similar to: Testing shorthand array push <<

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2007 Aug 08
Can''t seem to spec a ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid exception properly...
1 def create 2 @user =[:user]) 3! 4 self.current_user = @user 5 redirect_to user_path(@user) 6 flash[:notice] = "Thanks for signing up!" 7 rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid 8 render :action => ''new'' 9 end I can''t seem to properly spec this out. I am trying numerous things, the latest one is
2007 Aug 17
should_receive, used in the wrong place?
What do you guys think of this: if someone calls should_receive outside of an "it" block, it warns you. before(:each) do @foo = @foo.should_receive(:monkeys) end would warn you that you''re setting an expectation in the wrong place, and that "stub" is correct when setting up objects. Opinions? courtenay
2007 Aug 08
Problems with RESTfully generated helpers
I am using helper the RESTfully generated helper methods in my views. My routes are nested so the helpers appear to need arguments passed to them, but it works without arguments. Say for example I have pages and comments. If I do page_comments_path without parameters, it works. However, when I run the rspec test, it fails and tells me i''m missing parameters. I tried to pass
2007 May 17
How to mock helpers in view specs ?
Hi all, I am mocking the following Rails view (inside a partial): <%= render :partial => "forums/forum", :collection => forum_category.forums.readable_by(current_user? ? current_user : nil) %> My spec fails with the following message: 1) ActionView::TemplateError in ''forum_categories/index (anonymous user) should only render forums accessible to anonymous
2008 Jan 30
Stubbing controller methods vs model methods
I had an error that I couldn''t figure out, then when writing up a question for the forum I figured it out. The thing is I don''t understand why the change that was made works and why what existed before didn''t. Here is the initial post when I had the error: ---------------------------------- In the controllers/application.rb file I have a method that finds the account
2007 Aug 21
using restful_authentication current_user inside controller specs
I''m using restful_authentication in my app and I have the before filters in my application rhtml: before_filter :login_required around_filter :set_timezone around_filter :catch_errors Currently I have them commented out while rspec''in but I''ll need to add them in my specs. def create @ticket =[:ticket]) @ticket.user = current_user if
2007 Aug 11
Rspec and acl_system2 plugin
Hello, I''m trying to spec a Rails application using the couple restful_authentication/acl_system2 plugins. In my admin layout, I put the following code : <% restrict_to "admin" do -%> <ul id="admin-tabs"> <li> /users Users management </li> </ul> <% end -%> Then in my spec file
2007 Sep 04
Model Specs: Fixtures vs Mocks + Stubs?
What is the general opinion about fixtures versus mocking and stubbing in model specs? I heard from agile on IRC that they save the database testing for integration testing, but I also see that the caboose sample applicaiton uses fixtures. I also noticed that on the rspec site, it says "Ironically (for the traditional TDD''er) these are the only specs that we feel should actually
2007 Nov 13
More Rails Pattern Examples?
Hi, I have been reading the documentation and examples on the rspec site. There are two "patterns" from Rails that I am not clear how to implement that are kind of related, and so I am not sure how to start. Does anyone have any examples of how to write rspecs for these? 1/ Nested resources. 2/ Resources that are specific to the current_user. In other words, I only want to
2007 Sep 11
Can NOT overides the stub! in the setup
Hello, I am new to rSpec. I tried to search in the list, but could not find the answer, please forgive me if somebody already answered this. Here is my question: I have a stub in setup: before(:each) do @current_user = mock("devsu") # Generally, prefer stub! over should_receive in setup. User.stub!(:find).and_return(@current_user) session[:user] =
2007 Jul 12
Agh, this is annoying. Why is this happening?
My problem: Mock ''Task_1005'' received unexpected message :user_id= with (1) No matter what I do to try to stub that out it will still fail out and give me that message. Here is my spec describe TasksController, "handling POST /tasks" do before(:each) do @task = mock_model(Task, :to_param => "1", :save => true)
2012 Aug 07
How do I force link_to/form helpers to use the superclass name in the path instead subclass?
I want my helpers to generate paths using a superclass instead of the subclasses. Assuming I have Owner and Member that both inherit from User, rails will use the current objects class name when generating paths: Let''s say current_user is a mod: <%= link_to, current_user %> will generate "/mod/:id". I want to force it to generate
2008 Jan 23
Not seeing the failure
All, I''m missing something simple, I think. I am writing a spec to say that my CouponController should create a new coupon from the form parameters, then set the current user. Here''s the spec: describe CouponController, "When posting to save_coupon" do before(:each) do @expectedName = "pepper''s" @expectedAmount = 5 coupon =
2017 Apr 19
Crash after (wrongly) applying product operator on S4 object that derives from list
Dear Hilmar Perhaps this gives an indication of why the infinite recursion happens: ## after calling `*` on ma and a matrix: > showMethods(classes=class(ma), includeDefs=TRUE, inherited = TRUE) Function: * (package base) e1="FOOCLASS", e2="matrix" (inherited from: e1="vector", e2="structure") (definition from function "Ops")
2019 Sep 11
'==' operator: inconsistency in data.frame(...) == NULL
Sorry, I can't reproduce the example below even on the same machine. However, the following example produces the same error as NULL values in prior examples: > setClass("FOOCLASS", +????????? representation("list") + ) > ma = new("FOOCLASS", list(M=matrix(rnorm(300), 30,10))) > isS4(ma) [1] TRUE > data.frame(a=1:3) == ma Error in
2007 Jul 05
mocking methods in the controller.
Hi, I''m very new to rspec so please be patient with me. I''ve tried to take some of my tests out of the controller specs to check for things that are rendered. This has not worked so well, since my views have the controller method current_user in quite a few places. Is there any way that I can define this so that my views will be executed? Will this same thing occur for all
2007 Jun 09
authentication, controller specs. I think I''m missing something simple ....
Hi all, I feel like I''m missing something really easy and I''m just not seeing it. I''m using the restful_authentication plugin and have a User model. Uesr has_many :things and Thing belongs_to :user. That''s it. I did a "script/generate rspec_scaffold thing" to generate all the necessary bits. The "rake db:migrate" to create the db. At
2007 Oct 09
Testing layouts with RSpec on Rails
Hey guys, Does anyone have any wisdom to share on the subject of speccing Rails layouts? Most of it''s plain old view specs stuff, but are there sensible ways to verify things like the yield call? (Mocking doesn''t catch that) Thanks, Matt -- Matt Patterson | Design & Code <matt at reprocessed org> |
2007 Dec 03
Need help mocking this out
Let''s say you''re using the restful_authentication plugin. You have a model called articles. On the index action of the articlescontroller you simply want to spec out that it''ll scope the results to the ownership of the current_user. It should NOT include any articles other than the articles that user owns. How would you properly spec this out? Thanks for the help!
2007 May 17
Stubbing authentication across multiple controllers
Hi, I''m new to RSpec, so I''m not too sure of the best practises in stubbing. I was thinking along the lines of including a helper method that would stub out a users id and posts to sessions/create. It works fine when speccing SessionsController, but of course it fails when it is included into other controllers specs, because of the post. I''ve tried posting to an