similar to: Unable to reproduce Stata Heckman sample selection estimates

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "Unable to reproduce Stata Heckman sample selection estimates"

2009 Jul 12
Heckman Selection MOdel Help in R
Hi Saurav! On Sun, Jul 12, 2009 at 6:06 PM, Pathak, Saurav<s.pathak08 at> wrote: > I am new to R, I have to do a 2 step Heckman model, my selection equation is > below which I was successful in running but I am unable to proceed further, > > > > I have so far used the following command > > glm(formula = s ~ age + gender + gemedu + gemhinc + es_gdppc +
2009 Jan 27
Need help on running Heckman Correction Estimation using R
Team, I am trying to resolve the self-selection bias of a sample in an experiment and would like to run the Heckman Correction Estimation using R. Can someone help me with the R-Code... I tried searching for the discussion, but not successful. Thanks in advance, Best, Kishore/.. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Jan 03
Interpreting coefficient in selection and outcome Heckman models in sampleSelection
Hi there Within sampleSelection, I'm trying to calculate the marginal effects for variables that are present in both the selection and outcome models. For example, age might have a positive effect on probability of selection, but then a negative effect on the outcome variable. i.e. Model<-selection(participation~age, frequency~age, ...) Documentation elsewhere describes one method for
2011 Sep 15
Tobit Fixed Effects
Hi there, I need to run a Tobit Fixed Effects in a panel data with 4500 units for 8 years. It is a huge data set, my dependent variable is left truncated at zero, the distribution is skewed and my panel is balanced. Any suggestions on how to do that in R? I tried stuff like survreg, censReg, and tobit but none of them were satisfactory. Thanks, *Felipe Nunes* CAPES/Fulbright Fellow PhD
2011 Jul 11
Robust vce for heckman estimators
When using function heckit() from package ‘sampleSelection’, is there anyway to make t-tests for the coefficients using robust covariance matrix estimator? By “robust” I mean something like if a had an object ‘lm’ called “reg” and then used: > coeftest(reg, vcov = vcovHC(reg)). I’m asking this because in Stata we could use function heckman and then use vce option “robust”. We could do the
2009 Jul 11
Heckman Selection Model/Inverse Mills Ratio
I have so far used the following command glm(formula = s ~ age + gender + gemedu + gemhinc + es_gdppc + imf_pop + estbbo_m, family = binomial(link = "probit")) My question is 1. How do i discard the non significant selection variables (one out of the seven variables above is non-significant) and calculate the Inverse Mills Ratio of the significant variables 2. I need the inverse
2006 Feb 17
Heckman regression / adjustment for standard errors?
Hello folks, I am trying to estimate the two-step Heckman regression model. I would like to make an adjustment for intragroup correlations. Stata can implement this with the "cluster" option, but I am really hoping to stick with R. It seems that the micEcon package is the primary source for this two-step regression model (i.e., heckit), but I can't find a way to make the
2004 Aug 19
sample selection problem, inverse mills ratio (Heckman, Lewbel, ...)
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: Wildi Marc, wia Gesendet: Mittwoch, 18. August 2004 10:11 An: Betreff: Hi Does anybody know from an R-package devoted to sample selection problems (Heckman's lambda, Lewbel, ...)? Thanks and best regards Marc Wildi [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Jul 16
Checking package vignettes: WARNING
Hi, I want to have a "vignette" in one of my R packages. Hence, I added an Sweave file into the /inst/doc subdirectory of this package. Unfortunately, 'R CMD check' gives a warning: ========================================== [...] * checking tests ... OK * checking package vignettes in 'inst/doc' ... WARNING --- f?hre texi2dvi auf Vignetten aus * creating
2005 Apr 20
heckit / tobit estimation
Dear All, we (Ott Toomet and I) would like to add functions for maximum likelihood (ML) estimations of generalized tobit models of type 2 and type 5 (*see below) in my R package for microeconomic analysis "micEcon". So far we have called these functions "tobit2( )" and "tobit5( )". Are these classifications well known? How are these functions called in other
2008 Jul 18
Checking package help file examples
I am trying to figure out the sanctioned way for 'R CMD check pkg' to make sure that the examples in help files give the expected results. Writing R Extensions says that check runs the help file examples (which INSTALL extracts from pkg/man/*.Rd and puts into files in pkg/R-ex). It looks like check concatenates all the example files, pkg/R-ex/*.R, into one file, pkg/pkg-Ex.R, which it
2008 Mar 07
Packages micEcon, sampleSelection, and maxLik
Dear R Users: We have splitted up the micEcon package into three packages: a) Package "maxLik" provides tools for maximum likelihood estimations (see b) Package "sampleSelection" provides tools for estimating Heckman-type sample selection/generalized tobit models (see c) Package "micEcon" contains the
2008 Mar 07
Packages micEcon, sampleSelection, and maxLik
Dear R Users: We have splitted up the micEcon package into three packages: a) Package "maxLik" provides tools for maximum likelihood estimations (see b) Package "sampleSelection" provides tools for estimating Heckman-type sample selection/generalized tobit models (see c) Package "micEcon" contains the
2004 Aug 25
Heckman estimation
Hi, I wrote a function to perform a two-step Heckman (also known as "heckit") estimation. This function is mainly a wrapper function to "glm" (1st step probit estimation) and "lm" (2nd step OLS estimation). Though this function is not perfect yet, it is IMHO already very useful. Since there were some questions about Heckmann estimation in this list, I would like
2010 Nov 23
Tobit model on unbalanced panel
Appreciate any suggestions regarding how to fit an unbalanced panel data to a Tobit model using R functions. I am trying to analyze how real estate capital expenditures (CapEx) are affected by market conditions using a panel Tobit model. The CapEx is either positive or 0, so it is censored. The data are unbalanced panel, including the CapEx of about 5000 properties over about 40 quarters, with the
2011 Dec 04
Prediction from censReg?
Hi - First post, so excuse any errors in protocol: Wanted to ask if there's an easy way to use 'predict' with objects of class 'censReg', 'maxLik', 'maxim' or 'list'. Have a left-censored dataset, attempting to use a Tobit model and am working with the censReg package. I like how easy it is to move from glm models to predictions with
2011 Mar 10
R beginner - Error in as.vector(x, mode)
Hi everyone, I am new to R and keep getting the message Error in as.vector(x, mode) while trying to run nlsystemfit. Below is my exact code. The data is in Stata format because I only recently swapped to R and am trying to compare results from Stata to make sure I know what is going on. I have searched google and read sever R-help articles with this error. They all say the problem is to do
2011 Sep 05
function censReg in panel data setting
Hello all, I have a problem estimating Random Effects model using censReg function. small part of code: UpC <- censReg(Power ~ Windspeed, left = -Inf, right = 2000,data=PData_In,method="BHHH",nGHQ = 4) Error in maxNRCompute(fn = logLikAttr, fnOrig = fn, gradOrig = grad, hessOrig = hess, : NA in the initial gradient ...then I tried to set starting values myself and here is
2004 Aug 25
License for including datasets in packages
Dear All, I would like to publish a function for 'heckit' estimations together with two examples from Greene's and Wooldridge's econometric textbooks. These examples use the dataset of Mroz (1987) that is also available in John Fox' "car" package. However, not all variables that are used in my examples are available in the "car" package. Therefore, I
2008 Nov 17
code for Heckman selection with panel data
Hello, Does anyone know of R code that exists to correct for sample selection with panel data as in: J.M. Wooldridge (1995), ?Selection Corrections for Panel Data Models Under Conditional Mean Independence Assumptions,? Journal of Econometrics 68, 115-132. Many thanks for your consideration, Lindy