similar to: Performance Tuning Mysql and how mongrel is effected

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "Performance Tuning Mysql and how mongrel is effected"

2009 Oct 21
Concurrent calls including mysql taking lot of time for execution
Hi, I tried getting our server setup for 400-500 simultaneous calls, calls were going through properly but at around 200-250 calls, mysql (connect ...) statement was taking at least 5-10 sec to connect to the database. I optimized all possible parameters in my.cnf: max_connection=1000 wait_timeout=60 query_cache_type=1 query_cache_limit=4M query_cache_size=512M interactive_timeout=120
2009 Apr 15
MySQL On ZFS Performance(fsync) Problem?
Hi,all I did some test about MySQL''s Insert performance on ZFS, and met a big performance problem,*i''m not sure what''s the point*. Environment 2 Intel X5560 (8 core), 12GB RAM, 7 slc SSD(Intel). A Java client run 8 threads concurrency insert into one Innodb table: *~600 qps when sync_binlog=1 & innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit=1 ~600 qps when sync_binlog=10
2011 Oct 11
/etc/init.d/mysql =fail mysqld=success
Hello. This is my mysql-server.pp file, both master and client are runing ubuntu. -------------------- class mysql-server { package { "mysql-server": ensure => installed } package { "mysql-client": ensure => installed } service { "mysql": enable => true, ensure => running, require => Package["mysql-server"], } file
2013 Nov 11
Tuning MySQL - what's the best place for mysqld parameters?
Hello CentOS users, for a Wordpress website I have installed mysql-server-5.1.69-1.el6_4.x86_64 and run /usr/bin/mysql_secure_installation on a CentOS 6.4 machine with mucho RAM (32 GB) and I wonder, what would be the best place for the mysqld parameters descibed at mysqld_safe --key_buffer_size=64M --table_open_cache=256 \
2015 Mar 12
mysql replication - problems
On Thu, Mar 12, 2015 at 8:57 AM Tim Dunphy <bluethundr at> wrote: > Hey everybody, > > I'm trying to get mysql master/slave replication to work under SSL. I've > created the certs for both the slave and the master. I've configured the > master and slave my.cnf. And it does appear that replication is actually > working. > > Master is actually
2017 Sep 16
R Configuration Variable: Maximum Memory Allocation per R Instance
Dear R Developers, In the same way that MySQL/MariaDB's Engine InnoDB or MyISAM/Aria have the innodb_buffer_pool_size or the key_buffer_size for setting the maximum amount of RAM which can be used by a Server Instance: ?Would it be possible to create an R Configuration Variable which fixes the maximum amount of RAM memory to be used as Commit / Dynamic Memory Allocation? Thank you. Juan
2006 Jul 21
Webrick stops responding after extended inactivity.
Hello everyone, I have developed several ruby apps which are currently live in production. Recently I have encountered a problem where my apps stop responding after a long period of inactivity. I am using Webrick as the server with Rails 1.1.2 and mysql 5.0.21. I have dug up other issues people have had with mysql dropping connections after 8 hours, and the supposed fix of adding an
2015 Mar 12
mysql replication - problems
Hey everybody, I'm trying to get mysql master/slave replication to work under SSL. I've created the certs for both the slave and the master. I've configured the master and slave my.cnf. And it does appear that replication is actually working. Master is actually MariaDB (version 5.5.41-MariaDB-log, and the slave is MySQL (version 5.5.41-log). But there are two issues I'd like to
2015 Mar 12
mysql replication - problems
> > The mysqld process runs as the mysql user. It's parent which is the > mysqld_safe runs as the root user. That being said the mysql user needs > to have at least read permission to the locations where the ssl files are > > located. By default on Centos the /etc/pki/CA/private directory has its > directory permissions to only allow the root user. If the mysql
2007 May 10
Mongrel dying daily with Ruby 1.8.5
Dear ALL, I saw this in article from mongrel faq, Q: Mongrel stops working if it''s left alone for a long time. If you find that Mongrel stops working after a long idle time and you''re using MySQL then you''re hitting a bug in the MySQL driver that doesn''t properly timeout connections. What happens is the MySQL *server* side of the connection times out and
2017 Sep 17
R Configuration Variable: Maximum Memory Allocation per R Instance
On Sun, Sep 17, 2017 at 12:39 AM, Juan Telleria <jtelleriar at> wrote: > Dear R Developers, > > In the same way that MySQL/MariaDB's Engine InnoDB or MyISAM/Aria have the > innodb_buffer_pool_size or the key_buffer_size for setting the maximum > amount of RAM which can be used by a Server Instance. Memory is not controlled by R itself because packages may
2007 Jun 12
"Broken Pipe" FAQ solution a bust
A bit about my environment. Fedora Core 6 httpd 2.2.2 ruby (compiled) 1.8.5 gem 0.9.4 rails 1.2.3 ruby/mysql C library 0.2.6 mysql 5.0.27 interactive_timeout = 28800 wait_timeout = 28800 mongrel 1.0.1 I''ve had this experience in other environments with different versions but this configuration is the most recent attempt I''ve made. I get the "Broken Pipe" error after
2019 Oct 28
Dovecot and MySQL aborted connections.
