Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "OT - but relevant"
2006 May 04
Just saw this on the Always On Top 100 webcast (if you aren't familiar -
click the url below)
Soonr looks like it rocks, haven't tried it yet.
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2007 Jul 04
FW: Openmoko ads now on youtube
Hi Guys,
Great example of how some of the OpenMoko guys are getting the word out
If you don't know about OpenMoko you can review it here.
Otherwise check out some of the links
2009 Jul 03
*Sort of Commercial* TracFone's $45 unlimited offer to 'stun' rivals
Great for Chan_Mobile and GSM modem for SMS in Kannel or if Asterisk
supports SMS over GSM modem.
I know chan_mobile had SMS in the future at one point but have not
revisited the project since.
"America Movil's MVNO TracFone Wireless quietly unveiled a prepaid,
nationwide unlimited offering for $45 per month that includes
unlimited text messaging and 30 MB of data."
2008 Feb 25
Hi Asterisk users,
For those of you in the greater New York area BarCampNYC3 is on again
this year.
It's being held on the 15th and 16th of March at the Polytechnic
University in Brooklyn. http://barcamp.pbwiki.com/BarCampNYC3
As always entry is FREE but expect to come and present, this is an
unconference where everyone participates. If you have no idea what a
BarCamp is about
2008 Mar 06
Net Neutrality
What do we want "NET NEUTRALITY"
When do we want it? "NOW AND FOREVER"
This video should be compulsory viewing for everyone in public office
not just here in the USA but globally so this public resource cant be
stolen from you !!
2006 Mar 03
Important Statement to Review for Signing
(Seems to me that Icecast folks would be particularly concerned
about this. Please consider the following, lend your signatures,
and also *send it on* to appropriate interested parties. If you
are a blogger or know clueful bloggers, please try to have it
posted in a highly visible forum. -- Seth Johnson)
Hello folks,
Please review the important joint statement below, related to the
2007 Jan 27
BarCampUSA Tickets go on sale this Thursday the 1st of February 2007
I know most people on the Asterisk list are already aware of Barcamp so
skip to the notice below. For those that don't read on.
Barcamps traditionally are 'unconferences', meaning there is no set
format or agenda apart from turn up on the day and be prepared to
participate, people who attend are encouraged to speak or rather 'chair'
a session, because as always happens when
2004 Dec 14
Streaming 2 different sources with darkice
I'm looking for ideas here. This probably will wind up being more of an
alsa problem, but I thought the people on this list might have been in
similar circumstances and have ideas for me.
I work at a radio station with both a webcast and FM broadcast. We want
to use icecast both for our webcast and as a backup studio to
transmitter link. However, the webcast audio needs to be
2009 Oct 18
Anyone on this list have extensive experience with BTS?
Please email me, particularly if you have experience in deploying over
multiple cells covering large geographical areas (200k's sq).
Dean Collins
Cognation Inc
dean at cognation.net
<mailto:dean at cognation.net> +1-212-203-4357 New York
2007 Mar 16
FW: Microsoft buys Tellme
I thought I would email this post I made on my blog from yesterday as a
way of stimulating discussion on this.
It looks like the Asterisk community is no closer to getting a Pre-Paid
'Offboard Speech Recognition Processing' SIP gateway than ever. I've
left the
2008 Apr 02
FW: [newtech-1] Skype 24 Hour Rolling Analytics
While not asterisk specific related - would be interesting to see
something similar done against straight voip calls.
You could maybe plot it against e.164.org polls but I think this would
be too small a sample set.
Can anyone think of something else Asterisk related we could plot this
2010 Nov 20
Fwd: Festival of Pacific Arts web cast
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sean Linton <sean at lpnz.org>
Date: 20 November 2010 18:33
Subject: Festival of Pacific Arts web cast
To: Robert Loomans <robertl at apnic.net>, George Michaelson <ggm at apnic.net>,
sylvia at apnic.net, Gaurab Raj Upadhaya <gaurab at lahai.com>, Ian Pringle <
ipringle at col.org>, Martin Hadlow <m.hadlow at
2007 Dec 06
"Happy Birthday Asterisk"
Sorry if this dupes, didn't seem to post to the list when I emailed it a
few hours ago.
Dean Collins
Cognation Pty Ltd
dean at cognation.net
+61-2-9016-5642 (Sydney in-dial).
From: Dean Collins
Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2007 2:49 PM
To: 'Asterisk Users Mailing List - Non-Commercial Discussion'
Subject: "Happy
2007 Jul 12
No subject
display, accelerometer/motion sensor being the first 4 for release
(though 81 have been mocked up so far).
The long term concept is if you want a 'weather station with live video
feeds and gps location control you can add various modules together to
deliver what you are looking to achieve.
I have high hopes for the concepts, and wish the guys well as it seems
their hearts are in the right
2006 Mar 14
RES: Shorewall 2.2.3 logging on Debian 3.1
Edit file
vi /etc/init.d/klogd
In line
Change to
KLOGD="-c 5"
And restart klogd
/etc/init.d/klogd restart
Keny Hayakawa Schmeling
Diretor Comercial/Administravivo
Tel: 5566-1465
Fax: 5566-6541
2006 Oct 09
No contact info on website and webcast cut.
I wanted to point on two issues that I''ve noticed while searching for
info on Ruby on Rails website.
First is that when I downloaded the migrations webcast, it was cut in
strange place. It was 19:07 minutes long and it seems that it should be
a little longer.
Second thing is that when I searched the website to find an e-mail to
report it, I didn''t find it. There is no contact
2006 Aug 09
George Neville-Neil talks tomorrow.. live and webcast.
The next meeting will be held at IronPort Systems, 950 Elm Ave. nr.
Bayhill Drive, San Bruno, on Wednesday, August 9^th , 2006 at 7:30 pm.
2005 Jan 24
Your ideas ...
I am looking for ideas on how to best webcast public meetings. The
general idea is to allow folks to easily send their live or recorded
meeting audio up to a server via their browser.
My goal is to present an alternative to more expensive video webcasting
for small local government and community groups that want to "double"
their audience from 10 people a the room with a net
2005 Nov 21
Server question - if you had ...
If you had $3,000 for a new Icecast2 streaming server, what would you
What box, hard drives, LAN cards, etc.?
The project I am involved with is helping community groups in UK webcast
live public meetings and events. Democaster also archives Icecast
streams for on-demand streaming or download. We are focused on high
accessibility and low cost. See: http://dowire.org/wiki/Democaster
2004 Aug 06
DMCA and webcasting
Last year I arranged with my college radio station and ITS department to
webcast the radiostation using icecast. The webcast has been a wonderful
success so far. My problem now is not technical, but political. A few days
ago I recieved the following message from the station director:
hey josh,
i talked to [faculty advisor]