similar to: predicate matchers

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "predicate matchers"

2007 Mar 06
mocking missing methods
Hi folks. So I''m using mocha on a ruby project, and I really like it. One thing I''ve noticed is that it can be a bit "surprising" when I''m mocking methods that don''t exist on an object, and I think there''s an easyish fix. At the moment, you use sheep = mock() to create a mock sheep. What I''d like to do is something like sheep =
2007 Oct 30
Facets and/or Nested Describes
I have to confess that I did not know about facets before reading Ashley Moran''s post: Not knowing about the facets solution, I made a couple of feature requests for nested describes:
2012 Jan 01
Lattice: Understanding How Points Connected by Lines
A data frame has one factor, one date, and one numeric column. When I plot these using the default pch of the open circle (first attachment), xyplot(TDS ~ sampdate | she.s, data = sheep.cast, main = 'TDS in Sheep Creek', ylab = 'Concentration (mg/L)', xlab = 'Time') I see the higher concentration points toward the right on several panels. But, when I change to using a
2020 Sep 13
metaflac --show-all-tags (patch)
Hi folks, I always wondered why there is no "metaflac --show-all-tags", in parallel to --remove-all-tags. Attached you can find a patch for your consideration. Sample output: % metaflac --show-all-tags *.flac 01 Pigs on the wing (Part One).flac:ARTIST=Pink Floyd 01 Pigs on the wing (Part One).flac:TRACKNUMBER=01 01 Pigs on the wing (Part One).flac:ALBUM=Animals 01 Pigs on the wing
2011 Apr 29
3-way contingency table
Hi, I have large data frame with many columns. A short example is given below: > dataH host ms01 ms31 ms33 ms34 1 cattle 4 20 9 6 2 sheep 4 3 4 5 3 cattle 4 3 4 5 4 cattle 4 3 4 5 5 sheep 4 3 5 5 6 goat 4 3 4 5 7 sheep 4 3 5 5 8 goat 4 3 4 5 9 goat 4 3 4 5 10 cattle
2007 Mar 14
What''s the new syntax for predicates?
@settings.should allow_publish_ip("") fails with undefined method `allow_publish_ip'' for #<#<Class:0x2f8fd48>:0x2f5a968> @settings.should_allow_publish_ip("") works fine This is rspec 0.8.2. says that matching arbitrary predicates is deprecated and to see
2003 Jan 23
e2fsck too old / ext3 HTREE errors
hi, i have a tricky situation here and and don't know where to start with the solution. i happened to set up a linux system, but i had to install the base system on another machine. i used e2fsprogs 1.30-WIP (30-Sep-2002) for this. now the machine is up and running, but i have to use e2fsprogs 1.27 (8-Mar-2002). it's a debian system and i wanted to stay sane & stable, hence using
2011 Jul 04
mind to bitter, interest to joy, tolerance to macro, speech
Sooner or later, the same The teacher to the student in his class at the effects of collective speak, told a story. The story is: a sheep, and leave the sheep eaten by the Wolf. Finish the story, the teacher asked: "the classmates, if this sheep honestly stay in the flock, it won't be the wolves eat, isn't it?" A little boy stood up and replied, "of course. But, it is
2007 Nov 02
stub calls to an instance method before it is created?
I am desperately in need of functionality such as Mocha offers with their any_instance method. I see that there is an open ticket for a similar feature in RSpec, but it does not look like anything have been done. Is there any other way around this? Here is what I am doing, and why I feel I need this
2006 Jun 13
Asterisk & Eyebeam chat function
Hi all, Eyebeam has a sip-chat function and it would be nice if I would be able to use it. But the problem is that I can't really find information about it. I can just try to send a message and on the Asterisk console a message like this appears: Jun 13 10:05:25 WARNING[6512]: chan_sip.c:7281 receive_message: Received message to <sip:bla@voiphost> from "Bla
2006 Mar 17
nlme predict with se?
I am trying to make predictions with se's using a nlme (kew11.nlme below). I get an error indicating levels for a factor are not allowed. I have searched and read Rnews, MEMSS, MASS, R-Help, and other lists in Spanish where I found questions similar to mine but not solution. I do not really care about the method used. Any suggestions to obtain predictions with se's from an nlme
2006 Jan 09
Hi, I''m new to Ruby and Rails, and I''m running Ruby 1.8.4 with Rails 1.0 on Ubuntu 5.10 (breezy). I wanted to have a model Software, with the table as software (since ''software'' is the plural too). I appreciate one can simply use something like use_table or whatever (can''t remember the exact command) in the Model file, but I''d much rather
2004 Nov 28
file_set_dosmode / No data available with 3.0.8
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 hi, after upgrading to samba 3.0.8 (debian/unstable, i386) i too encounter similar problems as reported here: upon logoff from a win2k(sp4) client, the profile cannot be saved and the samba logfile from the client (prinz) gives: [2004/11/26 17:57:06, 2]
2007 Sep 26
General question about PHP - continued with mod_python
Oops, I just missed the python part. Does mod_python have similar options? Or how to stop other users to run python scripts in some directories? On 9/26/07, Miskell, Craig <Craig.Miskell at> wrote: > > > > Hello, > > > > Is that possible to disable running of PHP on certain directories? > > I am running a server which provides personal
2007 Oct 04
Using Predicates to look at an array..
Hi all, I have an array of shipping_type''s being returned, and I want to see what is in there. In the past I have done: shipping_type.include?(Cart::SHIPPING_TYPE_REGULAR).should be_true This works, but looks really ugly.. It just doesn''t roll of the tongue very well. I then looked up the use of Predicates, which I had been using, but hadn''t realized:
2010 Sep 08
Re-using Rspec Matchers
Hey Everyone, Is it good practice to call matchers from within matchers? Kinda like this pattern: See: -- Brian
2008 Mar 04
Matchers tutorial ...
I am looking for a good a - z matchers tutorial . Anyone got a url for one? Thanks Anthony Broad-Crawford -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2011 Jul 28
RSpec, shoulda-matchers and Rails model attributes validations
I was trying out RSpec framework in a project and got stopped doing the unit test of a model. In particular, doing the test for the associations and the ActiveRecord validations. I started writing the validations but my tests didn''t look DRY at all. Before refactoring the tests checked out and look for other people solutions. I found out shoulda-matchers and Shoulda (which if I
2010 Aug 16
RSpec 2 matchers 'code-spec' and 'file-spec' released
Spec your generated Ruby code files code-spec at: Spec your file structure (files, dirs, symlinks) file-spec at: More to come...
2013 Sep 07
[shoulda-matchers gem] validate_numericality_of_matcher strange behaviour
Hello I have Vacancy model and vacancy_spec test with validates_numericality_of :salary, greater_than: 1 in the model and validate_numericality_of(:salary).is_greater_than(2) in the _spec. When i run rspec spec command tests pass (in some cases and in other they don''t) Why? vacancy.rb ------------------------ class Vacancy < ActiveRecord::Base validates_presence_of :name,