Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7000 matches similar to: "Word 97 with Wine/WineTools"
2005 Apr 10
Getting Word 97 working
I have just got word 97 working with wine. The key to it was
using winetools. The versions I have used are:
winetools - 2.1.1-jo
wine - 20050111
Both were installed from rpm files onto my Fedora Core 2,
Althlon 1.2 GHz, 256 MByte, xorg 6.7.0-14, GForce2, Nvidia
driver version 6629.
I went through all of the steps in the basic setup menu. But had
to get the fonts from elsewhere - the site
2005 Jan 23
Re: Winetools feature request-for those with dialup.
Am Fr, Jan 21, 2005 at 02:32:36 +1300 schrieb Joseph Black:
> Good to see the wine tools.
> I see a few computers which are not connected to the netor have dialup and would like to
> help them get going using wine tools, without having to wait for downloads.
> Because they can't download the files for wine tools while i wait, I copy over the dcom &
> fonts into the
2005 Dec 14
WineTools 0.9 III released
I just released the new version WineTools 0.9 III. There have been
bugfixes in the installation routines of RPM and tar.gz versions.
wt0.9jo-III 13.12.2005 error corrections in install-files
no confusing info screens with debian wine anymore
waitforwineexit() i18n-able
all references
2005 Dec 17
wine and winetools on freebsd
This is the results of my attempts to install a working wine system on
using winetools.
I've downloaded the last wine from ports (0.9.3,1) and the last
winetools .tar.gz
I had to patch the wt0 script because it didn't work on freebsd.
Attached you'll find the
diff which I strongly encourage to include in the next version of winetoos.
I've managed to setup
2005 Mar 23
winetools (and x86_64) problems
winetools 2.1.1 (installed from wine.sf.net deb recently) has a few
missing double quotes on line 2568. Here's the diff:
diff /chroot/ia32-sid/root/winetools.orig /chroot/ia32-sid/usr/bin/winetools
< if [ $WINEVER -lt 20040914 ] || [ $WINEVER -gt 20050111 ]; then
> if [ "$WINEVER" -lt "20040914" ] || [ "$WINEVER"
2005 Feb 18
Re: Winetools
Am Do, Feb 17, 2005 at 06:36:06 +0000 schrieb Andy Allen:
> I've installed the Winetools rpm as you suggested and created the links
> as per instructions under 'Installation' - however, I haven't created
If you install the RPM of WineTools all links are created by the RPM.
That's what I made it for. It should also take care for you if there is
no Xdialog. You have to
2005 Feb 20
Proper way of updating winetools?
After updating from, say winetools-2.10-jo to 2.11-jo (by rpm), I can't
use the wt startup scripts like ie6, wmplayer etc. any longer, and I get
an error message similar to "winetools hasn't been configured for this
user. Run the base setup ..." But doing so would erase my ~/.wine
directory and thus destroy my old setup including all my program
installations, which of course
2005 Jan 31
installing ie6 with winetools
i try to configre wine using winetools, but don't get any furtherin base setup
than accepting the licence agreement of internet explorer. it doesn't make any
difference if i try to install from cd or internet.
on the console, where i started winetools you can read:
linux:~> wt
Wine 20041201
wine is executed as "wine"
Parameters are ""
Version of Wine is OK.
2005 Jan 07
WineTools 2.1.0 released
a new version of WineTools is released. Changes are:
- DC++ included
- DependencyWalker included
- PostgreSQL ODBC driver
- DBCrab with BDE 5.1.1
- BDE 5.1.1 English Update
- IE6 starts without ICW now
- Editing the config can now be aborted without deleting it
- Lauge is working again (reinstall, please)
- Legal notice and disclimer
- Typograf in english also
- Visual C++ run-time in
2005 Jan 06
General comment s on Wine/WineTools - how does a new user setup Wine the very first time?
