similar to: Ring group howto

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "Ring group howto"

2007 Jun 20
Forcing Dial application to skip if called server is unreachable
Is it possible to force the Dial function to skip to the next priority if it doesn't find the server of the called contact within a few seconds? I know I can use: Dial(Technology/resource[&Tech2/resource2...][|timeout][|options][|URL]) where I can use some short timeout in the "timeout" option, but if I do so, when some call is well succeeded, it will only ring for that
2009 Jun 02
error with dial timeout
Hello, I am trying to do : Exten =>_X.,n,Dial(SIP/ser_sei0/1130,L(10208400:61000:10000)) But it return that error: [Jun 2 10:04:44] WARNING[18920]: app_dial.c:1623 dial_exec_full: Invalid timeout specified: 'L(10208400:61000:10000)' Why? I forgot something ? Thank you Cordialement, BERGANZ Fran?ois P Pensez ? l'Environnement, n'imprimez ce mail que
2006 Nov 22
DTMF detection during Call
Hi I have calls comming from a SIP-ATA-Box via Asterisk to PSTN Phones by outbound SIP. Now i want to detect DTMF-Tone Code coming from the called party to trigger a signal. Can this be done with asterisk? I read that the codec with DTMF detection are ulaw and alaw. But i couldn't find a command to detect dtmf's within a normal call. thanks and mani greetings Christian
2009 Apr 20
Execute after hangup
What is the syntax to progress with a dial plan after hangup please? Michael
2009 Mar 06
Asterisk dial plan conditional on not busy
Here is the current dial plan section: [custom-michael] exten => _900,1,Playback(custom/extn-xfer) exten => _900,2,SayDigits(${EXTEN}) exten => _900,3,MixMonitor........... exten => _900,4,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}|${DEFRT}) exten => _900,5,Playback(custom/extn-xfer2) exten => _900,6,Goto(custom-michael,901,4) exten => _901,1,Playback(custom/extn-xfer) exten =>
2011 Mar 11
insertion of a row between individuals
Can someone help with a fairly simple task? I have a data set where I would like to insert a 0 time event between individuals: what I have: VAR DATE TIME CONC COVAR 1 NOV2 0.25 10 group1 1 NOV2 0.5 20 group1 1 NOV2 1 5 group1 1 NOV2 2 1 group1 1 NOV2 3 0.1 group1 2 NOV2 0.25 10
2009 Aug 28
how to explain the interaction terms regarding "treatment contrast" of lm model
Dear list, I am confused on how to explain the interaction term in the context of "treatment contrast". for example, I have an data frame as below: sub group val 1 a group1 3.685625 2 a group1 3.407445 3 a group1 4.040920 4 a group1 2.890875 5 b group1 3.853280 6 b group1 4.113585 7 b group1 3.043250 8 b group1 3.800920 9 c group1 5.394305 10 c
2011 Nov 03
Reclassify string values
Hi All, Is there a simple way to convert a string such as c("A", "B" ,"C", "D") to a string of c("Group1", "Group1", "Group2", "Group2"). Naturally I could use the factor function as below but I don't like seeing that warning message (and I don't want to turn off warning messages). Perhaps a function
2012 Dec 17
seeking a help on if function
Hello r helpers! Below is the whole coding for my programme. Before proceed more further, let me explain for you. First of all, I need to compute trimmed mean. Till that step is ok. Then I need to compute ssdw which is sum of square deviation. If I do equal trimming at both tail of distribution that I chose, I will use the first ssd formulae which is "a". But if I am doing unequal
2011 Feb 08
Permissions in shared folders
Hi, On my mail server I want to implement shared folders for each workgroup where there are many workgroups. One way would be to create a separate namespace for each workgroup. However, this does not scale well so I decided to use a single Shared mailbox and use ACLs: namespace public { separator = . prefix = Shared. location = maildir:/var/mail/shared:CONTROL=~/Maildir/shared } Each
2011 Jul 14
cbind in aggregate formula - based on an existing object (vector)
