similar to: rspec_plugin generator

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "rspec_plugin generator"

2007 Jan 19
Something cool I learned about rspec today
I found an awesome feature today. When you''re setting expectations, you can actually pattern match the parameters to methods. Here''s my discussion and example: Pat
2007 Apr 09
RCov results seem to include the spec files
I saw the RCov page at and decided to add it to my project. My rakefile looks like this: require "rake" require "spec/rake/spectask" desc "Run all specs with RCov""spec:rcov") do |t| t.spec_files = FileList["spec/**/*_spec.rb"] t.rcov = true end When I run rake spec:rcov,
2007 Apr 25
Running specs for a plugin - undefined method ''define'' for object
I''m trying to write specs for a plugin I''m developing named audit_fu, and I''m running into a problem which I can''t get past it. I''ve got the same specs setup in the main rails app, and everything works fine there, it''s just running the plugin specs that I''m having a problem with. My setup is: - edge rails - edge rspec (in
2006 Dec 20
Edge RSpec on Rails...what did I forget?
Started a new Rails project, and installed RSpec and the Rails plugin vendor/plugins/rspec (svn:// - 1332 vendor/plugins/rspec_on_rails (svn:// - 1332 Generated the rspec file, created a model...the spec runs fine if I do ruby spec/models/foo_spec.rb. Running rake though gives
2008 Mar 03
Testing Plugins + Lib Code
Hi, I''m quite new to Rspec and I''m embarking on a new project. One thing I''m really not sure about is how to test plugins and code in your ''lib/'' folder. Where would these specs actually live in the dir structure? Should you test plugins by creating specs within the plugin''s dir? Or by adding a spec to the main ''/specs''
2007 Aug 03
Plugins ''speced'' with rSpec?
Hello, I''m trying to figure out how to setup a spec structure for plugins. I''m getting pretty lost in figuring out how to isolate a plugin enviornment emulating rails, but not actually being reflected upon the current rails project. What I mean is this, let''s say I have a comment plugin. This has two things in lib, the comment model (comment.rb) and then the module
2007 Sep 03
blog post on story runner
Here''s an excellent blog post on Story Runner, which will be part of the next release and is undergoing active development in trunk:
2007 Mar 13
Opening the singleton class of mocked objects
I wrote a plugin [1] a while ago that lets me do validations on a single AR instance. Instead of defining validations in an AR class, I can define them on a AR instance''s singleton class: class << @video validates_presence_of :title end One of my specs mocks Video.find, and the above code is run on the mock object. When I run the spec, I get the expected undefined method
2006 Dec 24
What do you think of this controller spec?
Here''s a controller spec I wrote, it''s for a very simple RESTful controller (well, aren''t all RESTful controllers simple? :) I''ve created a couple spec helper methods to refactor some of the common code...for example, require_login_and_correct_user creates two specifications: one for when the user isn''t logged in, and one when the user is logged in but
2007 Nov 26
rSpec (rev 2996), Rails (rev 8214): TextMate bundle problems
Hey guys, I''m trying to get rSpec (rev 2996) working with Rails 2 (rev 8214). Running the tests from the command line works, no problem. I installed the RSpec.tmbundle (also rev 2996), and would like to see the HTML test results in TextMate. When I run the "Run examples in selected files/directories" command in TextMate, I get the following dump:
2008 Mar 10
tutes on testing controllers
hello spec''ers, i''m in the hunt for guides on testing controllers with rspec, would you guys recommend any? thanks Oliver -- Oliver Azevedo Barnes oli.azevedo.barnes at +55 11 9768 0193
2006 Nov 03
[PLUGIN] rspec_resource_generator - RESTful scaffold generator with RSpec specifications
rspec_resource_generator ======================== By Pat Maddox Use this generator to generate RESTful scaffolding with RSpec specifications. Syntax is exactly the same as the scaffold_resource generator: ./script/generate rspec_resource ModelName [field:type field:type] When you run this generator, it will create a migration, model, and model spec file. In addition, it gives you a RESTful
2013 Jun 18
Getting rspec error: Net::SMTPServerBusy: Relay access denied
I''m trying to test registration emails (sent with devise), and I keep getting the error: Net::SMTPServerBusy: 454 4.7.1 <>: Relay access denied I''m running Rails 3.2.11 with Capybara, and I have (temporarily) chopped my spec_helper.rb and test.rb files down to the bare minimum, still getting the error above.
2011 Sep 01
How to remove this deprecation warning
Hi, After upgrading to rails 3.1 and rspec-rails 2.6.1 I get the following deprecation warning, however as far as I can tell I am not defining any examples before it is called. I am using the default spec_helper generated with rails g rspec:install so why this warning? Thanks ***************************************************************** DEPRECATION WARNING: you are using deprecated
2008 Jan 21
Story runner "macros"
I''ve gotten quite a bit out of Pat Maddox''s screencast One thing I''m not sure of is the feature where he writes things like: When "I POST to", "/articles", :post => {:title => "Title", :body => "Body") do | path, params| post_via_redirect
2011 Aug 10
How to stop Rspec loading my Cucumber fixtures
I have a bunch of fixtures designed to populate the database for my Cucumber integration tests. But at this stage I want my database to be empty when using Rspec. So, I moved the fixtures from `/spec/fixtures` to `features/support/fixtures`, and updated `features/support/env.rb` to read: Fixtures.reset_cache fixtures_folder = File.join(RAILS_ROOT, ''features'',
2007 Sep 04
Rake tasks getting in the way of edge (uses gem instead)
So I''d been running gem releases of rspec for the past several months, and I installed edge rspec so that I can use Story Runner. I''m running into a problem because I''ve got a couple rake tasks that reference "spec/rake/raketask". If I try to run "rake spec" then it pulls in the gem version instead of the plugin version. rake blows up saying that
2007 Mar 14
What''s the new syntax for predicates?
@settings.should allow_publish_ip("") fails with undefined method `allow_publish_ip'' for #<#<Class:0x2f8fd48>:0x2f5a968> @settings.should_allow_publish_ip("") works fine This is rspec 0.8.2. says that matching arbitrary predicates is deprecated and to see
2007 Sep 15
How to write a plugin that uses rspec internally?
My team is working on a plugin and we want to use RSpec internally for the plugin''s tests. (a) What are some different ways to go about this? Should we rely on the RSpec gem? Should we expect that the "host" Rails application has installed the RSpec plugins? Are there other options? (b) Which approach from (a) would you recommend? (c) Would you recommend any particular
2013 Mar 20
Rspec + Devise + BaseController
Hello there, I''m creating a base controller for the admin section of a project. All controllers whitin the admin section will inherit from it. ##################################################### #app/controllers/admins/base_controller.rb class Admins::BaseController < ApplicationController layout "admin_cms" before_filter :authenticate_admin! end