I've been messing with Wine and WineTools off and on for a couple
of days now. In general I can certainly see the bright future out
there, but so far it eludes me. I've used various versions of Wine
successfully before, but with recent Wine I'm having little luck. I'm
on an FC2 machine with a custom kernel but can switch to Gentoo if
required. I've tried both
2005 Feb 20
More apps to Winetools-2.1.x
Hi Joachim,
The QuickTime, at the winetools-2.1.1 release, is pointing to a German
version. Would you include a english version? The URL is:
BTW, I downloaded the SplashKiller.zip and put it at the
~/winetools/user and also I've made a symbolic to ~/winetools/sys (just to
2005 Feb 24
winetools rpm for Mandrake (test phase)
I just proposed a binary rpm for Mandrake (in a testing phase among
Mandrake Club). I put most of winetools stuff
into /usr/share/winetools/2.1.1jo/ like for Debian. Po files are still
in the binary installation to encourage translations but they will be
suppressed by Mandrake people if in contribs. I included my proposition
of fr.po (already sent to the list) in the binary.
Xdialog binary
2005 Nov 19
WineTools 0.9-II released
as there were some errors in the installer/rpm of the latest WineTools
release I fixed hopefully all errors and announce hereby the new
release. The following changes have been made:
wt0.9jo-II 18.11.2005 error corrections in install and spec-files
norwegian translation updated
new software:
- Italian versions of ie6 msjet, msxml,
- Norwegian
2005 Feb 21
Execution of WineTools with Wine version 20041201 on RedHat 9
I've installed Wine version 20041201 on RedHat 9 and Winetools 210-jo,
but when I try to execute Winetools (by typing wt2 on shell (as a user,
not root), I just get all the error messages below. Any suggestions as
to what I'm doing wrong, please?
Best regards,
[andrew@Atlas2 andrew]$ wt2
bash: wt2: command not found
[andrew@Atlas2 andrew]$ cd /usr/local/winetools
2006 Oct 09
winetools and ie6
For some time I have been using wine plus winetools on Ubuntu Breezy, allowing me to be able to use Internet Explorer on linux.
When updating to the newer versions of Wine on either Brreezy or Dapper, I find that internet explorer n longer works.
The winetools page shows two files that need to be downloaded wt-config.reg and ie6.reg along with winetools for wine 9.x
No where can I find how to
2005 Nov 16
WineTools 0.9 released
with the massive help of Sven Paschukat I can proudly announce the new
release of WineTools 0.9. This version works together with the latest
versions of wine 0.9 and 0.91 and has many bug fixes.
New Software:
- Future Pinball (Games)
- Steam (Games)
- StarMoney 5.0 German Homebanking (Business)
- Google Earth (Graphics) - is only rudimentarily
2005 Jan 08
WineTools (2.1.0) + WINEPREFIX
I have difficulties using WineTools 2.1.0 with WINEPREFIX set.
It does not matter whether use wineprefixcreate or not.
I want to start a new wine-Konfiguration from scratch:
export WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.wine
wineprefixcreate (or not)
wt > /tmp/Fehlermeldungen.wt 2>&1
When I try "Create a fake windows drive", WineTools doesn't create one
although it said it did!
I have
2007 Mar 19
IE with winetools (wine ver. 0.9.9)
I tried installing IE6 using winetools, this failed for some reason.
after several attempts i found IEs4linux, which installed IE5 and IE6
for me with no hassle, can i get winetools to recognise this install?
because it won't let me install other software at the minute, or could
someone give me a hand in getting winetools to work with the original
IE6 setup?
2005 Feb 24
[Fwd: Re: Execution of WineTools with Wine version 20041201 on RedHat 9]
Joachim, apologies again for bothering you,
but after I sent the email below, I managed to link Xdialog in /usr/bin
to /usr/local/Winetools to get Winetools to work (I'm still getting used
to the 'peculiarities' of linux!). I went through the Base Setup
procedure as advised, and it seemed to work 'mostly OK', but I think
there is a problem with my glibc as you advised - a
2006 Mar 20
problem in installing Internet Explorer6 with SP1 on Centos4.0 through Winetools
hey friends,
I am trying to install Internet Explorer 6 with SP1 on Centos through
Winetools but everytime it failed.I have installed dcom98.exe and microsoft
foundation classes 4.x.
The rpms installed on centos4.0
The logs of winetools are
Unhandled exception: page fault on read access to 0x7be302a0 in 16-bit code
(114 f:0000).
In 16 bit mode.