similar to: update of rpm directory

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "update of rpm directory"

2011 Mar 18
modprobe :: not finding existing .ko
Hi! I try to load an module that it is found in curent /lib/modules/`uname -r` tree ... root at sevcenco: ~ # ls -l /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/crypto/padlock-* -rwxr--r-- 1 root root 14296 Mar 16 19:37 /lib/modules/2.6.38-0.el5.elrepo/kernel/drivers/crypto/padlock-aes.ko -rwxr--r-- 1 root root 10808 Mar 16 19:37 /lib/modules/2.6.38-0.el5.elrepo/kernel/drivers/crypto/padlock-sha.ko
2010 Nov 12
hwclock problem
Hi. I run peridocally (from cron) on all of my machines 30 * * * * root /sbin/hwclock --systohc All of those machines in question take their time via NTP from the same local server, and that server gets its time from a ntp pool. Now I had to reboot a couple of them two days ago and to my surprise all had problems with the time upon booting. Here are the important files: [root at XXXXXX ~]
2009 May 13
I just read the, and it was easy to follow and worked like a charm, I wasn't aware of the anaconda stuff... And a suggestion: could the fact that the netboot iso is just 9 megs big be emphasise... and maybee link to as a tips to save bandwith net installs? /Mats
2009 Apr 04
New HowTo on Local Mirrors
Created a new HowTo on running your own local mirror: Comments and (constructive :-) criticism are invited. Phil
2013 Sep 25
Looking for input SELinux/Other & post-commit hooks.
Hi All, I'm looking for input as to how I may restrict some post commit hooks by way of SELinux or some other mechanism. Here's a description of the problem that I need to solve. I have a source code server that support SVN and soon git. The server has no actual users on it and we use CAS with Apache basic authentication to authenticate and authorize users access to the repository.
2008 Aug 31
CentOS 4.7 status
Hi, i was wondering what is the status of 4.7 Thank you, Best regards, Adrian -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: smime.p7s Type: application/x-pkcs7-signature Size: 3092 bytes Desc: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature URL: <>
2015 Jul 01
nfs problems lately ?
On 07/01/2015 11:51 AM, Tru Huynh wrote: > On Wed, Jul 01, 2015 at 11:36:36AM +0300, Adrian Sevcenco wrote: >> Hi! Did anyone encountered problems with nfs after the latest updates? >> I started to have problems like nfsvers=3 no longer working in fstab >> or messages like : >> RPC: Program not registered > at work, our diskless warewulf setup is still working fine
2013 Dec 15
duplicate packages on connection reset
Hi! I have a small problem with some packages : i was doing an update over ssh and my connection was interrupted .. now i have a lots of duplicates and if i try to remove them, yum tries to uninstall all system (447 packages 1.4 gb)!! Any idea how can i clean this mess? would be pretty bad if the machine needs to be re-installed only because the connection went bad during the process... Thanks
2015 Jul 21
how to determine what's installed from a repository?
