similar to: replace x86 with x64 system and reuse existing LVM

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "replace x86 with x64 system and reuse existing LVM"

2014 Aug 07
kickstart - dont wipe data
Hi, I am struggling with kickstart. What I want to achieve is a reinstall, but some data partitions should survive the install, i.e. they should not be formatted. With a single disk this works, here is the relevant part from the kickstart file (I shortened the name of the volume group) ... zerombr clearpart --none --initlabel part /boot --fstype="xfs" --label=boot --onpart=vda1 part
2017 Oct 01
LVM not activating on reboot
On 30/09/2017 17:49, Gordon Messmer wrote: > On 09/30/2017 08:30 AM, Duncan Brown wrote: >> However on a reboot, boot fails if I add that entry to fstab: >> 'Timed out waiting for device dev-mapper-vg03\x2dstorage.device' >> >> I then have to activate it again with vgchange. I'm guessing I'm >> going to need a grub option, or do something with
2018 Jul 14
ssm vs. lvm: moving physical drives and volume group to another system
When I change /etc/fstab from /dev/mapper/lvol001 to /dev/lvm_pool/lvol001, kernel 3.10.0-514 will boot. Kernel 3.10.0-862 hangs and will not boot. On Sat, Jul 14, 2018 at 1:20 PM Mike <1100100 at> wrote: > > Maybe not a good assumption afterall -- > > I can no longer boot using kernel 3.10.0-514 or 3.10.0-862. > > boot.log shows: > > Dependency failed for
2008 Apr 28
Kickstart syntax for CentOS upgrade
I'd like to automate the upgrade from CentOS 4.6 to 5.1 as much as possible. Since upgrades per se are not really recommended, I'm planning to do a kickstart installation. However, I want to leave one of the existing partitions (/scratch) untouched during the installation. Here is my current layout (LogVol00 is swap so not shown in the df output below): # df -hl
2017 Feb 15
Kickstart - part ignore onpart ??
I'm ill, i'm german ... the script is looks ok, copy from a slim installation of anaconda. Insert only the "pre part" and part /boot --onpart=/dev/sda1 part / --onpart=/dev/sda2 part swap --onpart=/dev/sda3 As i wrote: Jump over to another console and the partitions are there. Sincerely Andy Am Mittwoch, den 15.02.2017, 11:16 -0800 schrieb John R
2018 Jul 14
ssm vs. lvm: moving physical drives and volume group to another system
I did the following test: ############################################### 1. Computer with Centos 7.5 installed on hard drive /dev/sda. Added two hard drives to the computer: /dev/sdb and /dev/sdc. Created a new logical volume in RAID-1 using RedHat System Storage Manager: ssm create --fstype xfs -r 1 /dev/sdb /dev/sdc /mnt/data Everything works. /dev/lvm_pool/lvol001 is mounted to
2015 Apr 01
can't mount an LVM volume inCentos 5.10
I have a degraded raid array (originally raid-10, now only two drives) that contains an LVM volume. I can see in the appended text that the Xen domains are there but I don't see how to mount them. No doubt this is just ignorance on my part but I wonder if anyone would care to direct me? I want to be able to retrieve dom-0 and one of the dom-Us to do data recovery, the others are of
2011 Apr 08
Kickstart and lvm
I've written some %pre code to grab a few files off a logical volume, if it exits, before the disk gets formatted, but can't get get it to work correctly. Essentially: %pre ... lvm vgscan lvm vgchange -a y ... if [ -d /dev/vol0 ]; then # do stuff fi lvm vgremove -f vol0 The problem is that /dev/vol0 does not exist after lvm vgchange. I added a few debug statements (lvm pvdisplay, lvm
2007 Jun 13
Hello, I have a physical volume with no volume group. # /sbin/pvscan -n WARNING: only considering physical volumes in no volume group PV /dev/sdg2 lvm2 [148.95 GB] Total: 1 [148.95 GB] / in use: 0 [0 ] / in no VG: 1 [148.95 GB] Can I just create a volume group -- for example: # vgcreate my_volume_group /dev/sdg2 and then activate it: # vgchange -a y my_volume_group I
2011 Jan 08
LiveCD System recovery - Mounting LVM?
