similar to: Mongrels 1.0.1 falling asleep w/ Rails 1.2

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1100 matches similar to: "Mongrels 1.0.1 falling asleep w/ Rails 1.2"

2007 Mar 06
[PIMP] Topfunky''s httperf PeepCode screencast (Zed A. Shaw)
Hi, Thanks Zed - this is very interesting. One item in particular caught my eye: Does anyone on this list have any comments or validation that Rails 1.2.1 is 2-4 times as slow as Rails 1.1.6? Topfunky provided a link that purports what looks like really horrible performance and memory characteristics for Rails 1.2.1, even v. 1.1.6:
2007 Mar 10
Mongrel Hangs After Idle Period
I had posted a thread couple of weeks ago whereby mongrel just mysteriously stops interacting with my application after an idle period...usually less than 8 hours. I had hoped this would go away after a few upgrades but to know avail. Interestingly, the process does not still accepts HTTP requests but does not
2010 Jun 14
Multipart forms by default?
Forms without explicit enctype are submitted as application/x-www-form- urlencoded. This is the default behaviour in Rails. However, this enctype does not allow transmission of binary data (files). Would it not make sense to specify the enctype multipart/form-data by default instead? i.e. all the form_for helpers would add this enctype to the form tag, unless overriden by the developer. This
2006 Sep 25
Ruby LSAPI 1.9 + LSWS 2.2.2
Hi, If you have been using or evaluating LiteSpeed web server + Ruby LSAPI setup for Rails application, please make sure your are using the latest release, Ruby LSAPI 1.9 and LSWS 2.2.2. We have been fixing a few bugs that causes DB connection errors, incompatibilities with WEBrick/Mongrel and ruby process management issues, currently, all bug reported has been addressed in timely manner and
2007 Feb 21
Critical Issue - Site down...
We have a site that is running Mongrel and is down. Below is the Mongrel log file information. The server is a Linux server with 2gb of RAM. EV1 (hosting site) says that since this is a Linux server that the RAM is cached and that there is plenty of free memory available. Can anyone make sense of this error and have some suggestion of options that I may take to correct this issue and get
2007 Mar 07
Memory Leaks with Rails 1.2?
I''ve been getting a bunch of reports about the latest Rails "leaking" memory more than before. Please fill out this survey: 1) Have you noticed an increase in memory usage with the latest Rails 1.2? 2) Have you changed anything else in your application? a) No, really, don''t be a dumbass like the lusers you hate. Go look at your svn logs and really figure out if
2006 Nov 10
[SEC] Latest LiteSpeed ruby-lsapi does not vulnerable to the cgi.rb 99% CPU DoS attack
Hi, First, my thanks to Zed for including LiteSpeed in cgi.rb vulnerability report. Appreciated! I just got time to review ruby-lsapi code and test the vulnerability against LiteSpeed. I found that, in our latest ruby-lsapi release 1.11, lsapi_read() function returns Qnil when the end of request body has been reached. So, in theory, LiteSpeed should not be vulnerable to this attack. Our test
2006 Jul 24
which webserver to use in production?
Apologies in advance if this ignites a war of comflicting opinions.... I''m a few days away from going live with my first RoR application. It is completely database centric and each user will have his own queries so cacheing will not really help. I have a dedicated linux server being built by my hosting provider and I need to tell them which webserver to use. The databse is MySQL
2005 Mar 22
status.xsl (fwd)
Hi, Sorry, made a typo when trying to approve this. Apologies to the sender. Geoff. ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Tue, 22 Mar 2005 15:20:06 +0000 From: Ben Edwards - Trinity <> To: icecast list <> Subject: status.xsl I have seen some reference to changing status.xsl to only include active mount points. I'me not an xsl hacker.
2007 Mar 21
store_class_name for Comatose:Page model
Hi, I have three models: Comatose::Page, Article and Product. In all of them, store_class_name is set to true. Now, when i do: results = Comatose::Page.multi_search("*", [Article,Product], options) I get: wrong constant name Comatose::Page #{RAILS_ROOT}/vendor/plugins/acts_as_ferret/lib/class_methods.rb:438:in `const_get''
2006 Aug 03
routeset mapper problem
hello, I installed a rails app on dreamhost, which I''m building based on the Comatose plugin, and it went smoothly for the first version. Now I uploaded a second version where I broke down the Comatose code into a regular rails app, which works alright locally, but can''t get routing to work the same as before on the server. I believe I double-checked all gotchas mentioned
2006 May 09
ZFS seems to fall asleep
Hi, I have Solaris Express snv_27 installed on an x86 pc with 4 SATA drives. I have 1 zpool called data with 16 ZFS filesystems. From times to times, it looks like ZFS falls asleep, i.e. when I do a df -k, it takes about a second to list each ZFS filesystem. If I re-issue the command straight away or a couple of minutes later, it takes a second to list all the filesystems. I checked in the
2007 Sep 02
linux networking "falls asleep"
I have an issue on my gentoo xen server. If i create linux domU''s, regardless of whether they are HVM or PV, my networking on the domU eventually "falls asleep". If i log into the domU using the VFB or xm console, then utilize the network in some manner (i.e. ping) the network jumps right up and is working. This happens on fedora, ubuntu, and ipcop (2.4 kernel)
2009 Apr 30
network falls asleep on guest
Hi all, I have a Debian Lenny domU running on an Etch dom0 (xm info output below). It seems that the domU network falls asleep after some time. After some activity, either trying to do something like a ping or dig from within the domU or enough client attempts to connect to a samba share, it comes back up. That wouldn''t be terrible, except that the delays in reconnecting to the samba
2024 Apr 19
UPS ups@localhost: administratively OFF or asleep
NUT 2.8.2 I received two broadcasts: UPS ups at localhost: administratively OFF or asleep What does this mean? Dan -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <>
2004 May 14
Psssst. The US is asleep - let's talk intern ationalization !!!
And let's also spell things properly! Like 'internationalisation' ...'Weasels have got into your phone system' instead of 'gotten into your phone system...' And 'please press the hash key..' instead of 'pound key' There should probably be en_uk, en_us, en_ca, en_za, en_nz, en_oz, en_ie and en_in etc to allow each English-speaking country to localise
2004 May 14
Psssst. The US is asleep - let's talk internationalization !!! After spending a lot of time saying numbers and dates, the Asterisk I18N project now targets voicemail. The voicemail prompts are very much based on english language syntax, which works for some languages and doesn't work for a lot of languages. Fran Boon, aka Flavour, have done an excellent job in merging patches and building a
2004 May 14
Perhaps France isn't asleep also or a least part of it.
I'm in the process of dropping my France Telecom (Wanadoo) connection 512/128 @ 29.99? per month to go to Free offering 1024/128 with fixed IP for the same price and when degrouped 2048. But it doesn't stop there. They don't supply a modem they supply the FreeBox which gives free as in gratuit calls to mainland France and 0.03?/min to group 1 countries. >From their tarif list they
2007 Dec 27
Lost connection..
Short update: It seems that the workers go into some state in which they do not have a correct Rails environment (or db connection). When they enter this state it goes wrong all the time :( Joost Hietbrink (YelloYello) wrote: > Hi all, > > We''re experiencing some problems with Backgroundrb. > > Why is "# master_reactor_instance.result_hash = {}" commented in
2006 Aug 04
Ruby LSAPI extension release 1.4
Hi, I am glad to announce that Ruby LSAPI extension 1.4 is released, in this release we mainly addressed two issues, one is that a worker process does not remain persistent if a request has been canceled in the middle, this is addressed in 1.4. Another one is that process manager may create a lot more worker processes than the value configured when there were too many canceled requests, which