How about $ sudo yum list installed | grep <reponame> It won?t work in CentOS 5 but it should work in 6 or 7 Val?re Binet [C] IT Security Administrator Kelly Government Solutions On-Site at the NIH NIH / NIA / IRP Tel : 410 558 8013 mailto: binetv at On 7/21/15, 5:09 PM, "Robert Wolfe" <Robert.Wolfe at> wrote: >Try: > >sudo yum
2010 Jan 16
raid1 creation :: not large enough to join array
Hi! I have 2 identical hdd (1002FBYS) with the same firmware, etc .. really identical! when i try to add the second hdd to this raid1 array i have the message that /dev/sdb is not large enough to join array!! on the first hdd i have 100 mb unpartitioned at the end of disk (as i understood that mdadm put there some info...) Anyone, any idea what can be wrong? i already done this procees several
2010 Aug 05
access to file system through web browser
Hi. I am trying to find "something" (php prefered) that I can stick onto a Centos apache server that would allow me to browse a selected file system by employees through a web-browser "explorer like" interface. I know I can do this through WinSCP (and have done so), but my problem is I have Linux, Windows and MAC clients and my knowledge of MAC's is rather limited. I
2013 Jan 29
upgrade from 3.5 -> 3.6, now I have "no backend defined for idmap"
Hi. I am getting loads of errors "no backend defined for idmap config MYDOMAIN" after I upgraded from 3.5 -> 3.6 a couple of days ago. I read and did what man smb.conf suggested: idmap config MYDOMAIN : backend = tdb idmap config MYDOMAIN : range = 500-1999999 yet I still receive those errors. I used
2017 Apr 26
saslauth logging
Hi Not sure whether this is the correct list to ask ... if it's not please direct me to the correct one. Is it possible on to log a bit more detail when auth failure occurs when using saslauthd? saslauthd[2119]: do_auth : auth failure: [user=DELETED] [service=smtp] [realm=DELETED] [mech=pam] [reason=PAM auth error] What I want is the IP address and if possible the incorrect password
2010 Oct 13
Limit access to dovecot by domains?
Hi. Is there any way to limit access to dovecot by domains. I only need to give access to a well known set of domains, all from Australia and all networks are known and used either from people at home or mobile access (phones, laptops etc). iptables is not possible as e.g. OPTUS does not give away all of the networks mobile phones are connected to. I know some, but not all. It would be much
2010 Jun 25
Yum archive for PHP greater than 5.2.1 for CentOS 5.4?
Whether I like it or not I need to get a version of PHP that is greater than 5.2.1 as the latest SugarCRM version require this and as I am a module developer I need to have one of the later versions of PHP on my machines. Does anyone know of a reliable and good archive for PHP that provides higher versions than the ones supplied by the upstream provider? Thanks Jobst -- 'Two things
2017 Oct 05
Weird bandwith behaviour (download throughput) on CentOS based gateway
On Thu, Oct 05, 2017 at 02:57:18PM +1300, Clint Dilks (clintd at wrote: > On Thu, Oct 5, 2017 at 2:41 PM, Jobst Schmalenbach <jobst at> > wrote: > [snip] > Hi, > > Are you sure that your issue isn't related to the mirror that your > systems are selecting ? If they are using different mirrors I would try > using the
2015 Nov 07
After reboot of web-server accessing website shows "Forbidden", restarting httpd all is fine
Hi. I am stuck with this one and I do not know where and how to search for this problem nor do I know how to fix it. When I reboot one of our servers (CentOS 6.7, selinux target, yum fully updated) the http server loads fine (no erros) but when accessing one of the server's websites it displays "Forbidden", restarting the httpd server (command line) will give full access and all is
2011 Feb 23
sendmail, port 465/587, auth and imap
Hi. Apologies to the list for sending this twice as I forgot to enter a proper subject line, I wanted to write the content first and then make up the subject line ;-) -------------------------------------------------------------------- I am trying to configure sendmail that is looks up the users credentials to allow them to send email via that server via an imap server on the same machine
2019 Jan 15
CentOS 6.X, iptables 1.47 and GeoLite2 Country Database
On Mon, Jan 14, 2019 at 07:29:45AM +0000, Phil Perry (pperry at wrote: > On 14/01/2019 07:09, Jobst Schmalenbach wrote: > > Hi > I use ipdeny's aggregated country lists to do the same thing: > > > > I just feed this data directly into ipset/iptables via a script running on > my firewall (not a C6 box).
2016 Feb 17
centos7 :: ks.cfg :: customisation of sshd
Hi! I want to change the sshd port at install for centos7 but i am not sure if i am on the good track (and it is time expensive to make many try-outs).. So, i would be grateful if someone with experience can spot if i have problems with my planning.. (the actual purpose is that after installation i have access for my ansible provisioning) first make sure ssh is started services