similar to: usbmon fails silently to start with invalid RUN_AS_USER values

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 800 matches similar to: "usbmon fails silently to start with invalid RUN_AS_USER values"

2020 Jan 27
Nut-upsuser Digest, Vol 175, Issue 32
Here are my permissions and user info. Let me know if there is anything else I should check pi at nutpi:~ $ ls -alt /etc/nut total 56 drwxr-xr-x 87 root root 4096 Jan 26 15:22 .. drwxr-xr-x 2 root nut 4096 Jan 26 13:53 . -rw-r----- 1 root nut 4719 Jan 26 13:15 upssched.conf -rw-r----- 1 root nut 15347 Jan 26 11:25 upsmon.conf -rw-r----- 1 root nut 1543 Jan 26 10:02 nut.conf -rw-r-----
2020 Jan 27
Timer doesn't appear to start
Here is the output root at nutpi:/etc/nut# ps -elf | grep -E '[n]ut|ups[dms]' 4 S avahi 246 1 0 80 0 - 1472 poll_s Jan26 ? 00:00:31 avahi-daemon: running [nutpi.local] 1 S nut 451 1 0 80 0 - 678 poll_s Jan26 ? 00:03:41 /lib/nut/upscode2 -a deltec-PRA1500 1 S nut 454 1 0 80 0 - 1173 poll_s Jan26 ? 00:00:28 /lib/nut/upsd 1
2017 Jun 15
Apple Mac slave
Ok rebooted All running ok now. Great thanks a lot! In system.log Jun 15 21:38:54 c01[1] (org.networkupstools.upsmon): Unknown key for Boolean: SuccessfulExit Jun 15 21:38:54 c01[1] (org.networkupstools.upsmon): This service is defined to be constantly running and is inherently inefficient. What is the purpose of Boolean: SuccessfulExit?
2006 Feb 14
Master privileges unavailable on UPS
Hello all, I'm having problems with what I'm told should be a straightforward issue. The message in /var/log/daemon is: <quote> Feb 13 10:37:57 lupin upsmon[31324]: Master privileges unavailable on UPS [lupin1500AVR@localhost]
2020 Jan 27
Timer doesn't appear to start
I only pasted a subset of my upsmon.conf. NOTIFYCMD is in my upsmon.conf AFA nutmon user. I was trying different things I had the directory as nutmon nut but changed it to nutmon nutmon to see if that worked. It didn't make a difference. Sorry about the digest this. I needed to hit a line in gmail web client to see the subject line. Know I know. Thanks for the heads up.. [root at donner
2010 Dec 15
Things seem to be working but upscmd does nothing
The nut ups daemons seem to be communicating with the UPS but upscmd gives me no joy. Running commands do nothing and produce no output. Using the web interface returns an authentication failure and that is the only clue I have. I believe I have everything setup correctly but it's not working. Can someone review this and give me clues as to what I should research next?
2020 Jan 28
Timer doesn't appear to start
If you look closer at: > pi at nutpi:~ $ sudo ls -alt /home/nutmon > total 32 > -rw------- 1 nutmon nutmon 172 Jan 26 12:32 .bash_history > drwxrwx--- 2 nutmon nutmon 4096 Jan 26 12:32 upssched there is a d in the first position of the upssched permissions showing this is a directory. This is the directory location for PIPEFN and LOCKFN as defined in
2017 Jun 15
Apple Mac slave
I deleted the plist file and rebooted: sudo /sw/sbin/upsmon -D Network UPS Tools upsmon 2.7.4 0.000000 fopen /sw/var/run/ No such file or directory 0.044649 UPS: ups at ip address (slave) (power value 1) 0.081597 Using power down flag file /etc/killpower 0.162720 debug level is '1' 0.538410 Trying to connect to UPS [ups at ip address] 0.540345 Logged into UPS
2020 Jan 28
Timer doesn't appear to start
One last update. I needed to log out and in to get the group add of my user nutmon to be recognized. My permissions are now root:nut on upssched.conf and it works. On Tue, Jan 28, 2020 at 7:00 AM <nut-upsuser-request at> wrote: > Send Nut-upsuser mailing list submissions to > nut-upsuser at > > To subscribe or unsubscribe
2020 Jan 28
Timer doesn't appear to start
The time and upssched-cmd are now working. Here are the issues I had: 1) Did not define NOTIFYCMD in upsmon.conf Added NOTIFYCMD /sbin/upssched 2) Added +EXEC to NOTIFYMSG rules I am using 3) Change ownership of upssched.conf to my nut user nutmom. I had added nutmon to the group nut but it didn't work. Thanks again for all your guidance On Tue, Jan 28, 2020 at 7:00 AM
2014 Sep 29
Re: problems with usb stick after suspend and wake up
