similar to: Custom report outputting text, expected and actual on succes?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "Custom report outputting text, expected and actual on succes?"

2007 Aug 30
mock_model in spec/lib
Has anyone else run into a problem with trying to use mock_model in spec/lib ? For some reason, I can take the same spec, put it in spec/models, have it run fine, but put it in spec/lib, and have it complain about not being able to find #mock_model Thanks, Edward
2007 Aug 01
:render expects possible?
Hi, Is it possible to do the following in a controller spec? @controller.should_receive(:render).with(:layout => false) I''ve been trying this kind of thing and it looks like RSpec is messing with the render calls, and requires you to use render_template instead. Could we have at least a warning that mentions that parameters passed to :render expectations are going to be thrown
2007 Aug 19
describing a mock_model as being an instance
Is there a built-in way of describing a mock_model as being an instance, beyond stubbing the eval("Object.methods -") methods to throw NoMethodErrors? Edward
2007 Jun 13
standard location for spec helpers
Is there a standard location for spec helpers (as in bits of code that help write specs)? I''m mocking/stubing-out portions of ActiveSalesforce, a remote-database abstraction layer so my specs won''t have to rely on a remote connection, but I''m not sure where I should be putting this helper lib. I was thinking of just sticking it in spec/ but I was curious if
2007 Aug 14
AssociationTypeMismatch with RSpec 1.0.8, autotest running with drb
Before I chalk this up as a bug and report it, I just want to make sure I''m not doing something silly. Running ZenTest''s autotest on OS 10.4.10 with RSpec 1.0.8, drb, produces the following failed test: ActiveRecord::AssociationTypeMismatch in ''User should create an avatar with uploaded_data'' Avatar expected, got Avatar This only happens with that exact
2007 Jul 22
have_tag for href with specific link?
Hi folks, I''m trying out this idea of "outside-in" and writing specs for my views first. Being a person who generally starts with some scribbles of a user interface and moves right to models, this has yet to be fun, but I''m giving it a shot. My question: I''m trying to specify that an index page should show a list of things, each with a link to a delete
2007 Jul 09
Mocking User.find( :all, :limit => 10 )
Hi, I''m trying to setup a mock for my controller test but I can''t get it to recognise the mock. I use it "should find all users" do User.should_receive(:find).with( :all, :limit => 10 ).and_return([@user]) do_get end and in the controller @users = User.find(:all, :limit => 10 ) But this does not work. It gives me User expected :find with (:all)
2008 Feb 02
Suspended start of task not suspended
Hi I thought this should suspend the task by 1 minute, but it starts immediately: MiddleMan.ask_work( :worker => :bar_worker, :worker_method => :test_method, :trigger_args => { :start => ( + 1.minute)}) Is the start argument not allowed in the new backgroundrb (mine is at rev HEAD (=314))? What can I do about this? I really need to suspend starting the task as I want
2006 Jan 17
Rails Unit test Problem
Hi all, I have a problem with unit test database data reload. I have several test_xxx function in my ruby unit test file I would like to know why xxxx.yml containing test data are load only 1 time for all the test while specification say it done for before each test method. Thus my test_xxx are dependant of previous test This is a mistake, because the specs say the test data are reload
2011 Mar 12
try with succes rpm bind 9.7.3 with koji el4 and el5
rehello centos list after some modifications rpm fedora core 14 of bind-9.7.3 and patching. diff -u unpatched/ patched/ --- unpatched/ 2010-07-05 14:02:20.000000000 +0200 +++ patched/ 2010-07-05 14:03:48.000000000 +0200 @@ -282,7 +282,8 @@ AC_C_INLINE AC_C_VOLATILE AC_CHECK_FUNC(sysctlbyname, AC_DEFINE(HAVE_SYSCTLBYNAME))
