Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "glmulti fails because of rJava"
2012 Sep 02
glmulti runs indefinitely when using genetic algorithm with lme4
Dear List,
I'm using glmulti for model averaging in R. There are ~10 variables in my
model, making exhaustive screening impractical - I therefore need to use
the genetic algorithm (GA) (call: method = "g").
I need to include random effects so I'm using glmulti as a wrapper for
lme4. Methods for doing this are available here
2010 Aug 03
"glmulti": defining which intractions between variables are to be included
I'm using the "glmulti" package to run models of all the possible combinations of my variables. However, I am only interested in a few interactions between my variables.
I have tried the equivalent of:
glmulti(mod1, level=1)
glmulti(mod2, level=2)
glmulti("y", c("a", "b", "c"),
2012 Nov 08
Package "glmulti": Include a variable in ALL models
Dear all,
I have a question about the glmulti package. I want to include some variables in all models. To that end I applied the wrapper function as shown in the examples (http://www.inside-r.org/packages/cran/glmulti/docs/glmulti).
To include the variable "Geslacht" in all models:
> glm.redefined = function(formula, data, always="", ...)
2011 Nov 21
rJava and multicore
Hello MasteRs-
Because I want to parallelize several calls to the glmulti package, what
I'm essentially doing is trying to parallelize different calls to rJava.
I'm using plyr functions which use foreach and then doMC which means
multicore is my backend for parallelizing.
I've tried several approaches to this but have not succeeded, i also find
virtually no record of folks trying
2012 Oct 29
Java, rJava, and Windows x64
When running [1] "R version 2.15.1 (2012-06-22)" "x86_64-pc-mingw32",
rJava fails. I have installed both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of
Java 7 update 9.
> library(rJava)
Error : .onLoad failed in loadNamespace() for 'rJava', details:
call: stop("No CurrentVersion entry in '", key, "'! Try re-installing
Java and make sure R and Java have
2012 Sep 11
using alternative models in glmulti
I am working on a multiple-regression meta-analysis and have too many
alternative models to fit by hand. I am using the "metafor" package in
R, which generates AIC scores among other metrics. I'm using a simple
formula to define these models. For example,
rma(Effect_size,variance, mods=~Myco_type + N.type +total,
method="ML")->mod where Effect_size is the
2013 Feb 04
rJava works with 32-bit but not 64
rJava works for me under 32-bit but under not 64-bit R; see below.
> library(rJava)
Error : .onLoad failed in loadNamespace() for 'rJava', details:
call: stop("No CurrentVersion entry in '", key, "'! Try re-installing
Java and make sure R and Java have matching architectures.")
2013 Jun 05
rJava is not loading
I installed rJava and am trying to load it.
Error : .onLoad failed in loadNamespace() for 'rJava', details:
call: fun(libname, pkgname)
error: No CurrentVersion entry in Software/JavaSoft registry! Try
re-installing Java and make sure R and Java have matching architectures.
Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘rJava’
Any idea why?
Background info:
2010 Aug 12
multicore mclapply error
I'm running r 2. on a mac running 10.6.4 and a dual-core macbook pro. I'm having a funny time with multicore. When I run it with 2 cores, mclapply, R borks with the following error.
The process has forked and you cannot use this CoreFoundation functionality safely. You MUST exec().
2012 Aug 09
debug vs regular mode
Dear all,
I had a R segmentation fault, and then invoked debug mode and ran step
by step.
When I reached "terms(Y~X1*X2*...*X16)", I would then have
"segmentation" fault. However, if I just ran this under regular "R
interactive" mode, it would be fine though taking long time.
My questions are:
1. Is there a known limit of terms for a formula?
2. Why does the
2012 Aug 09
debug vs regular mode
Dear all,
I had a R segmentation fault, and then invoked debug mode and ran step
by step.
