similar to: Mocking User.find( :all, :limit => 10 )

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Mocking User.find( :all, :limit => 10 )"

2007 May 23
Rails Rendering diagnostics.rhtml in Controller Spec
Forgive me if this isn''t the proper list. It''s specific to the rSpec Rails plugin. The problem is, some controller actions are rendering the "diagnostics.rhtml" template when I''m expecting it to render something else in a controller spec. I''m assuming this is the template that displays the error message and a stack trace when an error is raised in the
2007 May 31
Could anyone please help with rspec/nested resource behavior checking?
My problem has been listed here: Don''t think it would be required to completely re-type it here :) Thanks! -- -Daniel Fischer - Geek Blog - Portfolio - Writing Community
2007 Apr 12
specing class methods
Here is an example from autotest: class Autotest def end def new ... end def run ... end ... end How would I spec out Two complications come to my mind: 1. How do I spec out class methods? (please point me to docs, if any. I can only find class level specing on "partial mocks" (of rails class objects) 2. How can I tell
2007 Apr 17
using rake db:fixtures:load with rspec fixtures
Hi, I''m new to rspec. I have some fixtures in /spec/fixtures. If they were in /test/fixtures they could be loaded with rake db:fixtures:load. Is there any way other than a symlink to load my rspec fixtures into the database with rake? Or, can I cause rspec to load the fixtures from /test/fixtures? Thanks, Paul
2007 Apr 12
Test if view renders appropriate partial?
Hello, I am testing out a partial that calls another, general purpose partial as part of its processing. Is there a class I can mock in Rails views to accomplish what I need? That is, could I do something like the following: SomeClass.should_receive(:render).with(:partial => "foo", :locals => { :bars => bars }) I tried breakpointing the view, and it looks like I am greeted
2007 Nov 10
Problem with view spec - works inside the browser but spec fails with nil object
Hi, I''ve been trying to find an answer for this problem in the last couple hours, but I think no discussion was about this exact same thing. So here it goes, hope someone can help. I''m trying to spec a view which works correctly on the browser, but that generates the following error when I run "rake spec:views". ActionView::TemplateError in ''/survey/show
2007 Feb 13
Specs of code that use
Hi Just trying to spec a Rails model that defaults a valid_until date to this time tomorrow. I''ve done something similar involving Dates, and you can stub the :today method to return something fixed. But when I tried this with Time, I found that RSpec calls four times per spec. So there''s no way to spec code like 1.days.from_now . The best I can come up
2008 Jan 24
Help to spec a rails helper method that uses content_for
Hi guys, I am a Rspec newbie and am having problems creating a spec for a RoR helper method. I have in fact already implemented the helper method and am trying to create retrospective specs. I know its the wrong way to do it but I am still learning Rspec. In my view I have a call to a helper method. <% body_class "users" %> which sets a CSS class declaration in the content_for
2007 Oct 25
Mocking Workers in Backgroundrb
Hi Has anyone mocked a call like the following for backgroundrb? MiddleMan.new_worker(:class => :admin_email_worker, :args => params [:email]) I cannot seem to find the correct manner to do it. Would have liked to be able to do MiddleMan.should_receive (:new_worker).with(:class => :admin_email_worker, :args => {"body" => "my message"}) Cheers Shane
2007 Apr 11
DRYer controller specs
So, I''ve been following the recommendations for controller specs here: Most notably: a single expectation per specify block; the setup block contains only stubs; mock expectations each get their own specify block. (I''m still using 0.8, so I haven''t gotten the describe/it goodness yet.) I
2007 Oct 09
Testing layouts with RSpec on Rails
Hey guys, Does anyone have any wisdom to share on the subject of speccing Rails layouts? Most of it''s plain old view specs stuff, but are there sensible ways to verify things like the yield call? (Mocking doesn''t catch that) Thanks, Matt -- Matt Patterson | Design & Code <matt at reprocessed org> |
2007 Dec 04
spec''ing shared controller methods
I want to isolate and spec methods that are shared by controllers, and live in application.rb. Whereas I usually also provide examples in individual controllers that use these methods, not necessarily all the edge cases and I''d like to isolate the examples. This is the approach I''m taking (thanks to bryanl for suggestions and WDYT? This
2007 Jun 09
authentication, controller specs. I think I''m missing something simple ....
Hi all, I feel like I''m missing something really easy and I''m just not seeing it. I''m using the restful_authentication plugin and have a User model. Uesr has_many :things and Thing belongs_to :user. That''s it. I did a "script/generate rspec_scaffold thing" to generate all the necessary bits. The "rake db:migrate" to create the db. At
2011 Jun 30
Testing RSpec views: the index action; is my methodology flawed?
This is my organizations_controller_spec.rb: require ''spec_helper'' describe Superadmin::OrganizationsController do describe "GET index" do it "shows a list of all organizations" do #pending "don''t know why this doesn''t work" Organization.should_receive(:all) end end end ============ This is my
2007 Feb 15
Odd parameter munging with with()
Hi, I have this setup block: setup do session[:login] = ''jhughes'' @user = mock("user") User.stub!(:find).and_return(@user) @params = {:cn => "Bilbo Baggins", :telephoneNumber => "416-277-4418", :mail => "bilbo at"} end And then this spec: specify "should update and save the
2007 Oct 05
spec''ing view render partial collection, local variable not found
I''m trying to spec out a render partial collection but I get the following error 2) NoMethodError in ''/games/_game.rhtml should show game name'' undefined method `body'' for #<#<Class:0x316580c>:0x2f1154c> /Volumes/EXTERNAL/web/ `matches?''
2007 Mar 29
a better "should have valid associations"
This is pretty much the same as last time around, if you recall. Thanks to Wilson for converting to the new form. I''ve added a few lines. Basically, it iterates over your model associations and does two things. - First, just try to call the association. Usually fixes speeling erors or other such silliness. - Second, try to find a record with an :include on the association. This
2011 May 27
[rails] undefined method `model_name' for NilClass:Class
Never seen the error above before, code: describe "edit action" do it "edit action should render edit template" do food = Food.create(:name=>''mooo'') # Food.any_instance.stubs(:valid?).returns(true) get :edit, :id => response.should render_template(:edit) end end -------------- next part
2007 Oct 26
Examples of writing controller specs that use authentication
Hello, I''m working on specs for a controller that handles authentication using the restful_authentication plugin. I''m trying to find a resource (tutorial or examples, if possible) about the best way to go about writing mocks and specs to make sure that things like my before_filters are working correctly. Does anyone know of any good resources for this? Thanks, Les
2008 Jan 23
Not seeing the failure
All, I''m missing something simple, I think. I am writing a spec to say that my CouponController should create a new coupon from the form parameters, then set the current user. Here''s the spec: describe CouponController, "When posting to save_coupon" do before(:each) do @expectedName = "pepper''s" @expectedAmount = 5 coupon =