similar to: (no subject)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "(no subject)"

2008 Mar 15
[HELP]No :secret given to the #protect_from_forgery call
I am starting to BDD. When specing the controller I want to test for object creation: it "deberia crear una nueva persona en post create" do Usuario.should_receive(:create).with({:nombre => "camilo", :clave => "secreta", :tipo => "administrador"}).and_return(@usuario) post ''create'', {:usuario => {:nombre =>
2008 Jun 03
Build rspec-rails as a gem?
I can''t figure out how to build rspec-rails as a gem when just cloned from github... there isn''t any .gemspec file or rake task that does this. Any help? -- Posted via
2008 Jan 17
unusual challenges speccing external software
This is something I''ve come up against twice. First, I have an interactive editor which calls vi, emacs, or TextMate (etc.) via Unix, and then loads the file handed to the editor back into IRB after it''s edited and saved. I guess that makes it a special case of a more general question, which is how do you spec external processes, with a slightly more complicated version of the
2008 Jan 11
Varying test data
This isn''t specific to RSpec, but is hopefully on-topic for this list. I like (especially when "ping pong pairing") to write a spec, then write the smallest amount of code I can to pass it (especially when "ping pong pairing"). Sometimes this means hard-coding a return value, which means another spec is needed to prove that the code is really behaving as it
2007 Oct 26
Weird failing spec
Hi guys, I have a weird failing spec, for which I just cannot figure out the reason of failure. I''m now rewriting my controller specs based on the advice of David and Ashley, and I got stuck on this (see: [rspec- users] specing rescue, ensure and else blocks of an Exception). I''ve tried everything, like stubbing out :update_attributes! , even
2007 Jun 22
Nicer failure message formatting
Hi Are there any tools around that make rspec''s failure messages easier to read? unit_diff from ZenTest doesn''t seem to work - unless I missed something. A simple but very helpful improvement would be to use more line- breaks, e.g. Current output: expected "this is a very long string blah blah", got "this is a very very long string blah blah" (using
2007 Aug 26
howto regressions on environment.rb in Rails projects
How would one write a spec on environment.rb in a rails app? I was requiring a gem in environment.rb, but received a "MissingSourceError". Generally, ruby raises a LoadError when it can''t find a gem, but rails overrides this to raise a MissingSourceError (since rails is expecting a required file to be in lib/...). How would I write a spec to override this behavior,
2007 Feb 22
specking, speccing, or spec''ing
I vote for spec''ing. Anybody else?
2007 Sep 16
How far to go with ActiveRecord unit tests without hitting the database?
I''m currently try to push my limits a little bit with some of my unit testing -- trying to avoid saving ActiveRecord objects to the database and take advantage of mock/stub objects. How far should I expect to get in this direction? From what I can tell, ActiveRecord seems to fight me when it comes to associations. In other words, many associations seem to require database queries.
2009 Aug 29
Users, Roles and Permissions
Hello, I''m currently working on a text-based roleplay browser game, and i''m trying to figure out what the best approach would be in order to create a system that allows me to assign roles to a user, and permissions based upon the role a user has. I''ve been thinking about creating a model User, which has_many :roles, and with the Role model which has_many :permissions.
2007 Oct 01
how to spec views
I''m trying to spec a view but haven''t done much view specing. This view render different partials depending on authentication of the user: annon, admin, player So I I''ll write if conditionals in the view with the partials it "should render signup propaganda for annon users trying to view games" do render "/games/index.rhtml"
2007 Sep 07
Problem with spec -l
Hiya I used to be able to run a single example with spec -l <line-num> <spec file> But now it always just runs 0 tests when I give this option. Any ideas? Thanks Tom
2007 Jun 29
fixtures :all
Does rspec not understand "fixtures :all" ? If so, has it been requested? If not, can I request it? If you need a patch I can surely submit one. ;) Zach
2007 Oct 12
locals in partials
hiya, in specing a partial, how can i assign a local var that is normally passed via :locals ? i tried adding :locals => to the render call but that doesnt seem to take linoj -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2007 Apr 12
specing class methods
Here is an example from autotest: class Autotest def end def new ... end def run ... end ... end How would I spec out Two complications come to my mind: 1. How do I spec out class methods? (please point me to docs, if any. I can only find class level specing on "partial mocks" (of rails class objects) 2. How can I tell
2008 Mar 03
[LLVMdev] Google Summer of Code Idea
> No > I've got a BDD based version of andersen's around already (uncommitted). > It's slower in time (by a factor of 8 or so), but very slightly (1-2 > megabytes of memory) more memory efficient on some cases. Nowadays, > the bitmap version is actually more memory efficient than the BDD > version, even if you turn off BDD caching, etc. > > The thing you
2006 Nov 21
Rspec Brown Bag
Hello, I''m scheduled to give a rspec brown bag this Wednesday (11/22) for my company (Pivotal Computer Systems, I did see Dave Astel''s talk as well as several of my coworkers. The developers at my workplace are experienced Agile developers. What would be some good things to focus on for this brown bag? Are there slides to presentations that would be
2007 Nov 21
How thorough do you test?
Testing models is great and would not be able to create anything without it, but I am finding testing the controllers and views is a pain. Rest based controllers don''t seem to change that much when compared to the auto-generated code that obviously works. As for views I fail to see why testing it with a mock model does anything. Nothing is ensuring that when changes are made to the
2007 May 24
Mocking, changing method interfaces and integration tests
Suppose we have a method ''foo'' which internally uses another method ''bar''. Being good BDDers we mock out the ''bar'' method. After all, we only want to spec the ''foo'' method - actually running the ''bar'' method means slower, less maintainable and brittler specs. That''s why we <3 mocking,
2007 Aug 15
ActsAsList specs
Hi, How are people specifying models which act_as_list? I''m thinking that it would be possible to check that acts_as_list instance methods have been added to a class using something like this: describe Page, "acts_as_list" do it "should act as a list" do Page.ancestors.should be_include(ActiveRecord::Acts::List::InstanceMethods) end it "should use