similar to: returning images from Mongrel

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "returning images from Mongrel"

2006 Dec 14
Does send_file act differently with Mongrel than with Webrick?
Mongrel Windows XP Rails 1.1.6 I have a rails app that serves up mp3 files via the send_file command. We create a playlist (M3U) with URLs to the mp3s. These play just fine using Windows Media Player. However using WinAmp we get an error "error syncing to stream" when it tries to request the mp3. After playing around I found that if I am running Rails under Webrick WinAmp
2006 Dec 14
Does send_file act differently with Mongrel than withWebrick?
I tried the mime thing but it did not help. I didn''t think it was that because I can get the mp3 served OK hitting the URL in a browser. I just noticed that I am getting an error in Mongrel when WinAmp make the request for the mp3 file: BAD CLIENT ( Invalid HTTP format, parsing fails. I don''t think Mongrel has a problem with the URL itself because if a browser
2006 Apr 06
Mongrel Web Server -- Thread Tracking and Debugging
Hello Everyone, Mongrel is getting closer and closer to being a rock solid release. My goal is to release 0.4 as "production ready" by Canada on Rails. Please report any problems or suggestions you have. There won''t be any major features or improvements just fixes and code reviews to repair any found bugs or security concerns. People interested in Mongrel should look at
2006 Apr 19
Mongrel -- Pre-Release with File Upload whyness
I''ve got a Mongrel pre-release in the releases directory I''d like people to try out: gem install mongrel --source= This release incorporates why''s changes to allow for uploading files much more efficiently and for streaming out files via a HttpResponse.send_file call. I re-wrote the file upload part what why created to
2006 May 23
Mongrel 0.3.13 Pre-Release Update -- Yep, Again
Hi Folks, This is another pre-release announcement with lots of goodies for people to test and play with. At this rate the 0.3.13 release may just turn into 0.4. GETTING IT Pretty simple, just gem install mongrel --source= You can get more information at WHAT''S IN IT This release has lots of little things, mostly
2007 Feb 25
mongrel buffers response using streamIO = big problem
I am running a rails app behind Apache2 + Mongrel, and I have a situation in which I want to use send_file() for downloading of very large files. However, since mongrel apparently buffers the response using streamIO before sending it to the client, then clearly send_file is not a practical means. And it is this situation in which you are to use the X-Sendfile header instead, to have Apache serve
2007 Feb 16
Mongrel upload progress and models with other fields
I''m trying to set up a system that will allow users to upload files using the mongrel upload progress gem to a model that includes other information. While I''m willing to hack around with this myself for a while to get it working, I was hoping that someone had done this before and might be able to give me some hints/code to look at. My mediafile has a description, mediatype,
2007 Oct 19
Error messages when running mongrel on win32
Hi folks. I''m running mongrel (1.0) on a win32 box (2k3 iirc). I''m using a Google Mini to index the contents of my rails (1.2.4) webapp. I''ve been noticing that when I run a search, I get lots of these messages in my mongrel console: ERROR: An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine These errors seem to be coming in response to HEAD
2006 Apr 11
Large file support (up and down) for Mongrel 0.13.3
I''ve just checked in changes to improve handling of massive posts and massive downloads. Generally speaking, Mongrel has been keeping everything in memory. (Unless you''re using DirHandler and have the sendfile gem in place.) Now, downloads should be pretty swift even without the sendfile gem. HttpResponse#send_file rips out the file streaming support from DirHandler and
2006 Dec 21
Rails'' send_file, Mongrel, and *gasp* memory
I''ve had a right fun few days at work trying to figure out why our Rails app (which isn''t under very heavy load) kept eating memory and bringing our server to our knees. Eventually I traced it to send_file (which was in a way a relief as it wasn''t down to my coding ;) -- every time a user started downloading, the memory consumed by the app would jump, and
2006 Jun 05
Mongrel Pre-Release 0.3.13 -- Katana Suicide Concurrency
We are *days* away from the official 0.3.13 release, which will be followed quickly by 0.4 code named Enterprisey Edition 1.2. This latest pre-release update closes off the last of the annoying bugs, and adds one very nasty feature people should check out before we release. Read about Katanas below. ** This release doesn''t have win32 yet. That''ll be uploaded Monday. ** WHAT
2007 Feb 27
send_file and ZIP files
I have an application which uses send_file to send a ZIP file to the client. This works nicely when it''s run on our development OS-X boxes, using mongrel from script/server, but on our production server, using mongrel behind Apache 2.2. with mod_proxy_balancer, the client gets 1 byte delivered :-( If I use wget -S to the URL in order to see the full headers I see this on
2006 May 20
Mongrel 0.3.13 Update -- Code Review, Code Coverage
Hey Folks, I''ve been holding off the official 0.3.13 release so that Luis can get the win32 side very nice and clean. We fixed a major problem last night so it''s only a short time before we get it out. Luis is working really hard on it, so just be patient. In the meantime, I''ve been doing a code audit of the Mongrel code as it is now and fixing any little things I
2007 Feb 23
Mongrel::Uploads.check() not returning status
Hi, I wrote a message earlier regarding how I wasn''t getting any feedback from mongrel_upload_progress. After putting lots of debug messages in the plugin, I figured out what was going on. I had a route like this setup in routes.rb (this was the problem): map.upload "upload/:upload_id", :controller => "file", :action
2007 Mar 29
Apache Load Balancer Manager With Mongrel
Thanks for the answer on server::start...that makes sense, just wanted to make sure I was not doing anything incorrectly. I am now running 3 mongrel servers as windows services (mongrel_cluster is not supported for windows). I have apache configured with with mod_proxy_balancer from the instructions at I am able to access my app without a port
2007 Jan 19
Mongrel::Uploads.check() not returning status
I am trying to get the mongrel upload progress working and am having some problems. I am using Rails 1.1.6 and the latest install of mongrel. I created the config/mongrel_upload_progress.conf per the instructions ... it looks like this ... uri "/", :handler => plugin("/handlers/upload", :path_info => ''/listings/ add_photo''), :frequency
2007 Dec 18
Mongrel + Lighttpd
Hi guys, I''ve been chasing a problem in my web-stack: Lighttpd -> Mongrel -> Rails, and found a problem with the interaction of Lighttpd and Mongrel. If a request takes more than 5 seconds, Lighty will retry it - and then the requests / responses get mixed up in Lighty and it returns a bad response to the client. Not good. I''m convinced that the problem is
2007 Jan 05
InstantRails with Ruby One-Click Installer?
Hi. I would like to hear how/what other users are installing for development and reference support. I currently have both InstantRails and the Ruby One-click Installer installed. I don''t like telling co-workers to install both (the OCI has lots of nice documentation useful to Rails developers). Also, the Ruby OCI helps when needing to run Ruby scripts outside of the InstantRails
2006 Mar 27
Mongrel Web Server 0.3.12 -- Pre-Release
Hello Everyone, Mongrel is due for a 0.3.12 release which will feature some pretty insane goodies for everyone. There''s talk of IOWA support, lots of speed improvements (including sendfile support), a great Configurator which makes configuring Mongrel a snap (especially for framework implementers), and a ton of debugging stuff. WARNING This is a pre-release announcement for the
2006 Jul 10
Test Mongrel Please
Hey Folks, There''s a nasty little bug in when running in development mode which could cause all sorts of problems. Please grab the pre-release of and tell me if it works for you: gem install mongrel --source= Thanks! -- Zed A. Shaw -- Need