similar to: R: Problems using log() in a plm() regression.

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1100 matches similar to: "R: Problems using log() in a plm() regression."

2011 Nov 21
Problems using log() in a plm() regression.
hey guys I have a panel data set that i want to perform some regressions on. I am using the /plm/ package. I defined a model in the following way: PWBw.pool <- plm(*PWB* ~ log(*I_EQON*) + log(*RD*) + ... + *PAGRI*, data = pfem, na.action=na.exclude, model="pooling") When i run this it gives the following error (the error remains when i use other model = "" specifications
2011 Nov 23
Error using coeftest() with a heteroskedasticity-consistent estimation of the covar.
Hey I am trying to run /coeftest()/ using a heteroskedasticity-consistent estimation of the covariance matrix and i get this error: # packages >library(lmtest) >library(sandwich) #test > coeftest(*GSm_inc.pool*, vcov = vcovHC(*GSm_inc.pool*, method="arellano", > type="HC3")) /Fehler in 1 - diaghat : nicht-numerisches Argument f?r bin?ren Operator/ something like:
2017 Jun 12
issues in plm using random effect model
Dear Kailas Gokhale, The negative individual variance is not a problem with your code or plm. It a property of your data. Please check the posts of Giovanni Millo on this topic: [R] R: plm random effect: the estimated variance of the individual effect is negative Millo Giovanni Giovanni_Millo at Sat Jan 5 10:10:01 CET 2013 You can find the posts in the archive by
2012 Apr 26
PLM package PGGLS strange behavior
When using the PLM package (version 1.2-8), I encounter the probem that calling the FGLS estimator evokes strange behavior, when choosing the "random" effects model. After calling the PGGLS function to estimate FGLS, PLM gives me a warning, stating that the "random" model has been replaced with the "pooling" model. I would, however, really like to estimate the random
2009 Jan 21
trouble switching to 'plm' from 'xtabond' and Stata
Hello, I am switching to R from Stata and I am having particular trouble with the transition from Stata's 'xtabond' and 'ivreg' commands to the "plm" package. I am trying to replicate some of the dynamic panel data work using the UK Employment data in Arellano and Bond (1991) and available as 'EmplUK' under the 'plm' package. I have been
2010 May 17
plm(..., model="within", effect="twoways") is very slow on unablanaced data (was: Re: Regressions with fixed-effect in R)
Hello Giovanni I made a minor modification to your function, which now allows to compute the within R-sq in Twoways Within models (see below). However I ran into an issue that I have already encountered before: whenever I try to fit Twoways Within models on my unbalanced data, the process is strangely slow and I usually terminate it either after ~15min or when my CPU hits 100C. This is similar to
2009 Dec 10
plm ? tests of poolability ? error: insufficient number
Hello Cecilia, nice hearing from you again. I must restate a couple of my old hints, though ;^) 1) please always put the authors c/c, as we are not guaranteed to browse through the r-help every day 2) please provide reproducible examples. As example(pooltest) keeps working fine, as do some other cases I tried (Grunfeld data etc.), I don't know what the problem is but evidently your data are
2013 Sep 04
Attribute Length Error when Trying plm Regression
Hello, I am trying to run a fixed effects panel regression on data containing 5 columns and 1,494 rows. I read the data in as follows: >drugsXX<-read.csv(file="C:\\Folder\\vX.X\\Drugs\\drugsXX_panel.csv", head=TRUE, sep=",") Verified it read in correctly and had a good data.frame: >dim(drugsXX) [1] 1494 5 >drugs XX produce expected data with correct column
2013 Jan 04
plm random effect: the estimated variance of the individual effect is negative
Matteo, I fully agree with David: please read the posting guide. Anyway, the error message says it all: "the estimated variance of the individual effect is negative". See e.g. the "basic panel" chapter (10 or 11) in Wooldridge's "Econometric Analysis of XS and Panel Data" to understand why this may happen. Stata's behaviour is (as far as I remember) to
2011 Mar 10
Sample or Probability Weights in LM4, NLME (and PLM) package
