similar to: Fixtures considered harmful?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "Fixtures considered harmful?"

2007 Aug 10
This may have turned up in the RSS feeds of many of you already, but for those who haven''t seen it yet, looks intersting: <> > The main problem with fixtures, for me, has always been how unfun > they are. They literally suck the fun out of anything they?re > around. You throw them in your test/ directory, then suddenly > testing
2007 Jun 22
Nicer failure message formatting
Hi Are there any tools around that make rspec''s failure messages easier to read? unit_diff from ZenTest doesn''t seem to work - unless I missed something. A simple but very helpful improvement would be to use more line- breaks, e.g. Current output: expected "this is a very long string blah blah", got "this is a very very long string blah blah" (using
2007 Sep 07
fixtures in before(:all)
I was planning on using a fixture within a description that didn''t modify the fixture, so I put it in a before(:all) block: describe "Customer", "xml" do fixtures :customers before(:all) do one = customers(:one) end # ... As a result, I got this message: 1) NoMethodError in ''Customer xml before(:all)'' You have a nil object when you
2007 Apr 04
ANN: RSpec 0.9.0 beta-1 available for download.
We''d like to get some feedback on RSpec 0.9 before we start pushing out releases via Rubyforge''s gem server and update the website. We have therefore made the first beta of 0.9 available - both prepackaged and tagged in subversion (see below). RSpec 0.9 introduces a new API for expectations, which essentially means that your underscores go away (there has been other discussions
2007 May 19
RSpec 1.0.0 and a couple of other things
First up, congratulations to the team on RSpec 1.0.0! RSpec is one of the most vibrant and professionally-run projects in the world of Ruby open source. Now that there is a commitment to a stable API I think we''ll see RSpec really take off. Two quick things... In the absence of official Spec::UI docs, can Spec::UI be installed as a Rails plug-in? eg. script/plugin install
2007 May 24
Specs for code stored in rails_app/lib/
Where should the specs go for code in the "lib" directory of a Rails app? I made a folder, "spec/lib/", for storing such specs, and RSpec automatically picks them up when run using "rake spec". Before I go ahead and patch rspec_on_rails/lib/autotest/ rails_rspec.rb so that autotest can monitor these specs I''d like to ask whether this is the
2007 Jul 26
Coding standards and whitespace
Recently as a result of using Git I''ve noticed a number of inconsistencies in the RSpec codebase with respect to whitespace (mixed line endings, mixed use of spaces and tabs for indentation, and trailing whitespace at the end of lines). I never would have noticed, but Git produces nice colorized diff output which highlights these kinds of inconsistencies. I wanted to ask if the
2007 Sep 07
Sorry, lots of questions these days. Is there a normal approach for preconditions? In JUnit, I might put a few assertions in the setUp() just to make sure that the test ''data'' I''ve created meets expectations before going to test it. So, for instance, I''ve got an object that is audited using acts_as_audited and I''d like to test the XML that results
2007 Feb 28
Fixture name not available as class variable in spec
Hi there, I can''t seem to access the fixture name as a class variable from my specs. I have to set the variable in the spec setup. ... [fixtures] my_fixture: id: 1 ... [rpsec] == 1 ... [error] You have a nil object when you didn''t expect it! The error occurred while evaluating ... [my setup] RSpec- (r1395) - BDD for Ruby Rails
2008 Jan 23
DRYing up stories
I''m finding that I''m writing sets of very similar scenarios to check access permissions for each of my actions. Does anyone have suggestions on how to dry this up: Given an existing Account And a logged in Admin When the user visits account/manage Then he should get access Given an existing Account And a logged in Manager When the user visits account/manage Then he should get
2006 Oct 17
Should fixtures be transactional?
I started using the new Model.should_have(1).records expectation in rspec_on_rails, and quickly realized that my fixtures were remaining loaded, even in contexts that didn''t use them. Bug or feature? Jay Levitt
2007 Jun 08
autotest bug?
Autotest is running continuously - even when the files mtimes aren''t changing. I believe this only happens if using a failures file. autotest -v gives me: euclid% autotest -v loading autotest/rails_rspec /opt/local/bin/ruby -S script/spec -O spec/spec.opts spec/ controllers/log_entries_controller_spec.rb spec/views/login/ new_spec.rb spec/controllers/login_controller_spec.rb
2007 May 24
Specs for ApplicationController, where to put them?
The Rails ApplicationController (app/controllers/application.rb) serves as an abstract superclass for all other controllers in a Rails application and is a good place to put methods and filters which you want all of your controllers to use. In my case I''m using it to provide methods such as "current_user" and "logged_in?" etc. By default, RSpec
2007 Oct 18
first cut at blockless given/when/then
Hi all, I committed a first cut at blockless Givens/Whens/Thens to RSpec''s trunk: cd /path/to/rspec/project svn up cd rspec bin/spec examples/story/calculator.rb Take a look at examples/story/calculator.rb to see what''s going on. Needs docs!!!! Thoughts welcome. I''ve also got a cut at the plain text parser checked in, but it''s not hooked up to anything
2007 Aug 13
Problem of using fixture in Rspec
Dear Fellows: I was using fixtures in the model tests using Rspec. I found that the test data specified in the fixtures was stored in the test database once I ran the spec and won''t be removed anyway. Is my observation correct? There might be another problem regarding the fixtures. When I ran the specs one by one, it was working. However, it failed when I tried to run all the
2007 Feb 13
Error against latest trunk while testing via spec for model
Hi I just did an update to lates trunk ================= context "Given a generated venue_spec.rb with fixtures loaded" do fixtures :venues specify "fixtures should load two Venues" do Venue.should have(2).records end end ================== gives me ========== 1) TypeError in ''Given a generated venue_spec.rb with fixtures loaded fixtures should load two
2007 Jul 11
"they" synonym for "it"?
I''ve noticed that I phrase a lot of shared behaviours in plural, eg describe "All payment_details views" How about a "they" alias to "it" so you can write describe "All payment_details views", :shared => true do they "should have a card number field" do # ... end end WDYT? Ashley
2007 May 22
BDD screenscast
I posted a quick screencast demonstrating some BDD with RSpec yesterday: behaviourdriven.php I''m a C/Objective-C programmer who knows a bit of Ruby, almost nothing about Rails, and in BDD I can really only claim "new but interested" status. It''s not scripted, it''s totally improvised and
2008 Sep 09
Cucumber and fixtures/FixtureReplacement
Hey guys, I''d never used RSpec Stories before, so I decided to follow the apparent direction of the wind and just jump right into cucumber. I''m dabbling with/using Cucumber and really like it. Good job, aslak! Where i''m struggling right now is using either fixtures or a model factory methodology like the FixtureReplacement. In both cases, I''m not
2007 Oct 15
Top Quoting?
Sort of off-topic and don''t mean to complain, but many on this list use top quoting. That works ok if you don''t quote the whole previous thread. However, I''m finding that scrolling forever to locate the reply on longer threads is getting tedious. What''s the rationale for top-quoting? Thx.