similar to: R-latex syntax highlighting?

Displaying 17 results from an estimated 17 matches similar to: "R-latex syntax highlighting?"

2012 Nov 01
How to nicely display R code with the LaTeX package 'listings'?
Dear expeRts, What's a 'good' (nice-looking, easy-to-read) setup for the LaTeX package 'listings' to display R code? The two versions below are partly inspired by the settings of the package SweaveListingUtils and Any suggestions, comments, or improvements are welcome. Cheers, Marius ###
2007 Jan 15
How to format R code in LaTex documents
Hi, I am planning on putting some R script in an appendix of a LaTex document. Can anyone recommend me a way of how to format it? Is there a way to keep all line breaks without having to insert \\ in every single line? Thank you! Benjamin
2006 Sep 25
Best use of LaTeX listings package for pretty printing R code
This is what I have been using. Does anyone have a better way? In particular I would like to see letters in comment strings not stretched so much. Thanks -Frank \documentclass{article} \usepackage{listings,relsize} \lstloadlanguages{R} \newcommand{\lil}[1]{\lstinline|#1|} \begin{document} \lstset{language=R,basicstyle=\smaller,commentstyle=\rmfamily\smaller, showstringspaces=false,%
2008 Oct 17
R-code in Latex --- $ sign causes error
hi, here's what i have: \lstset{ basicstyle=\ttfamily, keywordstyle=\bfseries, showstringspaces=false, columns = fullflexible, mathescape = true, language=R } \begin{lstlisting} lst$val<-val \end{lstlisting} ./software.tex:16:Extra }, or forgotten \endgroup. lst$ the culprit here is the $ sign. thanks. ps: i'm posting here rather than Latex is bec i guess an R user is
2009 Sep 03
Sweavelistingutil: Encoding problems
Hello, I am not sure whether this is a bug or lack of R experience. However, I am using your Sweavelistingutil package, which is very nice. Obviously I use it to create LaTeX files. These are encoded in utf8. However, when I use the Sweavelistingutil is uses some funky character for "`" and "'" that is not recognized. Here is an example from my tex-file: ,---- |
2006 Sep 17
Insert R code in LaTeX document
Un texte encapsul? et encod? dans un jeu de caract?res inconnu a ?t? nettoy?... Nom : non disponible Url :
2009 Jan 28
OT: Adding verbatim R code text into LaTeX documents: texttt; verb or url?
Hi all I use Sweave extensively to mix R and LaTeX, and often have R code appearing in my LaTeX document. Just a quick question then: What is the best way to add example of R commands into LaTeX in-line? (That is, not using Sweave.) For example, suppose I wish to place in my document this instruction: done in R using the command \verb|lm( y ~ + var.two )| as follows: I
2004 Oct 04
Off-Topic: LaTeX package listings
Hola! I ask here since I learnt from this list that the LaTeX package listings should be good for typesetting R code. I encountered one problem: \begin{lstlisting} X %*% V \end{lstlisting} in the output the * in %*% disappears! same with %/%, etc, the / disappears. Any ideas? Kjetil -- Kjetil Halvorsen. Peace is the most effective weapon of mass construction. --
2010 Jan 09
parsing pdf files
I have a pdf file that I would like to parse into R: For now, I open the file in Acrobat by hand, then save it "as text" and then use readLines(). That works fine but a) I am concerned that some information may be lost and b) I may be doing this a lot, so I would rather have R grab the information from the pdf file directly. So: is
2006 Apr 26
Rich text editing
Hi people, i just finished my first weblog, with comments, auth and admin zone(yay!) so i was looking for a way to make a rich text editor zone for the posts, right now im using textilize() and <br> html tags to format the text and breaklines so hope some one can give a reference in how to achieve that. Already told you that this rails stuff its amazing :) -- Posted via
2009 Jul 02
SweaveListingUtils --- a package for joining markup provided by TeX package 'listings' with Sweave
As indicated in some off-list mail by Frank E. Harrell Jr., the announcement of the availability of package %--------------------------------------------- SweaveListingUtils %--------------------------------------------- on CRAN, mingled into mail "New versions for the distr-family of packages" to R-pkgs from 21 Apr 2009, will probably have gone unnoticed by some people who might be
2009 Jul 02
SweaveListingUtils --- a package for joining markup provided by TeX package 'listings' with Sweave
As indicated in some off-list mail by Frank E. Harrell Jr., the announcement of the availability of package %--------------------------------------------- SweaveListingUtils %--------------------------------------------- on CRAN, mingled into mail "New versions for the distr-family of packages" to R-pkgs from 21 Apr 2009, will probably have gone unnoticed by some people who might be
2001 May 02
rcode and latex
I have discovered the listings package for including code in your latex documents. The default languages do not include R or Splus, but the definition is pretty simple, this is what I did for R: \lst at definelanguage{R}% {morekeywords={TRUE,FALSE,T,F,NA,NULL,Inf,NaN,library,% attach,detach,source,while,for,in,% repeat,switch,break,next,return,stop,function,% if,else,warning,error},%
2010 May 05
Latex and Stangle()
Hi, I'm using the Sweave and I would like include codes of the R in my LaTeX file. I extracts the R code with Stangle (), whose name is Relatorio.R but I can't include it in the Latex file as an appendix. Suggests? Thanks, -------------------------------------- Silvano Cesar da Costa Departamento de Estat?stica Universidade Estadual de Londrina Fone: 3371-4346
2011 Feb 24
Creating objects (data.frames) with names stored in character vector
Hello, I'm fairly new to R. I'm a chemist, not a programmer so please bear with me. I have a large data.frame that I want to break down (subset) into smaller data.frames for analysis. I would like to give the data.frames descriptive names which I have stored in a character vector. My original thought was that I want the subsets to show up as individual objects, but haveing them stored
2005 Jun 16
Sweave and sideways
Hi there, I'm rying to 'turn' an Schunk in an .Rnw file(Xemacs-21.4.13, ESS-5.2.8, R-2.1, miktex-2.4.1705). Has anyone got the isorot package to work with Sweave? JC example test.Rnw: \documentclass[a4paper]{article} \usepackage{Sweave} \usepackage{isorot} \rotdriver{dvips} \clockwise \title{Sweave Example 1} \author{apologies to Friedrich Leisch } \begin{document} \maketitle
2009 Jan 28
t.test in a loop
Hi All, I've been having a little trouble with creating a loop that will run a a series of t.tests for inspection, Below is the code i've tried, and some checks i've looked at. I've used the get(paste()) idea as i was told previously that the use of the eval should try and be avoided. I've run a single syntax to check that my systax is correct and works without any problems