Dear all, First, I would like to thank you for your immense work. My question is about a frequent topic which I am not able to solve - even after hours of search in the mailing lisy. I would like to analyse random-effects (and fixed-effects)models of longitudinal / panel data with sampling weights. I have an unbalanced panel of different individuals in 5 years and income data as well as their
2009 May 08
plm: vs pdata.frame
Hello, I am trying to use the plm package for panel econometrics. I am just trying to get started and load my data. It seems from most of the sample documentation that I need to use the pdata.frame function to get my data loaded. However, even after installing the "plm" package, my R installation cannot find the function. I am trying to follow the example in plmEN.pdf (
2010 Aug 26
anova for plm objects
Dear All, I'm looking to perform an ANOVA between two nested panel fixed effects models. I tried with anova, as well as with waldtest. anova tells me there is no method available for plm objects, while waldtest tells me my models are not nested. I think they are instead. The difference between the two models is that in the second I let the regression coefficients of a given variable variate
2009 Apr 07
summary.plm error
Dear plm Package users, I use the plm package a lot but I have not updated it for some times. Now I realized the following difficulty with the summary.plm function (demonstrated with the example from the ?plm documentation). library(plm) data("Produc", package="Ecdat") estimation_method<-"within" estimation_effect<-"individual" zz
2017 Jun 05
issues in plm using random effect model
Dear Sir, Thank you for accepting my request for registration on this site. I am trying to solve panel data problems using plm package , but while suing random effect model i am getting following messege saying " Warning message:In sqrt(sigma2) : NaNs produced " In some other cases i am getting message saying where TSS = NA , that I am not understanding I am sending you my code along
2009 Aug 03
plm summary error
Dear "plm"-Package insiders, [I posted the following observation is April already but unfortunately I am not aware of any answers. With the hope that someone found an answer in the mean time, I ask again:] I realized the following difficulty with the summary.plm function (demonstrated with the example from the ?plm documentation). library(plm) data("Produc",
2011 Jun 18
Unexpected result with lag() et diff() in plm package.
I have an unexpected result with the functions lag() and diff() in the plm (panel data) package when used with transform(). These plm-specific functions are supposed to generate lags and first differences within each panel. lag() does not work properly the first time (it reproduces the same series--this is a common time series pitfall), BUT then it does work properly when it is run a second
2006 Nov 22
problem with the plm package
Hi all, I have a problem in installing and using the plm package using R 2.2.0 on windows xp. I installed it from a .zip file downloaded from the CRAN. Apparently everything is ok: > utils:::menuInstallLocal() package 'plm' successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked updating HTML package descriptions However, when I try to load it: > library(plm) Errore in lazyLoadDBfetch(key,
2009 May 19
panel question (plm)
Hello, I am working on a data set (already as a object) located here: With the following R session: > library(plm) ... >load("plmWithDensity.Robj") >model <- plm(RATE ~ density08, data=plmWithDensity) Error: subscript out of bounds I am not understanding the "subscript out of bounds" error, as this is a
2013 Jan 28
Using relaimpo or relimp with PLM and GLS
Dears, Unfortunatelly, the packages relaimpo and relimp do not seem to work with plm function (plm package) or gls function (in nlm package). I've been studying on how to adapt one of them for this pourpose. In that sense, I have two questions regarding to this work: 1) have anyone hard of any workaround for those incompatibilities, or at least of any ideas on that - especially for plm? 2)
2009 Apr 23
question of plm package
Dear R help, I use the package plm the function plm() to analyse a panel data and estimate a fixeffect model. I use the code as follow : fe <- plm(y~x+z, data, model = "within") I want to use bootstrap to estimate standard error I consult the paper plm.pdf , but I can't find any answer. Can I estimate variance with bootstrap? Thanks, Helen