When I reached "terms(Y~X1*X2*...*X16)", I would then have
"segmentation" fault. However, if I just ran this under regular "R
interactive" mode, it would be fine though taking long time.
My questions are:
1. Is there a known limit of terms for a formula?
2. Why does the
2018 Jan 31
MICE data analysis with glmulti
Dear All,
wonder if you have some thoughts on running the with() function (and perhaps including the pool() function to get the results?) in glmulti? In other words, how to run glmulti with a data set that is produced by mice()?
publicly available code:
data <- airquality
data[4:10,3] <- rep(NA,7)
data[1:5,4] <- NA
data <- data[-c(5,6)]
the following
2013 Apr 17
Multi-core processing in glmulti
Dear list,
I am trying to do an automated model selection of a glmm (function glmer;
package: lme4) containing a large number of predictors. As far as i
understand, glmulti is able to devide the process into chuncks and proceed
by parallel processing on on multiple cores. Unfortunately this does not
seem to work and i could not really fid any advice on the matter on other
forums. Specifically i
2010 Aug 03
"glmulti": excluding intractions between variables
I'm using the "glmulti" package to run models of all the possible combinations of my variables. However, I am only interested in a few interactions between them.
I have tried the equivalent of:
1) mod1<-lm(y~a+b+c+a:b)
glmulti(mod1, level=1)
2) mod2<-lm(y~a+b+c+a:b)
glmulti(mod2, level=2)
3) glmulti("y", c("a",
2009 Jan 23
can't load rJava in R 2.8.1 on Windows XP
Dear community,
unfortunately I did not manage load the rJava package receiving the following
> library("rJava")
Error in inDL(x, as.logical(local), as.logical(now), ...) :
kann shared library 'C:/Programme/R/2.8.1/library/rJava/libs/rJava.dll' nicht
LoadLibrary failure: Das angegebene Modul wurde nicht gefunden.
Error : .onLoad in
2009 Jan 23
can't load rJava in R 2.8.1 on Windows XP
Dear community,
unfortunately I did not manage load the rJava package receiving the following
> library("rJava")
Error in inDL(x, as.logical(local), as.logical(now), ...) :
kann shared library 'C:/Programme/R/2.8.1/library/rJava/libs/rJava.dll' nicht
LoadLibrary failure: Das angegebene Modul wurde nicht gefunden.
Error : .onLoad in
2018 Mar 21
problem with rJAVA
I have installed rJava into my Windows 10 (64-bit) R instillation using the Tools > Install Packages command of my RStudion IDE. When I issued the R command in my R code
library(rJava) I received the following error:
Error: package or namespace load failed for ?rJava? in get(Info[i, 1], envir = env):
lazy-load database 'C:/Users/John
2010 Nov 19
problems with rJava
Hello, using r-2.12.0 on a Toshiba laptop with Win7
I am trying to install JGR, iut installs OK but when loading, complains about rJava
so I did:
> install.packages("rJava")
Installing package(s) into ?I:\R\cran?
(as ?lib? is unspecified)
trying URL 'http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/pub/RWin/bin/windows/contrib/2.12/rJava_0.8-8.zip'
Content type 'application/zip' length
2012 Oct 16
Problems with xlsx and rjava
I keep getting the below error regarding rJava which is required by package xlsx (I have used it in the past to directly import data from Excel 2010).
I was on R version 2.15.0 when I was getting this error this morning. So I upgraded to 2.15.1 but still the same problem. I tried unstalling and reinstalling xlsx and even rJava directly from the source as indicated here:
2010 Jul 15
Problem installing rJava under FreeBSD
Hi there
I am setting up a FreeBSD server for my research department at university,
and one of my teachers needs specifically R modules like tm, RWeka, rJava
and the like.
I have installed FreeBSD 8.0/i386 and applied the relevant security patches
as well as the native FreeBSD JDK 1.6 with its latest patchset.
I have installed R 2.11 and enabled Java support on it. Now, when trying to