similar to: Transactional fixtures not working as expected

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "Transactional fixtures not working as expected"

2007 Jun 27
Mosquito Fixtures Won''t Load
I can''t get fixtures to load correctly in a Mosquito test. The first fixture loads in the unit test, but the rest don''t load at all. File structure: tracker/ tracker.rb test/ test_tracker.rb fixtures/ tracker_measurements.yml tracker_projects.yml Relevant test code: require ''rubygems''
2007 May 18
Fixtures considered harmful?
I''m trying to get really serious about doing true BDD for a new Rails project, and I note that at < rails/index.html> it says: "we really don?t recommend the use of rails fixtures" On the same page it also says (about Model specs): "these are the only specs that we feel should actually interact with the database"
2006 Oct 17
Should fixtures be transactional?
I started using the new Model.should_have(1).records expectation in rspec_on_rails, and quickly realized that my fixtures were remaining loaded, even in contexts that didn''t use them. Bug or feature? Jay Levitt
2007 Dec 01
Fixtures Cleanup
All, I''ve been playing a bit with some patches to make the fixture loading and management code a little bit easier to maintain. If I were to start chopping out features, how would you feel about losing: Fixture instantiation, Old school single-file fixtures, CSV fixtures, The ability to specify a subset of fixtures (everything''s always loaded instead), The ability to
2006 May 09
load fixtures
I''m finally getting beyond using basic test fixtures, and a few questions have popped up. Has anyone found ways to do these? 1. Use a test fixture that is named differently from its table name? We''d like to have more than one possible fixture per table. (Or perhaps use test fixtures named similarly but in different directories.) 2. Load a test fixture for one test method only
2007 Jul 22
db:fixtures:load order
I was trying to deal with foreign key issues related to order of fixture loading when I came across this: This got me looking deeper into rails and I noticed that db:fixtures:load calls Fixtures.create_fixtures once for each fixture file. However, Fixtures.create_fixtures is capable of taking multiple files and also handle the
2006 Aug 16
accessing a model from a migration
Hello again! ok, i have some initial migration code which sets up my apps schema. i have a few tables that get initialized with data in this migration where i have the table data in yaml format in test/fixtures. i use db:fixtures:load FIXTURES=countries,provstates,employees to initialize these tables.. here''s the wrinkle: employees when it gets loaded should only contain the admin
2006 May 23
Putting fixtures into subdirectories
I want to organize my fixtures just like the namespace of my models. So for example if I have a model Company::Employee I''d like the fixture to be in fixtures/company/employees.yml. However, I can''t figure out how to specify the path of the fixture file. If I do: fixtures :employees in my unit test it can''t find the fixture file. Any suggestions? Thanks, Todd
2007 May 21
Rails'' fixtures suck! But what about something like this?
Sorry about the very long email, but this is a hairy topic that''s been annoying me for some time and I decided to try to do something about. Also, if you got this twice, I apologize too, but it didn''t seem to have successfully gone out the first time. Background: ---------- I''ve been dealing with Rails for about a year and a half now. I''ve been using
2006 Aug 03
Including ALL fixtures for a test
I am running into some issues with my functional tests because they need info from almost every single table in the database. I have long laundry lists of fixture names to include on these test files and then I have to troubleshooot bizarre test failures because of a fixture that was not included. So is there a way to simply include all fixtures in a test? Something like: fixtures :all
2008 Feb 07
rspec fixtures stay in the test db - is this right?
I have some fixtures set up to put a few records in some of my tables. In some of my rspec describe blocks, i''m *not* calling the fixtures, and expecting the tables to be empty. But they''re not - the fixture data is in there. Am i using fixtures wrongly? I thought that the db was wiped at the start of every test and the fixtures were only added if asked for. Is that not the
2007 Sep 07
fixtures in before(:all)
I was planning on using a fixture within a description that didn''t modify the fixture, so I put it in a before(:all) block: describe "Customer", "xml" do fixtures :customers before(:all) do one = customers(:one) end # ... As a result, I got this message: 1) NoMethodError in ''Customer xml before(:all)'' You have a nil object when you
2007 Feb 28
Fixture name not available as class variable in spec
Hi there, I can''t seem to access the fixture name as a class variable from my specs. I have to set the variable in the spec setup. ... [fixtures] my_fixture: id: 1 ... [rpsec] == 1 ... [error] You have a nil object when you didn''t expect it! The error occurred while evaluating ... [my setup] RSpec- (r1395) - BDD for Ruby Rails
2006 May 09
leftover fixture data causing errors
Maybe I''m not getting fixtures, but... I''m having problems as I start using fixtures in functional tests. Data is left in my test database after running functional tests. Not the data created by the test-method (I''m using transactional fixtures), but data from the fixtures themselves. Fixture loading will delete & reload the data again when the test is re-run, but
2006 Jan 06
Design flaw with Fixtures?
I''ve been trying to add unit testing for collection of models with complex relationships -- and failing miserably. Because of the complexity of the relationships, I''m using a database which validates foreign key constraints (PostgreSQL 8). I''m finding it nearly impossible to generate tests that are independent of each other. The basic problem is the DELETE then
2006 Apr 28
Accessing fixtures from unit tests
I have set up some fixtures in test/fixtures/users.xml: # Read about fixtures at admin: id: 1 username: admin password: admin pbarry: id: 2 username: pbarry I have a unit test for my user model: require File.dirname(__FILE__) + ''/../test_helper'' class UserTest < Test::Unit::TestCase fixtures :users def
2009 Mar 28
Use fixtures within fixtures?
Heya, I''m using globalize2 and have following problem with my fixtures: categories.yml: one: parent_id: two color: #ff00aa two: color: #00ff11 three: parent_id: two color: #ab00ab category_translations.yml one-en: id: one locale: en name: Cars one-es: id: one locale: es name: Coches two-en: id: two locale: en name: Start two-es: id: two locale: es
2005 Dec 15
Fixtures and table name
Is there a way to use table name other than the default or to turn it around have multiple fixture files associated to the same table. Here''s my use case: I have multiple unit test classes that all work with the same model class and hence the same database table. However, for each test class I want the data to be in a different state. So I''d like to have something like class
2005 Oct 27
Fixtures are not loading into instance variables. Why not?
Hi, I have a fixture in a unit test and I see that the fixture is loaded correctly into the database table, but no instance variables are created. So now I''m stuck. More background: this is my first RoR project and I have just installed the SaltedLoginGenerator and generated its output. Running the unit tests gives an error, so I cut it down to just 1 test:
2009 Dec 22
Rails fixtures - defining a table name?
Hi, At the minute all my fixtures have the same name as the table that they are intended for, because of a recent issue with rails it doesn''t seem possible to have a fixture beginning with the word ''test'' Does anyone know of a way to have a different fixture name and then map it to the correct table? Thanks -- Posted via -- You received