Now I have another issue. Accidentally I tuned off my AP, and when switched it on again my wireless link is still down. I have to unplug the USB card and plug it again to get it working again. I'm new in wireless matter but this doesn't sounds logical to me. What if I loose the link for whatever reason? Should I have to
2010 Oct 22
ssh with shared home dir
hey listers! silly quesion: if I generate an RSA key on an NFS shared home directory, then cat >> it into the .ssh/authorized_keys file in the same location, shouldn't I then be able to ssh into each host that shares the NFS home directory without entering a passphrase (assuming the key doesn't have one)? and assuming the permissions on the authorized_keys file belong to the user
2010 Nov 07
httpd RPM newer than 2.0.63 avail for CentOS 4.x?
I'm maintaining an internet-facing web server which is now running httpd 2.0.63 (httpd-2.0.63-2.el4s1.centos.2) which is now neary 2.5 years old(!?!). I need to move to either 2.0.64 or 2.2.12 or later. However, I've been unable to find available RPMs for such releases for CentOS 4.x. I have to believe that others have these needs also. In light of this, how do others keep up with
2010 Nov 09
lvm and /dev/cdrom: open failed: No medium found
Hi, every lvm command gives one line with: /dev/cdrom: open failed: No medium found I looked at and changed filter in /etc/lvm/lvm.conf to filter = [ "r|/dev/cdrom|", "a/.*/" ] then deleted cache /etc/lvm/cache/.cache This seems to help, but after a while the message reappears. Is there a way to get rid of it, because
2010 Nov 17
something chmod'ing /dev/null
it looks like one of the recent updates will sometimes chmod /dev/null to 600. out of 20 machines i've updated, 3 of them had the odd /dev/null perms afterwards. i haven't tried to identify what it doing it yet, but wanted to give a heads up to others that might start seeing weird behavior.
2010 Dec 03
networking printer
Hi all I would like to ask linux can do the networking printer as window Share it to office environment If yes, any brand name and concern Any documentation also Thank you so much
2010 Dec 17
centos 5.5 x86_64 mixing with i386 rpms
Good day, What will happen if on x86_64 some i386 rpms get installed, please. Thanks Johan
2011 Jan 09
latest kernel - version question
Hi List, just doing my weekly yum update and noticed that the kernel is designated .i686 but the headers package is .i386?? surely the headers should match the kernel geometry that it was compiled for? confused. TIA Rob -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: rkampen.vcf Type: text/x-vcard Size: 329 bytes Desc: not available URL: