Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "Intercom with Dial() works, but not with Page()"
2004 Aug 09
Snom Intercom
I am trying to get one of the function keys on the Snom 200 working as an
intercom. However, I can't get the other Snom 200 phone to auto-answer. I
found some posts in the archives from Christian that talk about intercom=true
and also the Call-Info header. However, I can't get either one to work. I
have tried firmware 2.04g,2.04h,2.05f,3.33 and none work.
I am using chan_sip2z.c and
2006 Jun 21
Polycom Intercom - almost there
Ok so I added to my Freepbx config running Asterisk 1.2.4 in
; intercom
exten => _7XXX,1,SIPAddHeader(Alert-Info: Auto Answer)
exten => _7XXX,2,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:1},12,Tt)
and configured my Polycoms via this page
http://www.voip-info.org/wiki/view/Polycom+auto-answer+config for auto
answer and that works fine if I dial 7 then the 3 digit extension.
2007 Jan 07
snom 360 auto answer
I'm testing paging using snom 360.
Can someone correct my dialplan?
;exten => _99XXXX,1,SIPAddHeader(Call-Info:
;exten => _99XXXX,n,SIPAddHeader(Call-Info:
;exten => _99XXXX,n,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:2})
exten => _99XXXX,1,Set(__SIPADDHEADER=Call-Info:
2014 Oct 22
SPA504G auto answer
I am struggling to have a SPA504G to auto answer (for intercom/paging). I
have tried the following SIP headers (not all together), but without luck:
SIPAddHeader(Call-Info: answer-after=0);
SIPAddHeader(Alert-Info: info=intercom);
SIPAddHeader(Alert-Info: Ring Answer);
SIPAddHeader(P-Auto-Answer: normal);
Any other ideas?
I have set
2009 Aug 30
MySQL syntax error : I really don't see where...
Hi list,
I'm stuck for the moment @ the following :
My Query (in a macro) :
exten => s,n,MYSQL(Query resultid ${connid} SELECT\ vakantie_set\
vakantie_data1\ vakantie_data2\ FROM\ AstDB\ where\
Asterisk CLI :
[Aug 30 14:07:42] -- Executing [s at macro-vakantie:2]
MYSQL("IAX2/zoiper-9238", "Query resultid 1 SELECT vakantie_set
2009 Oct 10
I'm having hard times with paging intercom
Heres my dialplan
exten => 777,1,Goto(intercom,777,1)
exten => 777,1,SIPAddHeader(Call-Info: <sip:>\;answer-after=0)
exten => 777,2,Page(Local/308 at page& Local/309 at page& Local/310 at page)
[page] ; Paging context
exten => _X.,1,Macro(page,SIP/${EXTEN})
2008 Apr 14
polycom auto answer
I was trying to get my polycom phone to auto answer.
I added this to the dialplan. Used a different phone to call "22"
and the phone rang it did not auto answer.
Did I miss something?
exten => 22,1,SipAddHeader(Call-Info:=\;answer-after=0)
exten => 22,n,SipAddHeader(Alert-Info: Ring Answer)
exten => 22,n,Set(__SIPADDHEADER=Call-Info:\;answer-after=0)
exten =>
2011 Jun 14
Page() bumps user out of a call
Hello all,
I'm having a problem with my intercom function that I use for under-chin
paging. I'm running on this server, and we use Linksys SPA-942's
for our general phones. I have a global defined which has all the SIP
channels concatenated together - this is ${ALL-PAGE-EXTS}.
The problem comes when a user is on the line, and someone else uses the
intercom function to page
2009 Sep 14
Aastra - Alert-Info : how to stop auto-answer on call second leg ?
When implementing click2dial feature, I can trigger an Aastra phone to
auto-answer using statement like :
SIPAddHeader(Alert-Info: info=alert-autoanswer);
This is very convenient when trying to reach a distant party (ie through
The trouble is when 2 Aastra are calling each other over the LAN, this
single statement is memorized somehow and both phones (caller and callee)
2005 Mar 09
Paging and Intercom using Sipura SPA-841
I want to implement a one way announcement and paging facility using
Asterisk and Sipura phones. The wiki says Sipura phones only support
Auto Answer using the Call-Info header which is no lone shipped with
asterisk stable since 1.0.4.