2005 Mar 22
"Succes" report for TDM400 and IBM Netfinity 5600
Hello! I just wanted to tell everyone that I have successfully used a TDM400 with an IBM Netfinity 5600 server. I used PCI Slot 3 (the first hot-swap PCI slot). I had a ServeRAID 3L controller in slot 1as well, which managed the server's array. Other than that, there was nothing extra installed. 2x667MHz PIII, 1GB RAM, 4 x 18GB hot-swap SCSI drives. The only problems I had were Ouch
2013 Dec 11
restricted dovecot conf
Hi all, I have a simple but well running dovecot configuration attached below. Now I want to change some things. What I need is an IMAP-Server which restricts the user to the following: - no folder createable - no messages deleteable How to get what I want? My Version: Debian x86 Squeeze, Dovecot 1:1.2.15-7. Many thanks in advance! Goran --- protocols = imaps disable_plaintext_auth = yes
2008 May 23
Close succes en NV34M, vertical fencing problem
Hello list, I just had a first shot at the "nouveau" Xorg driver, I'm a regular "nv" user. It compiled and installed without a itch in a short time, congrats (great instructions on, ran fine... but with a funny vertical fencing effect: one vertical line out of two was black. After a few minutes, the effect would
2007 Jul 20
[LLVMdev] Trouble Resolving Objective-C Symbols in lli
Hi Reid, > > if ((err = dlerror())) { > > error("earlier undetected dlerror: %s\n", err); > > } > > p = dlsym(handle, sym); > > if ((err = dlerror())) { > > error("dlsym failed: %s\n", err); > > } > > No, you're not missing anything. The correct way to check for errors > is with
2007 Jul 20
[LLVMdev] Trouble Resolving Objective-C Symbols in lli
Hi Ralph, On Fri, 2007-07-20 at 12:22 +0100, Ralph Corderoy wrote: > Hi Reid, > > > > if ((err = dlerror())) { > > > error("earlier undetected dlerror: %s\n", err); > > > } > > > p = dlsym(handle, sym); > > > if ((err = dlerror())) { > > > error("dlsym failed: %s\n", err); > >
2013 May 16
xc_map_foreign_bulk() memory leak in ARM version?
Hi Xen folks! I''ve faced with one strange thing in ARM version of Xen: when I use xc_map_foreign_bulk() to map some memory from domU to dom0, after unmap() for previous returned address - memory is not freed at all. Let''s look at call stack: xc_map_foreign() -> linux_privcmd_map_foreign_bulk() -> { addr = mmap(fd); ioctl(fd, IOCTL_PRIVCMD_MMAPBATCH_V2 );
2017 Jan 25
Hola. Tengo un problema incómodo. En el servidor de BD, existe esta tabla: SELECT * FROM motivodebito 1;"Débito presentado extemporáneamente." 2;"Corresponde la aplicación del nomenclador GCBA vigente al momento de la prestación." 3;"No registra convenio de prestaciones vigente al momento de la prestación." 4;"Débito presentado sin documentación ni
2020 Jun 16
client host certificates and receiving host configuration
I'm working on a small server written in Go to add short-lived user certificates to the forwarded agents of authorized users. This seems to work quite well for accessing sshd servers with the appropriately configured "TrustedUserCAKeys" directive. I have been in a debate about how similarly adding host certificates to forwarded agents could
2013 Jul 31
[LLVMdev] [PROPOSAL] ELF safe/unsafe sections
I've not been following this thread at all. However, skimming the original post, I fail to find a nice summary of what problem is trying to be solved. By reading the rest of the thread I divine that the goal is faster links and better dead code stripping? Making that clearer would help. Naming your sections something other than "safe" (which has *very* different connotations) would
2013 Jul 31
[LLVMdev] [PROPOSAL] ELF safe/unsafe sections
On 7/30/2013 7:41 PM, Chandler Carruth wrote: > I've not been following this thread at all. However, skimming the original > post, I fail to find a nice summary of what problem is trying to be solved. The proposal is trying to garbage collect symbols that are not referenced during the link step. In addition this proposal can be extended to keep frequently called functions/data closer