similar to: issue with edge rails and urls

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "issue with edge rails and urls"

2006 Jan 02
best to integrate dynamic navbar into layout
I''ve been trying to come up with a good way to integrate a dynamic navbar into my layout. By dynamic, I meas that each link has 3 images. Normal, rollover, and dark for the current page. I have it working but it seems like there should be a better way. Here is how I did it, please let me know if there is a better way. Rails makes so many things simple, that this seems very
2010 Oct 09
Loss of precision in read.csv.
Given a csv file from this location Airports<-"" download.file(Airports,basename(Airports)) airports <-read.csv("airports.csv",encoding="UTF-8") > airports[1,] id ident type name latitude_deg longitude_deg elevation_ft continent iso_country iso_region municipality scheduled_service 1 6523
2007 Jul 24
spec''ing helpers that use controller
Hi all, I''m in the process of creating rspecs for my helpers. One of the helpers in app/helpers/application_helper.rb looks like this: def page_name @page_name || "Define @page_name in #{controller.controller_name}::#{controller.action_name}" end The rspec is simply: it "should something" do page_name end
2007 Jul 31
helper spec not finding rails core helpers
Hi, My helper specs were going ok until I added a call to a rails DateHelper method in one of my helpers DateHelper.html#M000574 The helper runs fine from my view templates, just dies in the spec test. I boiled my question down to a simple (not too useful) example. I''m not sure what I''m missing. #
2008 Jan 24
Help to spec a rails helper method that uses content_for
Hi guys, I am a Rspec newbie and am having problems creating a spec for a RoR helper method. I have in fact already implemented the helper method and am trying to create retrospective specs. I know its the wrong way to do it but I am still learning Rspec. In my view I have a call to a helper method. <% body_class "users" %> which sets a CSS class declaration in the content_for
2006 Jan 04
Navigation Helper
I am attempting to integrate a main navigation section into my web application. Naturally the easiest and DRY way to do this would be to either include it in a layout, or as a partial. The only problem is that I want the link for the current page to have its own css id ("current"). The only way I can think to accomplish this is to just include the navigation in every page, but this is
2011 Jul 22
ANNOUNCE: Puppet Dashboard 1.2rc3 available
This a feature release candidate (number 3) of Puppet Dashboard. If you''re wondering what happened to rc2, it was internal only. Our CI system found a few issues before we released it to the public. This release is available for download at: We have included Debian and RPM packages as well as a tarball. See the Verifying Puppet Download
2008 Mar 31
[CruiseControl] mongrel-trunk-mingw32 build 997.1 failed
The build failed. Note: if you set Configuration.dashboard_url in config/site_config.rb, you''d see a link to the build page here. CHANGES ------- Build was manually requested BUILD LOG --------- D:/Users/Luis/.cruise/projects/mongrel-trunk-mingw32/work Luis$ ruby -e "require ''rubygems'' rescue nil; require ''rake''; load
2008 Mar 19
When working with views, I use instance methods of ApplicationHelper: # app/helpers/application_helper.rb: module ApplicationHelper def distribute(total, min, cutof, list) [1,2,3] end end # app/views/planner/_mta_colors.rhtml: <td> <% ... dist = distribute(total_v_px, 4, 0, colors.collect{|color| color[1]}) ... %> So to test the distribute method in ApplicationHelper, I have
2006 Mar 25
Rails Plugins: Why to register your own functionality with send()?
Hi there, I have seen in the file column plugin ( from Sebastian Kanthak or David''s acts_as_taggable plugin that to register my functionality I need to do something like this: ApplicationHelper.send(:include, InPlaceEditAssociations) I am wondering why not: (a) module ApplicationHelper include InPlaceEditAssociatons end or: (b)
2009 Apr 12
Can't get an Array function to be visible inside ApplicationHelper
Folks, I seem to be missing something basic here. I am trying to call a function from my application layout that will return me a hash of the roles for the user currently signed in. Here is the simplified code I have in ApplicationHelper module class Array def to_h Hash[*enum_with_index.to_a.flatten] end end def get_cur_user_roles ["school_admin",
2011 Apr 08
How to extend a helper using plugin?
Hello, I''m facing this problem while trying to extend the parse_redmine_links helper method in Redmine-1.1.0 (Rails-2.3.5) from my plugin. My idea is to use alias_method_chain so the extended version could call the original version and adjust the result to it''s liking. Anything I''ve tried so far exposes this behavior: the first render of a page uses the extended
2006 Sep 29
ApplicationHelper is not a parent of SomeHelper?
i have: # file application_helper.rb module ApplicationHelper def load_components @right_sidebar = ''some stuffs'' end end # file user_public/blog_helper.rb module UserPublic::BlogHelper def load_components ApplicationHelper.load_components @right_sidebar += ''{blog archive}'' end end the problem is, i want to load the
2006 Feb 12
form_remote_upload plugin
form_remote_tag does not support the input type=file. This is due to javascript security limitations. I created a plugin that modifies form_remote_tag so that if you pass it the option: :html => {:multipart => true}, it will submit via an iframe, allowing you to upload files. It works nicely with file_column :). Currently, it only works with RJS templates (no :update option), and I only
2006 Feb 09
Login_Engine: trouble configuring
Hi Guys, I''m having some trouble getting login_engine to work. I''ve followed the steps in the README file to the letter (I think) with the exception of the Mailer stuff and cannot get my application to run. Heres what I have; module ApplicationHelper include login_engine end ##################################### require ''login_engine'' class
2007 Oct 02
Rails 2.0 & rspec edge - not protected_against_forgery?
The new forgery protection is throwing of rspec: NoMethodError in ''ApplicationHelper login-logout when logged in should show the name of the current user'' undefined method `protect_against_forgery?'' for #<#<Class:0x3219118>: 0x34e1f94> /Users/jcf/dev/work/sim/vendor/plugins/rspec_on_rails/lib/spec/rails/ dsl/behaviour/rails_example.rb:41:in
2010 Nov 29
[TDD] [Rails] - Rspec test for application_helper.rb fails when trying to access application_controller method.
In a method named logo in my application helper, I reference an application controller method (current_account) that has been marked as a helper method with the following syntax: helper_method :current_account When I test out the setup in the browser (without rspec), rails is happy with this setup. However, when I run the spec, the spec won''t pass and gives me the following error:
2009 Jan 26
Cannot extend class in Application Helper
Looking for some help with extending existing classes. In a view I have <td><%=h bmevent.node %></td>. I need further processing on the output and added a helper: module ApplicationHelper class String def a self[ /^[^\0]*/ ] end end end and <td><%=h bmevent.node.a %></td> results in an undefined method `a'' for #<String:0xb6c8105c>
2006 Mar 12
alias_method interferes ApplicationHelper
Hello, I''m using Ruby 1.8.4 (darwinport), rails-1.0.0 (gem) , Powerbook / Mac OS X 10.4.5 , Webrick. How come Rails always raises NoMethodError for my helper (must_fill and rp or number_to_currency_rp) in application_helper.rb ? I doubt that alias_method is the culprit, but if i give # comment then there will be no errors at all ... :/ what am i doing wrong? is it a bug or stupid me? Thx
2010 May 19
customized form_for in ApplicationHelper
hello, I want to make a table within a form by making a new form_tag. The following code in ApplicationHelper fails: def tabular_form_for(name, object = nil, options = nil, &proc) concat("<table>", proc.binding) form_for(name, object, (options||{}).merge(:builder => TabularFormBuilder), &proc) concat("</table>",