Hi Alan, sorry for the journalctl output. I have now done the following:L * boot into 3.17-rc7 * mount the usb stick (recovery completed) * unmount, mount, unmount - just to be sure all is fine * started usbmon capturing on bus 3 * mount the usb stick * suspend to ram * wake up now the stick is "officially" mounted (/proc/mounts) * umount error messages pop up * try to mount more
2020 Jan 26
Timer doesn't appear to start
I have a Raspberry PI that I have connected to a Deltec UPS via serial (upscode2 driver). I had an older version of Rasbian running. The nut configuration worked fine but I had mail issues I couldn't resolve when gmail changed how it handled MTAs. Plus it was running an old version of Deb that is no longer supported. It was broken enough I could not upgrade to a never version so I started from
2008 Aug 22
Configuring a server without an UPS attached
This will sound a bit odd. I have a current server running with a UPS. I'm in the process of replacing that server with another and obviously want Nut to monitor the new server. The new/old servers are in different locations, so I don't have access to the UPS while configuring the replacement server. I think I have the config ok, but what errors would you expect to see? Typically I'm
2014 Sep 28
Re: problems with usb stick after suspend and wake up
On Sun, 28 Sep 2014, Norbert Preining wrote: > Hi Alan, > > thanks for your answer. > > > I do not recognize this problem based on your description. Please post > > the dmesg log. > > Here cleaned output of journalctl, removed mainly networkmanager stuff. I would have preferred to see the output from dmesg, as I requested. But never mind, there probably
2017 May 05
CentOS 7 cloned VM cannot boot
On 5/5/2017 8:34 ??, Gianluca Cecchi wrote: > Your /mnt/sysimage/boot is under tmpfs not real disk... Sorry, I am not an expert, but it does seem to NOT be under tmpfs: Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on ... /dev/vdal 497M 192M 306M 39% /mnt/sysimage/boot ... Why do you say that the boot partition is under tmpfs? Nick
2010 Mar 19
usbhid-ups fails with Belkin F6C120-UNV in nut-2.4.3
I recently upgraded from nut-2.4.1 to 2.4.3 and my UPS stopped working. usbhid-ups now fails two communicate with the UPS: With 2.4.1: # /sbin/usbhid-ups -D -a auto Network UPS Tools - Generic HID driver 0.34 (2.4.1) USB communication driver 0.31 debug level is '1' upsdrv_initups... Using subdriver: Belkin HID 0.12 Path: UPS.BELKINConfig.BELKINConfigVoltage, Type: Feature, ReportID: 0x01,
2012 Jan 17
bestfortress driver establishes/loses/establishes communication and so on...
[As posted as Ubuntu Question #184284 on Launchpad] Hi, I try to set up nut (2.4.3) on my Lucid (10.04.3 LTS) to make use of my old but very trusty UPS (Best Power Fortress 660 LI). Yes, this UPS is old (about 16 years), but with its third battery pack last week it is as good as new. It runs perfectly well with Windows XP, Vista and even Windows 7. But not so with Ubuntu and nut. After
2015 Sep 22
NOTIFYCMD shell script problem driving me NUTS
Either I am missing something or I am really STUPID. 1. I have added a user, named nutmon, to the nut group. 2. In upsmon.conf I have set RUN_AS_USER nutmon . 3. I have NOTIFYCMD /etc/nut/ and it is set as 755, so should be executable by everyone. 4. I have the NOTIFYFLAG set as SYSLOG+WALL+EXEC, so the shell should execute. This is the shell script : #!/bin/bash # # NUT NOTIFYCMD
2010 Feb 02
Small patch to apcsmart driver
Hello, the appended patch converts the reason of transfer to be human readable. How about adding this variable to the usbmon message when it detects being on battery? Michael ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --- ./drivers/apcsmart.h.orig 2009-12-09 16:52:56.000000000 +0100 +++ ./drivers/apcsmart.h 2009-12-09 16:54:34.000000000 +0100 @@ -98,6 +98,7 @@
2007 Jan 03
building trunk
I've been wanting to build the trunk since Arjen added the powerpanel driver... been having a little trouble... after running these commands: /usr/local/libexec/automake19/aclocal -I m4 /usr/local/libexec/autoconf259/autoheader /usr/local/libexec/automake19/automake -ac /usr/local/libexec/autoconf259/autoconf ./configure --with-cgi --with-user=nutmon