similar to: non-root access to log files

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "non-root access to log files"

2009 Jul 29
etc passwd and groups file
Hi, I need to maintain a same user/group list on multiples systems. Can we just copy the same passwd and groups file on all machines? If we create a new user on one system then I will need to copy this to all other systems. This is quite cumbersome. Any suggestions? - CS.
2009 Jul 20
kickstart install using url location
Hi, I am working on a kickstart install method and it works fine with cdrom as installation media. I would like change this media to an online resource. I saw option as - 'url --url http://<server>/<dir>'. I am not sure what should be the directory contents? Should we put all ISOs in that directory or what? Any insights? Thanks, CS.
2009 Sep 10
patching from different directory
Howdy, I have a diff file in my /var/tmp and would like to apply patch to a file in a different directory (other than /va/tmp). I tried using patch with -d switch, but that doesn't work. It complains abt 'patch: **** Can't open patch file tilda.diff : No such file or directory'. Do I need to copy my diff file to the directory where original file resides? Or is there any other way
2009 Dec 29
LDAP and samba
Hi, I am not sure how to configure LDAP authentication with samba. I have a windows box, which is part of Active Directory domain and does user authentication against it. I would like to use same user credentials and map them to a appropriate network drive (linux home dirs). In short, Linux user's home dir should be available on Windows box also. I looked at the smb.conf man page, but I
2010 Jan 25
autofs with nfs plus local directories
Hi, I have a autofs configured to mount home dir from NFS. All user accounts lookup is done using LDAP. All is working fine with this setup. Now I need to create a local user account and have its home dir also on local system. So I added a new user account and changed auto.home as follows: test1 -rw,hard,intr /home/test1 * -rw,hard,intr nfs1:/export/users/& But this
2009 Oct 13
timekeeping on VMware guests
Howdy, I am having time-drift issues on my CentOS VM. I had referred to following documentation: , however it didn't help. I used kickstart for creating this VM and I am listing important steps in ref to timekeeping issue. Any comments or suggestion would be appreciated. - CS. ------------------- # For EL5 virtual machines, Append the
2007 Nov 19
asterisk as non-root/best practices
Hi, I have set up asterisk to run as non root, and allow admin users to log in to the server as asterisk, which gives them privileges to edit configs in the asterisk home directory. As for connecting to the console with 'asterisk -r' - this by default does not work as asterisk is owned stored in /usr/sbin/asterisk I am reading that the best way to solve this is to use 'visudo' -
2009 Jun 17
applying kernel patch
I have a CentOS 5.2 box with 2.6.18-92 kernel. I would like to upgrade the kernel, but not to the latest available version. How can I pull out a specific patch and apply it? Any help? Thanks, CS. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <>
2010 Feb 08
auto mounting group shares
I am using autofs to mount user's home and group directories. The setup works fine for home directories which are mounted after user logs in. The group shares are also mounted, but user has to manually do cd or ls command on group shares, e.g.: ls /groups/chemistry will mount chemistry group share. Is there any way to mount group shares automatically? I noticed that after successful login
2009 Jun 15
hostname changes
Howdy, How do I change the hostname? In particular, what is the difference between /etc/hosts and /etc/sysconfig/network files? Where should I make the changes? Thanks, CS. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <>
2015 Jun 13
Non-Existent Log File
My /var/log/maillog was getting pretty big because of lots of testing and re-configuring I've been doing lately with both Dovecot and Postfix. I figured just remove /var/log/maillog and it would be re-created. It wasn't--not by Dovecot, not by Postfix. I had to manually create a new one, put one character in it, save it, properly secure it with chmod, and then Dovecot (and postfix)
2010 Oct 27
"non-numeric argument to binary operator" error while reading ncdf file
Hi everyone, I am a newbie in R and in this discussion list. I am trying to use R package "ncdf" to read values of temperature from a NCDF file. I did it before to another file using the function "get.var.ncdf", but now there is an error that I can not solve, and I would really appreciate if you could help me. I am using R version 2.11.1 (2010-05-31) in a machine with Linux
2018 Feb 02
Allowing non-root users to reboot a workstation
I would like to be able to allow regular users that don't have admin privileges to be able to reboot their workstation. (they're software developers so rebooting their workstation doesn't affect anybody else) I tried changing the ownership of /sbin/reboot and /sbin/shutdown to root:users and permissions to 550, but that didn't work - it's still asking for root privileges.
2015 Feb 02
A good way to debug a c++ library embedded to R code
Dear all, I am using R CMD SHLIB to compile a c++ code into a library (.so) and dyn.load to load this library into a R code. I am facing some problems in the c++ code that I can not figure out how to solve. Do you recomend any good way to debug this R + C++ program? If I was programming only in C++ I would use GDB. I would much appreciate any help or suggestion! Best regards, Charles -- Um
2009 Mar 13
running yum from userid
I added via visudo my userid for authorization of me ALL(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL and I still cannot run yum as me. Is this just not possible?
2011 Feb 24
ls returns file doesn't exist, find finds it??
Howdy, I am getting some errors with find and ls command - such that find is able to see a file whereas ls says the file doesn't exist. Initially I was trying find and ls together as: # find ./ -type f -mtime +15 | xargs ls Similar behavior is seen even when I execute both commands separately. Any thoughts on what might be wrong here? -- thanks, neubyr
2010 Jan 22
mail program question
Hi ls postfi same as sendmail / exim ? any mail program better to configure/manage Thank you so much Send instant messages to your online friends
2011 Mar 14
NFS still serving old directory after rename
Howdy, I have renamed a directory on NFS ver 3 server and then created a new directory again with the same name. # mv dir dir-hosed # mkdir dir The directory is auto-mounted on client side. I had unmounted directories on client side before making above changes. Now when I try to mount back 'dir', I still see old files and not new empty dir. Am I missing something here in the NFS config?
2007 Oct 18
verify before deploy
so I have this sudo module that I''ve been working on: class auth::sudo { package { sudo: ensure => installed } file { sudo_config: name => "/tmp/sudoers", owner => "root", group => "root", mode => 0440, notify => Exec["sudoers-syntax"], source => [
2013 Jul 17
sudo add user script
Hello list, I took another stab at finding a way to add a sudo user remotely and it gets you most of the way there. If you execute the script as root it works beautifully and does just what you want. Which is add the user to the group and gives that user group rights to certain commands. But if you execute it as a user who only has sudo access to the /etc/sudoers file it errors out. cloud:~]