Displaying 20 results from an estimated 80000 matches similar to: "Kernel Timer"
2009 Oct 14
Asterisk in the Cloud
I was wondering if anyone is successfully running Asterisk in a cloud
If you could state which cloud you are using, I'd appreciate it.
Many thanks
Dan Journo
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2009 Oct 18
Asterisk Monitoring
I was wondering if anyone has any insights on the best way to automatically monitor an asterisk box to check it is constantly available and processing calls.
Many thanks
IT Maintenance Contract Clients can now access our Instant Chat Service to receive immediate remote IT support. Click the chat link below for support.
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2011 Apr 12
No subject
a phone system, and plug it into a SIP Adapter like the PAP2T.
Never done it myself, so I can't recommend a suitable intercom. Hopefully s=
omeone else can.
Dan Journo
Kesher Communications (UK)
Business Phone Systems<http://www.keshercommunications.com/> | Hosted PBX<h=
2011 Apr 11
changing port 5060 to 5061
please send me the ways to change asterisk port from 5060 to 5061 i
need to configure it because we are already using 5060 port in router
then we cant use it again we have to configure other sip server so
please suggest me a way..........................
On 4/10/11, asterisk-users-request at lists.digium.com
<asterisk-users-request at lists.digium.com> wrote:
> Send asterisk-users mailing
2009 Nov 02
Asterisk 1.4 and Fax
Does anyone have an up to date guide for setting up fax 2 email with asterisk?
IT Maintenance Contract Clients can now access our Instant Chat Service to receive immediate remote IT support. Click the chat link below for support.
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2009 Oct 18
Customising Firmware
Does anyone have any advice on customising firmware of an SPA921 so that
it can be locked to a sip provider and display logos on the config
Many thanks
Dan Journo
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2010 Oct 13
innomedia ATA's
We are testing the innomedia ATA's to possibly replace our current line up
of ATA's that we are using. Has anyone used their product? What is their
track record on stability, voice quality, DTMF talkoff, T.38
From: "Zeeshan Zakaria" <zishanov at gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2010 10:41 AM
2009 Oct 14
Extension Paging
We have SPA921 handsets which apparently support Paging, however i can't
find any information on configuring Asterisk to make a page call.
Does anyone have any information on Paging?
Many thanks
Dan Journo
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2008 Aug 27
ACPI HPET Timer - Works on standard Kernel - Broken on Xen Kernel
I have an error in my dmesg system log about hpet not correctly
hpet_acpi_add: no address or irqs in _CRS
The same kernel without Xen enables it fine:
hpet0: at MMIO 0xfed00000 (virtual 0xffffffffff5fe000), IRQs 2, 8, 31
hpet0: 3 32-bit timers, 25000000 Hz
hpet_resources: 0xfed00000 is busy
Do I have to pass an additional boot option? (ACPI is already enabled)
or is there
2011 Apr 09
asterisk-users Digest, Vol 81, Issue 27
I need to change the sip port from 5060 to 5061 actually we already
used 5060 for proxy to sip any idea to change 5060 to 5061 so all can
acces the sip using this port please help........................
On 4/8/11, asterisk-users-request at lists.digium.com
<asterisk-users-request at lists.digium.com> wrote:
> Send asterisk-users mailing list submissions to
> asterisk-users at
2024 Mar 29
Heartbeat timer failure 15 minutes after startup
It is consistently happening 14-15 minutes after starting. Please see attached upssched-cmd and upssched.conf. I don't have a upssched.cmd. The binary upssched is used.
From: Nut-upsuser <nut-upsuser-bounces+danpower2023=outlook.com at alioth-lists.debian.net> on behalf of Roger Price via Nut-upsuser <nut-upsuser at alioth-lists.debian.net>
2009 Oct 20
Hi everyone,
Does anyone have the documentation for OutCall?
The link isn't working.
IT Maintenance Contract Clients can now access our Instant Chat Service to receive immediate remote IT support. Click the chat link below for support.
For more information on receiving IT support from ?150
2024 Mar 28
Heartbeat timer failure 15 minutes after startup
On Thu, 28 Mar 2024, Dan Grostick via Nut-upsuser wrote:
> All three systems have a heartbeat-timer failure approximately 15 minutes
> after starting NUT. No subsequent failures. Any ideas on what is happening?
I've seen the timers: heartbeat.conf has two 300 sec timers, upssched.cmd looks
like what is often called upssched.conf and has a 660 sec timer. So it looks as
if the
2007 Apr 18
[RFC, PATCH 22/24] i386 Consolidate redundant timer code
Isolate some of the non-VMI timer related changes in Linux. This patch
moves the cyc_2_ns conversion code into a common location, eliminating
redundant code in hpet and tsc timer implementations, and introduces
some macros that may be redefined by the sub-architecture to avoid
dependence on APIC routing, CMOS time sync, and testing for broken time
hardware (which presumably, does not happen in a
2007 Apr 18
[RFC, PATCH 22/24] i386 Consolidate redundant timer code
Isolate some of the non-VMI timer related changes in Linux. This patch
moves the cyc_2_ns conversion code into a common location, eliminating
redundant code in hpet and tsc timer implementations, and introduces
some macros that may be redefined by the sub-architecture to avoid
dependence on APIC routing, CMOS time sync, and testing for broken time
hardware (which presumably, does not happen in a
2016 Nov 30
Dropped call after 900s: 481 call/transaction does not exist and another anomaly during re-invite in timer - full anonymized trace attached
Hello all!
I can see a strange problem during invite in dialog in the context of
timer handling.
Given is the following incoming call from provider at (2 at 2)
to my asterisk at (1 at 1):
After 900s suddenly *asterisk* starts the timer reinvite - I would have
expected the reinvite started by the provider as usual.
The expected reinvite by the provider is started
2007 Apr 02
Kernel timer frequency and HTB
i have a linux box which is acting as a lan router towards the internet
doing traffic shaping.
My link is 10Mbit/s full duplex.
I have set some HTB classes with a rate of 20% (2Mbit/s) and a ceil of
95% (9.5Mbit/s). Is such an excursion of bandwidth in the HTB classes
feasible for HTB to control?
What Timer frequency (kernel menuconfig) is the most suitable among 250,
300 and 1000Hz
2017 Mar 28
Is a timer a file?
Hi Arnaud,
On Wed, 22 Mar 2017, Arnaud Quette wrote:
> The technique is very general and is to send SIGUSR1/SIGUSR2 to the upsd daemon.? SIGUSR1 and SIGUSR2 are events just like ONBATT and ONLINE.
> The patch runs successfully on my opensuse 13.2 box, and solves my problem. In upssched.conf I now have declarations such as
2005 Mar 23
Does X100P clone provide Timer?
Does anyone know if the X100P clone cards provide the timer needed to
run MOH and the Conferencing service? I have no need for a T1 card, but
I'm running asterisk on a dual processor machine with the wrong kind of
USB devices, so none of the dummy timers will work for me.
Also, I'm running Asterisk@Home (2.4 Kernel). Anyone know if upgrade to
the 2.6 kernel will allow me to use the
2016 Jul 01
Proposal for technique to stop a timer at any moment
Dear list, I would like to propose a set of patches which make it possible
for a upssched-cmd script to stop a timer at an arbitrary moment. If you
find this of interest, I will submit a set of patches to 2.7.4.
The comments at the top of upssched.c say << * timers can be cancelled at any
time before they trigger >>. It would be very useful if