Hello! I am aggregating using a formula in aggregate - of the type: aggregate(cbind(var1,var2,var3)~factor1+factor2,sum,data=mydata) However, I actually have an object (vector of my variables to be aggregated): myvars<-c("var1","var2","var3") I'd like my aggregate formula (its "cbind" part) to be able to use my "myvars" object. Is it
2009 Sep 20
missing level of a nested factor results in an NA in lm output
Hello All, I have posted to this list before regarding the same issue so I apologize for the multiple e-mails. I am still struggling with this issue so I thought I'd give it another try. This time I have included reproducible code and a subset of the data I am analyzing. I am running an ANOVA with three factors: GROUP (5 levels), FEATURE (2 levels), and PATIENT (2 levels), where
2005 Apr 20
negative p-values from fisher's test (PR#7801)
Full_Name: Martha Nason Version: 2.0.1 OS: Windows XP Submission from: (NULL) ( I am running simulations using fisher's test on 2 x c tables and a very small p.value from fisher's test (<2.2e-16) is returned as a negative number. Code follows. > set.seed(0) > nreps.outer <-7 > pvalue.fisher <- rep(NA,nreps.outer) > > population1 <- c(
2008 Aug 01
Grouping Index of Matrix Based on Certain Condition
Hi, I have the following (M x N) matrix, where M = 10 and N =2 What I intend to do is to group index of (M) based on this condition of "x_mn" , namely For each M, If x_m1 > x_m2, assign index of M to Group1 otherwise assign index of M into Group 2 > x [,1] [,2] [1,] 4.482909e-01 0.55170907 [2,] 9.479594e-01 0.05204063 [3,] 8.923553e-01 0.10764474
2010 Jan 25
Hi all Assume I have a data set xx; Group: 1=group1 ?, 2=group2 IQ: ?1= High, 0 =low fit <- glm(IQ ~group, data = xx, family = binomial()) summary(fit) Results ?????? ????????????Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|) (Intercept) -2.55456??? 0.210 -12.273? < 5e-16 *** group????????? 0.36180 ?????0.076?? 3.952 ????5.24e-05 *** the odd ratio = exp(0.36180 )= 1.435912 My question
2011 Apr 04
merging 2 frames while keeping all the entries from the "reference" frame
Hello! I have my data frame "mydata" (below) and data frame "reference" - that contains all the dates I would like to be present in the final data frame. I am trying to merge them so that the the result data frame contains all 8 dates in both subgroups (i.e., Group1 should have 8 rows and Group2 too). But when I merge it it's not coming out this way. Any hint would be
2010 May 05
t.test per line
Dear All, I apologize for this trivial question, I can not find the solution I try to use t.test function per line in the data.frame, But i dont'understand the error message my program is as follows group1<-gl(2,20) fun<-function(x){ m<-data.frame(group1,x) #anova(aov(x ~ group1, m)) t.est(x ~ group1,m) } ttest<- apply(data, 1, fun) Error in t.test.default(x = c(1, 1,
2012 Jun 03
a question about subsetting
Hi all, I started using R about 3 weeks ago, and now I've pretty much figured out how to do the types of statistical modeling, graphs, tables etc. that I frequently  use (with zero background in computer languages or other statistical packages that are similar to R like S or SAS!). So it's been a  quite  rewarding process so far, and I thank you all R gurus for all your generous help! That
2008 Oct 02
aggregate empty row for pretty appearance also subtotal if possible
Hi, To pretty print aggregates by various dimensions I needed to add a empty row in output of aggregate. For example. d<-(aggregate(data[,cbind("x")], by=list(data$group1,data$group2), sum)) Group.1 Group.2 x 1 A N 3 2 A Y 2 3 B N 420164905 Is there a way to add an empty
2011 Jun 01
Samba + ACL + Linux Client
Hello, I'm Oliver and I need help for a experiment. I have a sharing with Samba version 3.2.5, my distribution Linux is Debian(Lenny) and the acl version is 2.2.47. Below my configurations files: #/etc/fstab /dev/sda3 /shared reiserfs defaults,acl 0 1 #smb.conf [data] comment = files path = /shared inherit acls = yes inherit permissions = yes map acl inherit = Yes #