I would like to ask if anyone has implemented a similiar facility
using Sipura SPA-841 or any other SIP phones. If I could take a look
at how
2011 Feb 10
"intercom" SIP header being ignored by Kirk wireless handsets
Hey, Hi, All,
We have a few dozen of the Kirk (ie: Polycom bought this European brand) out there & most all work very well & work very well with most all versions of Asterisk.
But we have been tripped-up by one combination of firmware & version & configuration variables. We are running Asterisk (TrixBox CE). We are running latest stable firmware on the handsets. Most
2007 Jan 27
How to fix error when paging
I am trying to page my Grandstream GXP-2000 phones
and keep getting the error message:
Jan 27 12:55:04 WARNING[30401]: app_page.c:183 page_exec: Incomplete
destination '' supplied.
How can I fix this error?
The two contexts below do either one-way paging or two-way paging to all
Grandstream phones in a list.
[One_Way_Page_GROUP] ; one to many page
exten =>
2009 Mar 05
Snom Aler-info Ringtone
Have someone running fine Alert-Info with a Snom 370
( System Information:
Phone Type: snom370-SIP
MAC-Address: 0004132661BD
Firmware-Version: snom370-SIP 7.3.14 14961)
i've tried
exten => 200,1,SIPAddHeader(Alert-Info:<http://www.notused.com>\;info=alert-external)
exten => 200,n,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN},30)
Can see into the phone SIP trace is
2009 May 05
AMI + AGI for outbound click to dial
Hey Gang,
Trying to figure out how I can do the following (have each part working
individually but drawing a blank on combining)
1) click on-screen which sends an AMI originate (works fine)
2) the originated call is to an internal extension that looks up the number
to be dialed (works)
3) then via Perl, adding in a SIPAddHeader for answer-after=0.. (works
separate from the above)
What I
2010 Jul 02
Transfer fails
Hello list,
this is the dialplan :
exten => s,n,Dial(SIP/test1&SIP/test2,,t)
exten => 10,1,Dial(SIP/test1)
exten => 20,1,Dial(SIP/test2)
So there is an incoming call that rings SIPaccounts test1 and test2.
Account test1 answers and wants to transfer the call to test2.
Transfer is : #20
This is what the CLI shows :
[Jul 2 10:55:30] -- Executing [20
2006 Jan 18
SipAddHeader bug?
I'm using the new SipAddHeader application on Asterisk 1.2.1,
here's a snip of my extensions:
exten => _9XXXXXXX,1,SipAddHeader(P-Asserted-Identity: <sip:${CALLERIDNUM}
exten => _9XXXXXXX,2,SipAddHeader(P-Asserted-Identity: tel:${CALLERIDNUM})
exten => _9XXXXXXX,3,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@${SIPTRUNK},,tT)
exten => _9XXXXXXX,4,Congestion
The problems is that Asterisk
2010 Sep 29
Alert-Info advice
Hi guys
I'm using asterisk 1.4 and going on to Snom phones. I'm trying to add a
sip header to make the Snom phone use a different ring tone on one
particular incoming number. I have added the following to the dial plan
of the incoming context
| id | context | exten | priority | app
2008 Jan 14
Different ringing tones ...
This possibly isn't 100% asterisk related, but I'd like some
A customer wanted different ring-tones to differentiate external and
internal calls. No biggie once I'd worked out that details - they have
100% GXP2000 phones, so adding in the relevant SIP header and altering the
phones to suit seems like it's going to be a solution...
But I started to look at
2012 Feb 11
Asterisk perl AGI confusing variables
Hello all,
I'm struck with a very strange problem today. I've an AGI with some code
subroutine snippet as follows:
sub enable_sbc($) {
my $carrier = shift;
my $tmp = substr($carrier,1);
my $jkh = $tmp;
$server_port = $ast_agi->get_variable("SIPPEER($jkh,port)");
$ser_ip = $ast_agi->get_variable("SIPPEER($tmp,ip)");
2007 Jan 17
Using the SIPAddHeader Application
I'm trying to use the SIPAddHeader application to add a header containing to
semicolon separated strings like this:
exten => 12, 1, SIPAddHeader(X-TestHeader:a=test1;b=test2)
But in the resulting INVITE message only the first part
(X-TestHeader:a=test1) is added. Setting into quotation mark doesn't change
exten => 12, 1,