similar to: rake spec:views

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 50000 matches similar to: "rake spec:views"

2011 Apr 23
rake spec fails where rake spec:(models|controllers|views) pass
I''m still trying to work into Ruby 1.9.2 and am now experiencing something that makes no sense to me. Using rspec 1.3.2 and rspec-rails 1.3.4 with rails 2.3.11 on ruby 1.9.2-p180, when I $ rake spec:models they all pass. When I $ rake spec:controllers they all pass. When I $ rake spec:views they all pass. But when I $ rake spec I get <path to
2008 Jul 09
Can I get RSpec NOT to abort rake on failing specs?
At work we''ve got a rather complex app with both specs and tests. Our default rake task runs all our our tests and specs. We''ve also got separate rake tasks to run groups of tests and specs in the various subdirectories. The default task simply lists all the individual tasks as pre-reqs. We do a lot of branching and merging, so we really want to run all of the tests and specs
2007 Apr 09
RCov results seem to include the spec files
I saw the RCov page at and decided to add it to my project. My rakefile looks like this: require "rake" require "spec/rake/spectask" desc "Run all specs with RCov""spec:rcov") do |t| t.spec_files = FileList["spec/**/*_spec.rb"] t.rcov = true end When I run rake spec:rcov,
2007 May 24
Specs for code stored in rails_app/lib/
Where should the specs go for code in the "lib" directory of a Rails app? I made a folder, "spec/lib/", for storing such specs, and RSpec automatically picks them up when run using "rake spec". Before I go ahead and patch rspec_on_rails/lib/autotest/ rails_rspec.rb so that autotest can monitor these specs I''d like to ask whether this is the
2010 Nov 06
Custom File List for Rails 3 Spec Task
I have some javascript specs (using the jspec javascript framework) in my rails 3 project, living in the spec/javascript directory. How can I exclude the ruby files in the jspec project from being run when I run "rake spec"? RSpec::Core::RakeTask used to take a file list (which was usually generated with a glob pattern and an explicit call to Dir.glob). Now it only takes a glob
2007 Sep 03
Reason for _spec.rb convention
Hi Easy one - I just wondered why all spec files for rspec_on_rails end "_spec.rb" instead of just ".rb"? They are all inside the spec folder so surely the fact they are specs is implicit? Ashley
2007 Apr 13
ZenTest autotest now handles RSpec, yay!
Josh Knowles just let me know that ZenTest Autotest 3.50 now handles your RSpec specs. That''s a great news. Josh also shared with me a quick hack to make autotest work with only the RSpec plugin installed. Add the following into your ~/.autotest file
2007 Mar 15
rake spec:views no transaction error
Hello, I have recently upgraded to the 0.8.2 release of rSpec, and I am receiving the following message with each view spec execution: WARNING: there is no transaction in progress I have upgraded the rspec_on_rails plugin as well, and both the model and controller tests are working flawlessly. Is there some simple step I missed? thanks for the input. -Chris -------------- next part
2007 Apr 11
View Specs Fail with "protected method render"
I''ve got rspec and zentest installed as well as the rspec rails plugin, and my model/controller specs all pass and work well. I can''t seem to get views to work though - 100% of the specs fail with: NoMethodError in ''/users/show.rhtml should render attributes in <p>'' protected method `render'' called for
2006 Oct 04
spec task prints usage
A small feature request. When running the spec rake task, if any of the folders ''spec/models'', ''spec/controller'', or ''spec/views'' doesn''t exist or if they don''t contain any specs, the spec usage is printed. In my case I didn''t have a views directory. I was able to get rid of the usage output by creating the
2007 Jan 12
spec_ui problems
While looking into spec_ui, I decided to run the examples. The watir example works a little, but always chokes on the ''better than fudge'' spec (failure output below). Also, is there any command to pause the "browser"? If my connection slows, the test gets out of whack. The selenium example fails right away (output below). I do have the 0.9.0 selenium-rc
2008 Jun 04
Why has the --color gone from my life?
Hi all, Running on OSX 10.5.3, Latest Rspec trunk, Rspec rails trunk, latest autotest gem and rails 2.1 I''ve lost my colour output in autotest. rake spec gives colour output, but autotest gives me black and white. It was working a little bit before, I think I upgraded to the latest versions of everything to get all the textmate snippets talking and being friendly to one another again
2007 Jan 21
Collection proxies need to be stubbed ?
Hi all ! I just started writing specs on a new project. I would just like to validate that this is the way you would write it. I know about mocks, stubs and expectations. I don''t think this is a problem for me. My question really boils down to: def index @projects = end My spec needs to return the proxy, no ? Here''s my code: context "A
2007 Aug 16
undefined method `mock_model'' for [RSpec example]:#<Class:0x25550a8>
I am getting: undefined method `mock_model'' for [RSpec example]:#<Class:0x25550a8> with my view specs after upgrading to 1.0.8. Is anyone else seeing this? To isolate the message I did the following setup: - create new rails project (with edge) - installed rspec and rspec_on_rails - ran rake spec - ran script/generate rspec_scaffold products - tried to run a builtin view
2007 Jul 29
View-Driven-Development by Behavior-Driven-Development and RSpec
One of the things that turned me on to BDD and RSpec was speccing views first, that the desired end would drive the development. In previous projects while using Test::Unit I would try to make educated guesses as to what would be needed in the model and controllers to derive the view without actually writing the view until afterwards. This is all because testing relied on each previous
2007 Sep 04
Rake tasks getting in the way of edge (uses gem instead)
So I''d been running gem releases of rspec for the past several months, and I installed edge rspec so that I can use Story Runner. I''m running into a problem because I''ve got a couple rake tasks that reference "spec/rake/raketask". If I try to run "rake spec" then it pulls in the gem version instead of the plugin version. rake blows up saying that
2007 Jul 31
helper spec not finding rails core helpers
Hi, My helper specs were going ok until I added a call to a rails DateHelper method in one of my helpers DateHelper.html#M000574 The helper runs fine from my view templates, just dies in the spec test. I boiled my question down to a simple (not too useful) example. I''m not sure what I''m missing. #
2007 Jan 12
Integration Testing - Wait, Watir, or Selenium
I''m evaluating what to use for integration testing: SafariWatir - integrates nicely with RSpec - doesn''t work with Ajax because of Safari event firing issues Selenium - Works with Ajax - doesn''t integrate with RSpec What is the best guess timeframe for RSpec integration testing? Will it be able to test Ajax application in the early iterations? Thanks, Brian Yamabe
2007 Aug 27
Foreign key constraints, fixtures, and rake task
I''ve got a spec that loads a fixture in the "before" block. This works fine running scripts/spec, but when I run rake spec instead, I get: ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid in ''User in fixture :quentin with an IM service but no IM name should be invalid'' Mysql::Error: Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails
2007 May 10
shared descriptions -- a couple of issues
Hello All, I''ve just upgraded to rspec/rspec_on_rails 0.9.3 and am very excited about shared descriptions. They couldn''t have come at a better time: I just finished refactoring some REST controllers so that the bulk of the actions are inherited from a superclass. Now I can write the specs once, too. :) I''ve hit a couple of snags, though. I thought I''d