similar to: RSpec-1.0.8

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "RSpec-1.0.8"

2007 Aug 13
How to use expect_render?
Hi: I am a rspec beginner. I have scratched my head for the whole afternoon, trying to figure out a way of writing render expectation in controller spec. However, I failed. It kept telling me that the ''expect_render'' was an undefined method. I have installed rspec 1.0.8 and rspec_on_rails as well. Below is the controller to be tested. Controller def index pre
2007 Aug 14
expect_render, why does there need to be a warning
There is a warning on the web site about expect_render and stub_render: "WARNING: expect_render and stub_render, while very useful, act differently from standard Message Expectations (a.k.a. mock expectations), which would never pass calls through to the real object. This can be very confusing when there are failures if you''re not aware of this fact, because some calls will be
2007 Oct 30
RSpec Texmate Bundle errors
I''ve the same problem as Alastair when running rspec command : ../spec/mate/runner.rb:34:in `run'': undefined method `parse'' for Spec::Runner::OptionParser:Class I fixed this for me by changing the offending line to :, STDERR, stdout) (see
2007 Feb 23
rspec on rails 0 7 5 1
Hi there, I can''t upgrade rspec on rails to I followed the install guide on the website without sucsess. Here''s my env info: $ rails -v Rails 1.2.2 $ gem -v 0.9.2 $ spec -v RSpec- (r1395) - BDD for Ruby $ spec ... <snip> ############################################################################ Your RSpec on Rails plugin
2007 Dec 19
Installation Trouble
Hey all, I''m new to BDD and rspec, but I am very intrigued. I tried installing rspec and rspec_on_rails into my Rails app, but I am having some trouble. I chose to install both as plugins, as the documentation suggests. I checked out the CURRENT tag from svn, and copied the rspec and rspec_on_rails directories into my app''s vendor/plugins directory. Then I ran
2007 Sep 27
1.0.8 tarball problem.
When I untar 1.0.8 after having downloaded it from rubyforge, I get these errors: <snip> rspec-1.0.8/spec/spec/runner/spec_parser_spec.rb rspec-1.0.8/spec/spec/spec_classes.rb gzip: stdin: decompression OK, trailing garbage ignored rspec-1.0.8/spec/spec/translator_spec.rb rspec-1.0.8/spec/spec_helper.rb rspec-1.0.8/UPGRADE tar: Child returned status 2 tar: Error exit delayed from
2007 Oct 11
Incompatibility Issues after updating CURRENT
Hi, I''m using piston to manage rspec and rspec_on_rails in vendor/plugins. ---- ~/work/simplify_md $ piston st vendor/plugins/ vendor/plugins/rspec (svn:// vendor/plugins/rspec_on_rails (svn:// ---- After I ''piston update''d rspec and
2007 Sep 25
Problems with expect_render
Hi there, I''ve been working with RSpec for about a week now, and the process of moving from a Test::Unit + Mocha setup to an RSpec + Mocha environment has been pretty straightforward. Except, I''m having problems with using template.expect_render. I have Mocha enabled with: > config.mock_with :mocha in spec_helper. And then I have a view spec which looks like this:
2007 Nov 22
Initial run of RSpec 1.0.8 on MS-WinXPproSP2
Rails 1.2.5 Ruby 1.8.6 Rake 0.7.3 RSpec 1.0.8 PostgreSQL 8.2.5 I am experiencing a problem with the "rake spec spec" task on an initial trial of rspec. After creating the rails app I installed rspec and rspec_on_rails in the vendor\plugins subdirectory from svn. I then used ruby script\generate rspec_model product. I next manually created the database instances depot_development and
2007 Feb 28
Fixture name not available as class variable in spec
Hi there, I can''t seem to access the fixture name as a class variable from my specs. I have to set the variable in the spec setup. ... [fixtures] my_fixture: id: 1 ... [rpsec] == 1 ... [error] You have a nil object when you didn''t expect it! The error occurred while evaluating ... [my setup] RSpec- (r1395) - BDD for Ruby Rails
2008 Jan 10
Hey, we''re currently using shoulda ( shoulda/) on a project and I saw some things that would be really nice to see in rspec, namely the should_ methods, and especially the should_be_restful method. Do these go against the rspec goals at all? Or could an ambitious programmer go to town implementing these for rspec_on_rails? Nathan Sutton fowlduck at
2007 Oct 20
Problems with form_for and partials
i''m having problem with a form_for situation where i''m trying to DRY out the repeated parts of my forms and put them in common/form and render the form elements via another partial in controller_name/_form. Here''s the first form # app/views/common/form <% form_for ... do |f| -%> <%= render :partial => "params[:controller]/form", :object => f
2007 Oct 23
Problem Upgrading from 1.0.5 to 1.0.8
Hey Guys, I''m getting the following error: 1) NameError in ''ProductsController with a GET to /products NO NAME (Because of Error raised in matcher)'' uninitialized constant Spec::Mocks::BaseExpectation::AnyArgsConstraint /Users/mattlins/Projects/RailsProjects/SWNetworkServices/vendor/plugins/rspec_on_rails/lib/spec/rails/dsl/behaviour/render_observer.rb:86:in
2007 Dec 11
RSpec TMbundle
I tried checking it out today using instructions here: I get a ''svn: Connection closed unexpectedly''. Did it move or is it down? Nathan Sutton fowlduck at rspec edge revision 3052 rspec_on_rails edge revision 3049 rails edge revision 8269
2007 Aug 16
undefined method `mock_model'' for [RSpec example]:#<Class:0x25550a8>
I am getting: undefined method `mock_model'' for [RSpec example]:#<Class:0x25550a8> with my view specs after upgrading to 1.0.8. Is anyone else seeing this? To isolate the message I did the following setup: - create new rails project (with edge) - installed rspec and rspec_on_rails - ran rake spec - ran script/generate rspec_scaffold products - tried to run a builtin view
2007 Sep 08
Hi All, I''m trying to make use of template.expects_render, is outlined in David''s post( template-expects_render). I get an undefined method error on expects_render. I made sure I had the 1.0.8 gem as well as reinstalling the plugin and redoing the bootstrap. Still no luck. So I created a clean project, installed the
2008 Mar 12
RSpec view test for :partial with :locals?
I''m currently working on some RSpec view tests and I''m having problems with expect_render. Most of the expect_render''s work fine, but in one of my views I have: <%= render :partial => "user_cloud", :locals => {:user => @featured_user} %> I see that expect_render supports ":object" or ":collection" for the second
2007 Oct 05
I can''t make RSpec 1.0.8 run in Rails 1.2.3
I followed the directions on the site: ruby script/plugin install svn:// ruby script/plugin install svn:// ruby script/generate rspec And apparently everything was ok. But when I do a "rake spec" on the app folder none of the Rails models are visible. Here is the error: (in
2007 Apr 13
rspec on rails won''t install
Hi: This command: svn co svn:// Gives me this output: svn: URL ''svn://'' doesn''t exist If I go the ''script/plugin install'' route, I get "Export complete." Anybody know
2007 Dec 11
Fresh rspec on rails install blows up
Hi there, I installed the rspec on rails plugin for a new project today and guess what -- it blows up! All by other rspec on rails projects are working fine. I updated all gems & still no joy. Any ideas how I can troubleshoot this one ? Here''s my setup: - ruby 1.8.4 (2005-12-24) [powerpc-darwin8.7.0] - Rails 1.2.5 Installed with svn: ruby script/plugin install