Hi, > Is anyone else using Dovecot (2.3.8) with MySQL (5.7) seeing a lot of these in MySQL logs? > > 2019-10-28T11:08:20.384428+02:00 58378 [Note] Aborted connection 58378 to db: 'vmail' user: 'vmail' host: 'localhost' (Got an error reading communication packets) > 2019-10-28T11:10:09.821171+02:00 58420 [Note] Aborted connection 58420 to db: 'vmail'
2015 Nov 30
SOT: MariaDB 5.5.x-MariaDB logs are not going to desired .log file
Hi there, I know this is off-topic or semi off-topic but I really need some help since I am stucked. I'm trying to redirect MariaDB logs to `/var/log/mysql/*.log` files as shown below on the `/etc/my.cnf.d/server.cnf` file: # # These groups are read by MariaDB server. # Use it for options that only the server (but not clients) should see # # See the examples of server
2007 Jul 29
Mongrel stops responding after period of inactivity
Hi I''m running a 2-instance Mongrel cluster behind Apache 2.2.4 with Rails 1.2.3. If no requests are received by the application for several hours (this usually happens overnight) then Mongrel stops responding and no requests are detected by Rails (at least nothing is in the Rails log). Nothing untoward is in the Mongrel log. If you try and visit the application, the request times out
2007 Jan 02
problems with apache 2.2 proxying to mongrel cluster
Hi all, I''ve been having problems with the apache 2.2-mod_proxy_balancer- mongrel setup. My setup is: CentOS 4.3 apache 2.2.3 (compiled from source) with mod_proxy_balancer mysql 4.1 ruby 1.8.4 mongrel 0.3.14 (I know I need to update but I think this problem is independent of the mongrel version) mongrel_cluster 0.2.0 rails_machine 0.1.1 I have apache setup as per Coda''s
2006 Apr 28
Nightly mongrel issues...
Hi, I have Apache (2.2) setup to proxy requests through to Mongrel ( for a Rails (1.1.2) application (on ruby 1.8.4). The setup is great, but I''m experiencing some nightly failures. I thought I''d post here before digging in too deeply, but it looks like Rails is going into lala land and Mongrel can''t recover... Seems like everything gets all backed up in
2007 Jul 29
Mongrel stops responding after period of inactivity
Hi I posted this to the Ruby on Rails Talk group but I thought I''d post it here too as it''s probably a more appropriate group. Hope this is ok. I''m running a 2-instance Mongrel cluster behind Apache 2.2.4 with Rails 1.2.3. If no requests are received by the application for several hours (this usually happens overnight) then Mongrel stops responding and no requests are
2006 May 03
ActiveRecord and Lost Connection
This isnt totally a rails question; I am using ActiveRecord for storing some simple values into a database. My problem; I keep gettign MySQL Errors. On the Win32 machine it was off and on. Now on the linux machine (ubuntu) I can'' t connect at all. I have all the password settings correct. My only thought, I am working with Threads and thought that might cause the issue, but I
2019 Oct 28
Dovecot and MySQL aborted connections.
Is anyone else using Dovecot (2.3.8) with MySQL (5.7) seeing a lot of these in MySQL logs? 2019-10-28T11:08:20.384428+02:00 58378 [Note] Aborted connection 58378 to db: 'vmail' user: 'vmail' host: 'localhost' (Got an error reading communication packets) 2019-10-28T11:10:09.821171+02:00 58420 [Note] Aborted connection 58420 to db: 'vmail' user: 'vmail'