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Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "(no subject)"

2007 May 17
strange results when using rcov with rspec
I have some specs tucked away inside my vendor/plugins directory that I want to run when I run rake spec. I''ve got the rake task working just fine, but for some reason rcov seems to choke when I try to tweak the included/excluded files to ignore any files in app/ but to include files in vendor/plugins/ plugin/app/** The error I get is this: No file to analyze was found. All the
2008 Jul 09
Can I get RSpec NOT to abort rake on failing specs?
At work we''ve got a rather complex app with both specs and tests. Our default rake task runs all our our tests and specs. We''ve also got separate rake tasks to run groups of tests and specs in the various subdirectories. The default task simply lists all the individual tasks as pre-reqs. We do a lot of branching and merging, so we really want to run all of the tests and specs
2007 Aug 10
Using rcov and ouput to screen
I''d like to output my rcov data to the screen in ascii instead of that possible using the rake spec:rcov command? Also, is there somewhere that will allow me to search the mail archives...I''m pretty sure someone else has asked similar questions. Thanks for the help. Mike B. ---------------------------------------------------------------- This message was sent
2007 Apr 09
RCov results seem to include the spec files
I saw the RCov page at and decided to add it to my project. My rakefile looks like this: require "rake" require "spec/rake/spectask" desc "Run all specs with RCov""spec:rcov") do |t| t.spec_files = FileList["spec/**/*_spec.rb"] t.rcov = true end When I run rake spec:rcov,
2009 Feb 03
Rcov - Specifying rake tasks
I am trying to get a customized rcov rake task working. What I have so far looks like this: desc "Rcov code coverage reports" require ''rcov/rcovtask'' require ''spec/rake/spectask'' require ''cucumber/rake/task'' task :rcov => "rcov:all" namespace :rcov do do task :rcov =>
2007 Jan 05
RSpec 0.7.5 with Rails and rcov
I seem to be missing something because I am at a loss on how to get rcov, RSpec, and Rails working together. Would someone mind dropping some hints?
2008 Mar 17
RSpec and RCov with JRuby
Hi, I am using JRuby (trunk) and wrote a bunch of specifications for my code. Everything works fine so far. Now I am trying to integrate RCov in my test run. I have installed RCov without the C extensions. I tried it with a simple script and it worked (pretty slow, but it doesn?t matter). But when I add the rcov options to my Rake task, RCov is not invoke properly! Rakefile:
2007 Feb 23
Using rspec_on_rails without a test
Looks like you can run rspec w/out hitting the database by doing the following: 1. Setting up a new rake task which does not have db:test:prepare as a dependency: namespace :spec do desc "Run the specs under spec/models without a database" do |t| t.spec_opts = [''--options'',
2007 May 10
RSpec 0.9.4
RSpec 0.9.4 has just been released. Gems haven''t rsync''ed around the globe yet, so you might have to wait a few hours to install it. The big news this time is Spec::Ui 0.2.0, which has been released along with RSpec core. This RSpec extension gives you custom Watir matchers (custom Selenium-RC matchers are not implemented yet). Moreover, it comes with a custom KICK ASS formatter
2008 Dec 04
Cucumber and Rcov
I am now trying to get rcov to work for me, without much success. I stole the rake task code from the cucumber site: desc "Run all features" task :features => "features:all" task :features => ''db:test:prepare'' require ''cucumber/rake/task'' #I have to add this -mischa namespace :features do do |t|
2009 Apr 22
Tests for my gem cannot find classes in gems lib directory ..
I am writing a gem and using RSpec to drive my development. However, whenever I describe a class within the gems lib I get an uninitialized constant error. I am placing my folder structure, spec.rake and first spec below. I feel I must be missing something obvious. Additionally, I did output the value of f in lib inclusion code and it is traversing the lib folder correctly and I can
2006 Sep 26
Code coverage of a rails plugin
Guys I''ve been struggling with this one for a couple of hours, and nothing seems to work here, any advice would be duly appreciated... Background: I''m busy working on a plugin called "shared_models", allowing you to easily share models between different applications, running different database or on the same database. The plugin is nearly complete, offering a
2008 May 27
Failing rspec story not causing a CruiseControl.rb build to fail?
We''ve just added rspec stories to our CruiseControl.rb build. When there''s a failing scenario we see the failure in the log output, but it doesn''t cause the CruiseControl build to fail. We''ve also just upgraded to the latest rspec version, 1.1.4, which fixes rspec bug 228, but the CC.rb build is still passing. Has anyone got failing rspec stories making
2007 Jun 15
Problems with RCov and Rails
Hey list, I''m trying to use the rcov integration that rspec provides in my Rails application. As per the documentation on the website, I''ve created the following rake task: lib/tasks/specs_with_rcov.rake: require ''spec/rake/spectask'' desc "Run all specs with rcov"''specs_with_rcov'') do |t| t.rcov = true
2011 Apr 23
rake spec fails where rake spec:(models|controllers|views) pass
I''m still trying to work into Ruby 1.9.2 and am now experiencing something that makes no sense to me. Using rspec 1.3.2 and rspec-rails 1.3.4 with rails 2.3.11 on ruby 1.9.2-p180, when I $ rake spec:models they all pass. When I $ rake spec:controllers they all pass. When I $ rake spec:views they all pass. But when I $ rake spec I get <path to
2007 May 03
before method
Would it be desirable to have before and after take a spec name as well as :each and :all? Scott
2008 Sep 14
rake spec:rcov => [BUG] Segmentation fault ruby 1.8.6 (2007-09-24) [i386-mswin32]
i have a rails app that tests fine with "rake spec" but gets a segmentation fault when "rake spec:rcov" is run. i am on windows xp, ruby 1.8.6, rails 2.1.1, mysql 5 my app is at so maybe someone can try to replicate my error so i know if the problem is with my code or something installed on my pc. here is a copy of my shell
2008 Apr 08
Can you add an option to select the ruby interpreter for rake task?
Hi all, My problem is that I''ve installed both ruby 1.8 (as ruby) and ruby 1.9 (as ruby1.9) on my system. I use spec/rake/spectask for my Rakefile. But the generated command is ruby -I.. blabla it should be "ruby1.9 -I... blabla", but after look at the code of spectask.rb, I found this line: ==> cmd = "ruby " rb_opts = ruby_opts.clone
2007 Sep 04
Rake tasks getting in the way of edge (uses gem instead)
So I''d been running gem releases of rspec for the past several months, and I installed edge rspec so that I can use Story Runner. I''m running into a problem because I''ve got a couple rake tasks that reference "spec/rake/raketask". If I try to run "rake spec" then it pulls in the gem version instead of the plugin version. rake blows up saying that
2008 Jan 14
RSpec stories introduction
I have played a bit with RSpec specs and now want to check out stories. I note that there is no generator for rspec stories pre se (unless I managed to miss all references to one ) and that the only directory relating to stories added by installing rspec is ./stories itself. The documentation at seems to presume a great deal of prior knowledge. What I am looking for is a guided tour