similar to: markdown and vim

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "markdown and vim"

2012 Oct 30
horizontal space/indent and HTML/PDF
What is the best method to introduce horizontal space in text in a Pandoc document? Preferably something that would work for both HTML and PDF output? I need this for some poetry that has indented lines, ala the 2nd and 3rd lines: hickory dickory dock the most ran up the clock the clock struck one the mouse ran down c -- Chris Lott <chris at>
2012 Feb 01
Mac markdown editor that saves as .txt
Hi all, I'm a newer user of markdown & MultiMarkdown, and I'm looking for the perfect setup of software for my Mac and my Android phone. I'd like to have my drafts editable from both. What I want is an attractive Mac app for writing (primarily blog posts and emails) that saves its files as .txt . Most of them save as .md or .markdown instead, and since there doesn't seem to
2013 Jul 01
attribute blocks for definition lists
Hello, As I am using markdown to write documentation, I am often tempted to make links to terms in definition lists. Since this is not possible for now (at least in php markdown extra), I was wondering if this could be a common addition in major implementation supporting definition lists. the syntax would be term {#id} : definition This syntax tries to follows current convention and
2004 Aug 06
multiple shout streams
My OS in linux. my local ip address is I'm currently running icecast from my comcast ip address But if I try to connect to the stream via I get 404 Entity Not Found The requested file or stream was not found on this server. Thanks, Aaron <p>On Fri, 2002-09-13 at 17:14, zeek wrote: > > What OS is the system? What is the IPaddr? > >
2004 Aug 06
multiple shout streams
I'm running multiple instances of ices. Also, I found what the problem was with the constant stream. I was getting a default stream because I was using my local ip address to run the server, and when I tried to access the different streams from my outside ip address something got confused. I'm running it from my outside ip address and everything works fine. Does anyone know a what to run
2015 Jul 19
[Dovecot Antispam] Can't seem to load plugin
Hello list, I'm hoping there is a user of the antispam plugin out there who might be able to lend a pointer or two. I am running dovecot 2.2.18 on FreeBSD 10 (doveconf -n attached), where I have installed the binary dovecot2-antispam-plugin package. I have put together what should, in my estimation, be a working configuration for the plugin. I have reviewed the man page and the online
2004 Aug 06
multiple shout streams
Hi, I'm trying to figure out how to have mulitple shout streams running on my icecast server. I'd like to have it setup like plays classical plays pop etc. Thanks, Aaron -- LCV: IPST 4364A (301)405-4865 Office: IPST 4364D (301)405-4843 Fax: (301)314-0827 P. Aaron
2011 Dec 16
here's the thing that tips the scale
ok, i waited for 2 weeks, and still no votes -- none! -- on whether my posts are sufficiently on-topic, or not... and that basically confirms what i suspected all along, which is that no one really cares one way or the other. even the guys who put up the bitchy posts are probably just having a bad day, and they don't have a dog to kick, and the wife made 'em stop smoking herb, so they
2017 Mar 22
R - Markdown
Estimados todos, quizas la pregunta es simple pero no puedo arreglarlo. Cuando trato de exportar mi archivo a PDf usando el R Markdown me arroja este error: pandoc.exe: pdflatex not found. pdflatex is needed for pdf output.Error: pandoc document conversion failed with error 41Además: Warning message:comando ejecutado '"C:/Program Files/RStudio/bin/pandoc/pandoc" +RTS -K512m -RTS
2012 Feb 27
easiest markdown to PDF conversion
I'd love to hear everyone's favorite way to convert markdown to PDF. I'm looking for the easiest, most straightforward option. >From what I've gathered, the method needs to include something like LaTeX in order to have it paginate correctly, so I'll need to install that as well. Is this correct? When I've used the simple export-to-PDF options in Marked, MMD
2006 Aug 10
pandoc - an implementation of Markdown in Haskell
I've just released an early version of a Markdown implementation in Haskell (using the Parsec parser combinator library). pandoc converts Markdown to HTML, LaTeX, reStructuredText, rich text format, and S5 HTML slide shows. It partially converts HTML, LaTeX, and reStructuredText to Markdown. It also makes it easy to include LaTeX math on HTML pages, using Peter Jipsen's ASCIIMathML.js.
2008 May 11
PHP Markdown 1.0.1l & Extra 1.2
Time for an update to PHP Markdown and PHP Markdown Extra. <> This new version of PHP Markdown Extra adds support for "fenced" code blocks (which I was previously calling "flat"). Fenced code blocks overcome many limitations of Markdown's indented code blocks: they can can be put immediately following a list item, can
2012 Sep 04
R, knitr y markdown . ¿Cómo insertar tabla de contenidos en documento markdown?
Hola, ¿qué tal? Estoy haciendo un informe con R, knitr, y markdown y no sé cómo podría añadirle una tabla de contenidos. O mejorar el aspecto del fichero final en html. ¿Algún consejo? Gracias.
2017 Jan 13
input en markdown
Hola lista: Una duda rápida (espero). ¿Se puede hacer un "inlcude" o un "input" en markdown? sin emplear Rmarkdown o knitr.... solo puro markdown, de modo que por ejemplo github lo interprete o un visor básico de markdown. la idea es q un file muestre(contenga) todo pero tener la info distribuida en varios files. Gracias. -- Antonio Maurandi López Sec. Apoyo
2011 Oct 02
Mou - Markdown editor for web developers
Hi all, I made a new markdown editor for Mac, named Mou - It's still in early beta stage. Requires OS X 10.7+ to run. Let me know how do you think about it. :) Kudos to John Gruber who invented Markdown language, as always! :) Best regards, Chen Luo
2012 Dec 22
Tools for converting markdown to other formats with templating support
Hi all, I'm new to the list but I've been using markdown for a while and I wonder if it might make the things I've been doing recently easier if I could find a tool that does what I need. Essentially, I've been writing a lot of technical proposals of late (mostly using google docs), but I'd like to switch to writing them in Markdown (which handily means I can track revisions
2017 Jan 13
input en markdown
Hola ¿Quizá por aquí? El 13 de enero de 2017, 12:26, Rubén Gómez Antolí <lobo en> escribió: > > > El 13/01/17 a las 11:50, Antonio Maurandi López escribió: > > Hola lista: > > > > Una duda rápida (espero). > > > > ¿Se puede hacer un "inlcude" o un "input" en markdown? >
2007 Mar 22
converting html with \xa9 to Markdown and using iconv?
The html document various characters like ? \xa0 ? \xa9 (Copyright symbol) (and others). I tried using but it didn't like these characters. Any ideas on how I can use iconv or another tool to convert documents like this so I can then convert to Markdown? I don't want to do manually as I have around 500+ documents. Jeremy C. Reed
2006 Dec 23
Markdown to LaTeX?
Does anyone know of a Markdown to LaTeX converter? I guess I could use HTML-Latex perl module. But Markdown direct to LaTex might be better. Or maybe I will adjust your to do LaTeX output. Thanks
2015 Jul 20
[Dovecot Antispam] Can't seem to load plugin
On 2015-07-20 08:20, Christian Kivalo wrote: >> >> That seems to be about all I get though. Still nothing to indicate >> errors, and >> nothing to indicate that anything is being done when I move messages >> into >> spam. I suppose that probably means I've configured the folder paths >> incorrectly. I'll have to keep beating my head against it