Hi, I am trying to recover data from my old system which had LVM. The disk had two partitions - /dev/sda1 (boot, Linux) and /dev/sda2 (Linux LVM). I had taken a backup of both partitions using dd. Now I am booting of CentOS live cd for system restore. I recreated partitions like previous system using fdisk and then used dd to dump all the data onto it. I would like to mount sda2 as LVM, but I
2007 Oct 13
Problem creating volgroups with kickstart installations (on xen)
I'm testing doing kickstart installations on Xen VMs. This is the first time I'm trying out kickstart at all, so I rather think I'm doing something wrong in the kickstart configuration than it is a Xen issue. I use a modified kickstart file from an earlier manual installation with a very basic filesystem setup. It fails with "SystemError: vgcreate failed for VolGroup00".
2005 Oct 16
Update 4.2 broke LVM
I upgrade using YUM my CentOS 4 system the other night. I was noticing that X wasn't coming up because of a gdk_thread issue (actually, the window manager wasn't starting. I cold get X to start from the command line). Surprised that it took 587MB of downloads, since I was current as of September 29th. When rebooting, I was forced to the login prompt, because my LVM group with
2009 Nov 09
Move domU lvm based to another dom0
Hi guys, I need to move an lvm based domU from one dom0 to another dom0. How do you guys do ths? xm save/restore doesnt have the option to specify lvm target as the storage. Thanks Chris _______________________________________________ Xen-users mailing list
2012 Oct 15
ext3 partition on LVM lost all data
Hello Gentlemen, I would like to ask a question about an issue I have with the Centos 6.3 installation. I have installed a Centos 6.3 on a server we used before with 5.4 on Friday. I have created a KS file to let me connect to the server via VNC and have all repos and packages preconfigured. I only needed to partition the hard drive using VNC. During the partition process I selected which
2008 Sep 17
Mounting a LVM partition from a linux live cd
I'm running CentOS 5.2, it uses LVM to manage the disks and we had a programmer do something (not sure what) then reboot the system. When it came up it kernel panicked. Luckily it's not production, it was their sandbox. But they didn't backup any of their files. I know the disks are fine because I was able to boot from a linux live cd and mount the /boot partition from the sda
2006 Mar 08
AW: Problem booting domU
Hello, Can you check following entrys: Old: disk = [''phy:vm_volumes/root.dhcp1,sda1,w'', ''phy:vm_volumes/var.dhcp1,sda2,w'', ''phy:vm_volumes/swap.dhcp1,sda3,w''] New: disk = [''phy:/vm_volumes/root.dhcp1,sda1,w'', ''phy:/vm_volumes/var.dhcp1,sda2,w'',
2009 Nov 09
Partition alignment
I'll be setting up a vSphere 4 environment hosting CentOS 5.4 on Netapp FAS and was curious how you guys are handling the automation of partition alignment within your linux guests. I'd like to use cobbler for dynamically creating kickstart scripts and wasn't sure if I could align my disk during install some how. Are there kickstart arguments to force the alignment on a 4k boundary?
2012 Apr 12
CentOS 6.2 anaconda bug?
I have a kickstart file with the following partitioning directives: part /boot --fstype ext3 --onpart=sda1 part pv.100000 --onpart=sda2 --noformat volgroup vol0 pv.100000 --noformat logvol / --vgname=vol0 --name=lvol1 --useexisting --fstype=ext4 logvol /tmp --vgname=vol0 --name=lvol2 --useexisting --fstype=ext4 logvol swap --vgname=vol0 --name=lvol3 --useexisting logvol /data --vgname=vol0
2017 Oct 05
LVM not activating on reboot
On 01/10/17 11:25, Duncan Brown wrote: > > No joy after adding the kernel option, exactly the same issue > > It might require a vgexport then vgimport to fix. vgimport man page: DESCRIPTION ?????? vgimport allows you to make a Volume Group that was previously exported ?????? using? vgexport(8)? known to the system again, perhaps after moving its ?????? Physical Volumes from a
2008 Mar 03
LVM and kickstarts ?
Hey, Can anyone tell me why option 1 works and option 2 fails ? I know I need swap and such, however in trouble shooting this issue I trimmed down my config. It fails on trying to format my logical volume, because the mount point does not exist (/dev/volgroup/logvol) It seems that with option 2, the partitions are created and LVM is setup correctly. However the volgroup / logvolume was not