similar to: Mounting Netware Volumes

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Mounting Netware Volumes"

2002 Nov 19
Attaching to Netware-Server
Dear listmembers, recently our sysadmin turned off the support for ipx-protocol. Since then I found no way to mount my home-directory on the net (novell) on my linux box. Using ipx, I had had the same servername etc) I found a lot of discussions about the way vice versa, but no FM I could R to manage around this issue (i.e. mounting a Netware volume on a linux box). Anybody out there having an
2001 Dec 04
Netware modify bit changed
Hi, I run rsync, with a Netware-directory mounted on a linux system (using ncpfs) as DESTINATION of the copy. This configuration works fine, but rsync incorrectly sets the archive bit (modify) for ALL the files included in the transfered directory (both modified and not modified). In consecuence, the incremental backups on my netware server don't work. Any help will be apreciated.
2004 Apr 23
login to samba3 PDC and problem with novell netware client
Hi, I have actual installation Debian Sarge (testing) with Samba 3.0.2a. There is Windows XP SP1 on workstations. I use Novell client 4.83 SP2 or 4.9 SP1 for Novell Netware connections. I try to run Samba as PDC. Everything is fine without Novell client. After Novell Client installation, I could not logon to samba domain. Client gives me message "Domain controller could not be found for
2007 Aug 07
Virtualisation of Netware?
Hi, I am hoping someone can kick me up the learning curve (!) on Virtualization: We have an old piece of data logging software that was written in Turbo Pascal 6 using a file I/O module tuned to Netware and so it expects its data files to be on a Netware server and will not access them locally or via an MS/Samba share - essentially, it uses direct NCP calls for parts of its data access. The
2005 Nov 04
NCP, nprint and ncpfs
Hi everyone, I tried to use yum to search for ncpfs-2.2.1-1.i386.rpm, but it couldn't find it. I googled and found this package is included with redhat,but i'm not sure if it's included with CentOS 4.2. Any idea where I can find and install it using yum? Thanks JC
2011 Sep 06
P2V of NEtware 3.12 working server to Centos >=5.x
Greetings, I would be grateful if anybody can kindly give a pointer to port a Working netware 3.12 server using Centos >=5.x KVM howto? -- Regards, Rajagopal
2000 Aug 29
Samba on Novell 5?
Has anybody installed Samba on a Novell 5 Server? I would like to replace the buggy NFS from Novell with Samba. Any hints what to do? Thank you, Mattias Kunkel
2001 Aug 15
PAM and getpwnam [ struct passwd *getpwnam(const char * name) ]
Hello! I use a PAM-module (pam_ncp_auth from ncpfs) for authentication against a netware server. pam_ncp_auth can create local UNIX user accounts from information in NDS, and it works perfect with login, gdm and telnet. But not with openssh (2.5 and 2.9). It works perfect if the user already is in /etc/passwd, but the first time he logs on he doesn't exist there. In that case openssh call
2000 Aug 31
Novell support
Howdy everyone, I'm new to this list and new to Samba (although others at my company have experience with it). Anyway, I'm sure this has come up many times in the past but I have several Netware servers that people at remote sites need access to. The clients are Windows 95/98/NT, they all connect to their own NT domain (one domain per site), and they do NOT want to install the Novell
2005 Jul 06
Netware server emulation on Linux
One of our group companies has just 'gone live' on a new laboratory management package. Although the software is M$-based (ie: expects a M$ server at the heart of it), it is running with its core database on a CentOS3 server using Samba for client access - in fact, the developers are amazed at the performance and say it beats a Win2K/2K3 server 'hands down'!!! Anyway, the old lab
2006 Feb 15
rsync updating time on every file everytime
I'm running rsync 2.6.4 on debian stable ppc, backing up a couple of home directories to a Netware filestore mounted through ncpfs. My command looks like this: rsync -r -t --delete -i --modify-window=10 --exclude=/**/.* --exclude=/xxx/ /home/xxxx /home/xxxx /mnt/xxxx The backup works fine, except that everytime it's run all files are listed as having their times modified like this:
2000 Feb 03
Performance Samba 2.0.6 / FreeBSD 3.4 vs NT and NetWare
I'm getting samba setup, and it seems to be working. I have PDC/BackupPDC issues to resolve, and want to change things so the NT PDC authenticates users instead of setting them up using smbpasswd. Right now, I can access the samba box from Win98 and WinNT workstation with "manually setup" smbpasswd's. I have been testing performance and am a little disappointed, I hoped samba
2005 Jun 06
Netware 5.0 to Samba/LDAP migration
I'd like to migrate a Netware 5.0 serve to Samba and LDAP. I'm wondering how I might export the usernames, passwords, and perhaps group memberships to the destination LDAP. If I can get the data into LDIF form, I'm okay from there. Does anyone know how the passwords in Netware 5.0 are encrypted? I hope to bring them over, but reseting the passwords is not out of the question (just
1999 Jul 22
Shares are comming and going
Hia, I have a problem using the %G parameter. At the end if my smb.conf file I have something like: include = \etc\smb.conf.%G At this way I hoped that according the the group, I can load a configuration file accoring the the users group. Instead that a '' group is loaded, a samba tries to load 'smb.conf.nogroup' (guest account is uid=nobody gid=nogroup) WHat I
2007 Jan 18
Connecting to a Novell Server
I am trying to connect our centos 4.4 machines to our Novell Netware 5 servers. The goal is to allow the centos 4.4 clients to connect to the server and access shared folders. We are not looking for a single sign-on style solution just the ability to connect. I have tried searching google but I did not find anything really usefull as most of the hits pointed toward SUSE and in our case we have
2004 Sep 01
Alternative architecture CentOS 3 builds?
Hi there. Although RHEL 3 is available for several different architectures, CentOS appears to only be available for the i386 architecture. Are alternative architecture rebuilds outside the scope of the CentOS project, or is there some other specific reason for that? If one wanted to rebuild CentOS for, let's say the AMD64 architecture, would that be a difficult process, or is it just
2004 Oct 27
Signing key for recent x86_64 CentOS-3 updates
(reposting 'cause I sent the last one from a non-subscribed address) Hi there. I tried "yum update"ing my x86_64 CentOS-3 box today, but the packages won't install and yum claims I don't have an appropriate signing key. I've been happily doing updates all along (last time was Oct. 12) with no trouble. The key ID used to sign the x86_64 packages is 219180cddb42a60e
2004 Sep 21
Samba server authenticating to NetWare server?
Hello, I've been Googling and O'Reillying around this problem for the last week without success, so I'm either stupid or it's not possible. My money's still on stupid. Can someone confirm that I can't do what I want to do: - Have a SuSE 9.1 Linux box running Samba 3.0 exporting shares by SMB. - Have users log into Windows boxes running a NetWare client,
2001 Oct 22
OpenSSH port to NetWare 6
I'm a software developer at Novell. I have been tasked with porting OpenSSH to the NetWare 6.0 OS. I would like to include my NetWare specific changes,#ifdef'd of course, in the portable releases at some point. Whom should I contact with regard to this? And are there any guidlines I can look at online to minimize any disturbance this may cause to other platforms? Any assistance that
2002 Dec 03
rsync 2.5.5 port to Novell NetWare
Hullo, all. I diligently consulted the suggested reading on the way in: > Welcome to the mailing list! PLEASE READ THIS > IMPORTANT ETIQUETTE MESSAGE BEFORE POSTING: > 'Twas a quick read, given that I'm the co-author. ;-> I recently received an odd inquiry from someone I didn't know at all,