similar to: spec command and windows

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "spec command and windows"

2006 Aug 03
instantrails and oneclick
Today I return to Ruby after 12 months. I find I have several installations, including Ruby 1.9!? Decided to rationlise things a bit before starting to learn Ruby again from scratch. Rails is hot stuff and I find I also had an old version of InstantRails (this is an XP machine... calm down now, it''s all I''ve got (well not quite, but I''ll come to that later)).
2003 Mar 18
rsync over nfs
> Hello, > I have rsync process which is a crontab job: > 0 0-23 * * * /bin/rsync -rvg /net/server1/local/filesys1/userhomedir/project_dir /local/filesys1/userhomedir/project_dir > which sync the user project dir on localsystem from another machine called server1 via nfs, but the weird thing its coping all files every time it syncs am I using the wrong flags? is it possible to copy
2007 Sep 03
Reason for _spec.rb convention
Hi Easy one - I just wondered why all spec files for rspec_on_rails end "_spec.rb" instead of just ".rb"? They are all inside the spec folder so surely the fact they are specs is implicit? Ashley
2004 Nov 06
Calling CreateFile on an instance of File - possible?
Hi all, I''m going over win32-file this weekend. I''m creating instance methods for setting (or unsetting) the various file attributes. So, you can do something like: f ="foo.txt") f.archive = true f.hidden = true f.close This works for the basic attributes, but it requires extra work for others. Specifically, I am having trouble trying to set the
2006 Dec 14
Tweak to win32-eventlog
All, I got a bug report from Greg Holmes where the description wasn''t being returned properly. At the moment, if there''s no event associated with the event id, then the description is empty. However, it turns out that there can still be associated information about the event. So, I propose the following tweak to the get_description private method: # If FormatMessage()
2008 May 11
converting a RSTRING to an OLESTR
Hi, I was going to modify the TaskScheduler#save method to take an optional file name. But, I need to convert a Ruby string to an OLE string. I thought I could use this: But, it only appears to accept literal string constants. Any other suggestions? Thanks, Dan
2012 Apr 13
[LLVMdev] gdb + clang/llvm
Hi all, I currently have a problem setting up gdb with clang/llvm. I configured llvm/clang (trunk) with: ../llvm/configure --prefix=PROJECT_DIR/install_debug --enable-expensive-checks --enable-targets=host --enable-debug-runtime --enable-shared Now, when I invoke gdb with the freshly built clang it basically works. I can look at backtraces, set breakpoints and so on but breakpoints are never
2003 Oct 25
Windows Compile Error
I''ve gotten a lot farther building wxRuby than I did a few months ago. But its getting late here and I''m going to bed. In the meantime, does anyone know why I''m getting this compile error: Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 6.00.8168.0 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1988-1998. All rights reserved. cl -MD -Zi -O2b2xg- -G6
2012 Apr 13
[LLVMdev] gdb + clang/llvm
Hi Roland, Is Foo.cpp a Clang source file? If so, make sure you run the compiler itself with "clang -cc1", not the compiler *driver* with bare "clang". See here ( ) for a similar question. -Matt On 04/13/2012 04:19 PM, Roland Leißa wrote: > Hi all, > > I currently have a problem setting up gdb
2012 Apr 13
[LLVMdev] gdb + clang/llvm
On Apr 13, 2012, at 2:19 PM, Roland Leißa <leissa at> wrote: > Hi all, > > I currently have a problem setting up gdb with clang/llvm. > > I configured llvm/clang (trunk) with: > ../llvm/configure --prefix=PROJECT_DIR/install_debug --enable-expensive-checks --enable-targets=host --enable-debug-runtime --enable-shared > > Now, when I invoke gdb
2005 Dec 02
send_file method on windows and webrick
I am developing in a windows xp environment running WEBrick and MySQL, RoR 0.13.1. I am trying to retrieve the file that I uploaded via Rails using the send_file() method. Instead of returning the file, the file''s contents are being printed out to the WEBrick console, the browser hangs for a while, and then an empty file is returned from the download dialog box (Firefox 1.0.7/IE
2011 Dec 09
[LLVMdev] tutorial on Xcode for LLVM bytecode?
Hello, I recently procured a Mac since it has built-in LLVM debugger. However, I am new to Xcode and so on, I would like to be directed to some step-by-step tutorial on compiling LLVM bytecode in Xcode. I tried selecting LLVM assembly as the source in Xcode when I try compiling some .bc file. However, It says: warning: no rule to process file '$(PROJECT_DIR)/test5/main.asm.llvm' of type
2012 Apr 13
[LLVMdev] gdb + clang/llvm
Hi Eric, I'm using gcc. My make command is make -j9 as mentioned earlier, the -cc1 switch did the trick for me. Thanks for helping out. -- Roland ----- Original Message ----- > From: "Eric Christopher" <echristo at> > To: "Roland Leißa" <leissa at> > Cc: LLVMdev at > Sent: Freitag, 13. April 2012 14:39:53
2005 May 01
win32-dir 0.1.0 compile problems
I tried to download/compile/install win32-dir, but I couldn''t get it to go. Over a private email Daniel Berger had me... "Curious. What platform are you on exactly? Try modifying the extconf.rb file. Add ''have_library("SHFolder")'' above ''have_library("shell32")''. If that doesn''t work, try uncommenting the other
2008 Mar 01
It has begun: Regards, Dan
2008 Jan 26
Check this out: Regards, Dan
2006 Apr 18
Sponsoring the Sponsors of the Summer of Code.
I know that the folks at Ruby Central (David Black, Chad Fowler, Rich Kilmer, et al) had a big impact on Ruby being added to Google''s ''Summer of Code''. They tried last year, but they made it happen this year. Based on that, I''ve made a donation to Ruby Central [1] to support the work that they do (as I did last year). I''d love to see my (almost a)
2004 Nov 07
Problems with DeviceIoControl()
Hi all, Thanks to Wayne and Park, I''ve got something like this now: static VALUE file_set_compressed(VALUE self, VALUE rbBool){ HANDLE h; BOOL rv; DWORD dwBytesReturned; int fn; USHORT inBuf = COMPRESSION_FORMAT_DEFAULT; if((rbBool != Qtrue) && (rbBool != Qfalse)){ rb_raise(rb_eTypeError,"Argument must be true or false"); }
2007 Oct 21
Hi all, I''ve added some critical section methods to the Windows::Synchronize module in the windows-pr library (in CVS). Looking at the RUBY_CRITICAL macro from rubysig.h, it basically looks like this (in pure Ruby): def RUBY_CRITICAL(&block) critical_section = [0].pack(''L'') InitializeCriticalSection(critical_section)
2006 Feb 22
Install Rails
My computer doesn''t have network . So when I installed Rails , I had the following error : C:\ruby\bin>"c:\ruby\bin\ruby.exe" "c:\ruby\bin\gem" install rails --include-dep endencies Attempting local installation of ''rails'' Local gem file not found: rails*.gem Attempting remote installation of ''rails'' ERROR: While executing