Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "H.264 and Motorola Ojo"
2005 Jul 27
Motorola A910 WiFi + GSM phone
Hi all,
On the Wiki it says something about the motorola WiFi/GSM hybrid phone, the
Motorola CN620. Don't know whether that one ever made it to the market or not,
but I read a review on c|net about another upcoming model, the A910.
The A910 is Linux-based, and offers WiFi on top of GSM, GPRS and Bluetooth. You
can see the picture at
2003 Dec 07
Vonage sending Motorola gear now?
I got a call from an ISP friend tonight who said he is getting calls
from people who are getting signed up with Vonage. Instead of sending
them ATA186s, apparently they're receiving something made by Motorola.
They apparently work significantly differently than the Cisco units, and
there have been some problems.
Anybody know anything further?
2007 Sep 28
Proximity Detection: Motorola Q + Bluetooth + Asterisk
Can anyone tell me if the Motorola Q has its Bluetooth always on like
the IPhone? I want to use the Motorola Q in a Proximity Detection setup
like that described on nerdvittles.com. I know the Treo 650 does not
work well since the display must be on for the bluetooth to be on and
this eats power.
Chuck Bunn
2013 Jul 15
How to get Centos to recognize a Motorola RAZR V3 as a USB device?
I have a mini-USB cable, but simply connecting a Motorola RAZR
to a Linux (Centos 6) PC to download stored pictures doesn't work,
at least not automatically.
Any idea what I need to do to get Centos to recognize that a
Motorola RAZR V3 is plugged in as a USB device?
(I don't have a data plan on this phone - I'm just trying to get
archived pictures off of it onto the computer.)
2010 Aug 17
Asterisk with Motorola Canopy
Hi Everyone,
Can anyone share their experience with Motorola Canopy solution deployment
and Asterisk? Is this a good fit?
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2015 Jun 10
librerias para programar una interfaz grafica en R ?
Muchas gracias a todos, estoy revisando las opciones que me dieron,
Un abrazo, eric.
On 10/06/15 02:29, miguel.angel.rodriguez.muinos en sergas.es wrote:
> Hola Eric.
> Te recomiendo que le eches un ojo a gWidgets2:
> http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/gWidgets2/index.html
> Un Saludo.
> El 09/06/2015 a las 22:07, eric escribió:
>> Estimados, he
2014 Jun 23
Resumen de R-help-es, Vol 64, Envío 33
Hola, Marta,
Por lo que he podido ver tus datos ya tienen calculados las tasas de verdaderos y falsos positivos (TPR y FPR). También parece que los tienes ordenados por la variable FishSpeed y supongo que también por las que parecen marcas de tiempo. No necesitas ROCR porque con un simple plot te sale algo parecido a una curva. Eso sí, veo que son medidas repetidas en el tiempo para cada valor de
2020 Nov 03
[RFC] Backend for Motorola 6800 series CPU (M68k)
Hi All,
Just a quick update on the Motorola 6800 backend: Based on the feedback,
"M68k" (with lowercase "k") will now be the canonical target name and
"m68k" be the target triple name. I've updated all the patches under review
to reflect this change.
I'm also asking for everyone's help to review all the patches.
/* Target independent changes */
2006 Jun 26
registering a Motorola vt1005
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2005 Aug 18
Vonage locked Motorola VT-1000s
I have a small pile of them from customers who were too lazy to send them
back after switching to our local voice service...
Is there any hope of ever using these things with Asterisk?
Vonage does not want them back and they won't unlock them either.
A terrible shame!
Should I just toss them?
2011 Jun 07
limites de un boxplot
Hola a todos,
Tengo una pregunta: ¿cómo puedo forzar para que el eje de ordenadas de estos dos
boxplot esté por ejemplo entre -10 y 10? He consultado la ayuda de la función
pero no he sabido cómo hacerlo.
Disculpad si la pregunta es muy básica. Ojo: no quiero juntar los dos gráficos
en un solo boxplot, sino que su rango del eje
2013 Jul 16
Ordenar data.frame
Hola, Beatriz:
Buscando en ?order derivé en arrange, y al final es como resolví:
arrange(my.df, col1, desc(col2))
Con order no conseguía el orden descendente, pues me daba error al intentar hacer order(-my.df$col1)
De: Beatriz Martínez <mtnezb@gmail.com>
CC: r-help-es <r-help-es@r-project.org>
Enviado: Martes 16 de julio de 2013
2014 Jan 16
Quitar outliers por condición
Hola buenos días,
ahora mismo estaba haciendo una función para quitar outlier por condición.
Pero lo cierto es que aunque la función consigue quitarlos creo que me ha
quedad bastante farragoso. Os dejo el codigo y si me dais algún consejo
para mejorarlo mejor que mejor. Mcuhas gracias
# Ojo este script puede instalarte librerias que
2020 Sep 28
[RFC] Backend for Motorola 6800 series CPU (M68k)
On Sun, 27 Sep 2020 at 20:27, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz via llvm-dev <
llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org> wrote:
> As many of these classic systems still have very active communities,
> especially the Amiga community,
> development efforts are still very strong. For example, despite being the
> oldest port of the Linux
> kernel, the m68k port has still multiple active kernel
2006 Mar 01
OT - Cisco IP Phone and PC in diferent VLANs (with 802.1x)
Hello to all
I would like to know If some of you have already configured an Cisco IP
Phone (7940 or 7960) to work in a different VLAN than the PC that is
connected through the phone switch?
I know that this can be done with the Skinny firmware, but I dont if it
works with the SIP firmware.
The Cisco technical staff told me that these phones dont support 802.1x
but can work as pass-through.
2013 May 31
a <- c(12,13)
b <- c(10,11,12,12,12,13,13,14)
which(b%in%a*b !=0)
Daniel Merino
El 31 de mayo de 2013 13:25, Eva Prieto Castro <evapcastro@yahoo.es>escribió:
> Hola, Gabriel:
> Échale un ojo a la función "which"; creo que te puede valer... Prefiero no
> indicarte un ejemplo de uso porque no tengo R delante y mejor no confiarme
> demasiado en mi
2003 Sep 24
(fwd from Michael.Pedigo@motorola.com) Core Dump issue with Solaris8 and 2.2.8a
----- Forwarded message from Pedigo Michael-G17060 <Michael.Pedigo@motorola.com> -----
From: Pedigo Michael-G17060 <Michael.Pedigo@motorola.com>
To: "'samba@samba.org'" <samba@samba.org>
Subject: Core Dump issue with Solaris8 and 2.2.8a
Date: Tue, 23 Sep 2003 10:40:16 -0500
I am NOT an advanced UNIX admin and am fairly new to Samba, and am seeking
2017 Jun 07
Tablas en R
Hola doblett.
No sé si te lo han comentado ya, pero yo le echaría un ojo al paquete
Un saludo,
El 06/06/2017 a las 16:00, doblett escribió:
> Muchas gracias a todos por las sugerencias y por la rápida respuesta.
> Mi impresión es que no tenemos una solución cómoda para este tema y al
> menos en mi día a día es muy útil.
> - Tables, funciona muy bien
2007 Feb 04
samba precompile for DGUX motorola
Might any one have a pre-compile of samba for the old DGUX Motorola
platform left anywhere?
2011 Jun 29
P2K access for motorola
I can't connect my motorola phone with p2k programs.
How can I do that without virtualbox or windows?
If thats not possible, can I apply some options to make wine understand usb devices, while compiling?