similar to: Open Office 1.9.x

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "Open Office 1.9.x"

2012 Apr 27
Deleting observations from baseline that don't appear in follow up
Hello all, I'm almost embarrassed to post this , it seems so easy. Suppose I have a baseline and follow up survey but some people are missing in the follow up: > baseline<-data.frame(id=c(3,5,7,9,12), data= runif(5)) > follow.up<-data.frame(id=c(3,7,9,12), data= runif(4)) > baseline id data 1 3 0.66771988 2 5 0.28794744 3 7 0.01892821 4 9 0.64863175 5 12 0.86485882
2002 Mar 04
Wine --managed
I'm running wine, and quite oftem, I use good ol' PROGMAN.EXE as an access point to my win-apps. I launch Progman with the --managed option, but any applications I run from within Progman, are not run with this option. This is also a problem with program such as Aol Instant Messenger, when it creates its own sub windows and what not. Is there any place where I can configure how wine apps
2011 Sep 20
Tabulating Baseline Characteristics on specific observations
I have a data set with many missing observations. When I run a regression, R of course discards the observations (the whole row) that have "NA". I want to tabulate some baseline characteristics (column means) but only for the observations that R used for the regression. I tried to recreate this data frame by using na.omit on the original data frame, but this will not work as this will
2005 Jul 12
In a general re-configuration of my box, I deleted and re-installed CentOS. OK, I need the gpg key. When, as suggested, I run rpm --import public.gpg.key I get: error: public.gpg.key: import read failed. So what do I do now? -mj-
2011 Oct 05
calling a variable which in turn calls many more variables
Hi all, I am running regressions with many covariates, most of which remain the same each time (control variables). Instead of writing 30 demographic variables every regression, is there a way I could call them all at once using a variable called, perhaps "demog"? I have tried: > demog <- list(age1, age2, age3) but I get an error when I try to call a list in a regression. I also
2018 Jul 21
Freebsd: Fatal error - Support not compiled in for passdb driver 'sql'
OK, will do. Feels like a big hammer for a small nut - has there been any discussion about having loadable modules? Thanks for the quick reply! Larry Rosenman wrote on 21/07/18 18:59: > Yes, the defaults do not include DB support. > > Larry Rosenman > mail/dovecot maintainer > > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2010 Jun 18
Root mean square on binned GAM results
Hi, Standard correlations (Pearson's, Spearman's, Kendall's Tau) do not accurately reflect how closely the model (GAM) fits the data. I was told that the accuracy of the correlation can be improved using a root mean square deviation (RMSD) calculation on binned data. For example, let 'o' be the real, observed data and 'm' be the model data. I believe I can calculate
2016 Jan 29
Mounting a previously Windows (ntfs) file system
Hello, I'm planning a conversion of a Windows server (SBS2011) to Samba. All the user data files are already on a separate disc in the Windows server and my idea is to unplug the Windows boot drive and plug in a FreeBSD installation with Samba 3.6.25 running and tested on another machine. Fortunately it's a small installation and everybody is using the same share on the Windows
1998 Jun 19
file access problems
we're testing a new NFS product for our mainframe system (Conectivitiy Systems TCP/IP for VSE) and have successfully mapped a virtual drive to our unix system (AIX 4.2). We use Samba (v.1.9.18p2) to share files with the Windows 95 and Windows NT systems in the building. We have attempted to map the "mapped" drive from the mainframe via Samba. We're able to see files in the
2001 Jan 11
Multiple login failures problem
I am yet another person who is having a problem with Win98 clients needing to make several attempts before successfully logging in to our Samba box. I get the "broken pipe" message in the smb.log just like everyone else. This did not seem to be a problem until we got a phat broadband connection. All the Windows boxes are set to point to our ISP's DNS. I am not running DNS on the
2005 Jun 04
DVD writer problem
I have an NEC DVD-RW ND2500A (that's not the label I bought it under, but that's what it really is.) It's supposed to read/write CDs, DVDs, DVD+Rs, and DVD-Rs. I'm basically dual booting between XP and CentOS 4. Following the recipe in "The Linux Cookbook", I tried to copy a DVD using: dd if=/dev/hdd of=/tmp/diskfile.iso then cdrecord dev=/dev/hdd fs=32m
2012 Feb 02
Calculate the natural log of cdf between 2 intervals
Hello all, I was wondering if there is an R function to do the following: [*] log(pnorm(x)-pnorm(y)), where x>y. I don't want all the area under the natural log of the normal pdf less than x, I only want the area between y and x. I am aware of the ability to specify log.p=TRUE, which gives me the log of the probability that X<=x. This does not help me, because the following code:
2005 Mar 24
Boot diskette for install CD
(New to CentOS and just joined the list.) Is there a boot diskette image for the install CD? I want to install CentOS in a classroom that does not have CD boot enabled. I couldn''t find one on the install CD, although it did have a USB flash drive boot image. I''m pretty sure that the machines in the classroom are too old to be able to boot from USB flash drives. (I will check on
2018 Jul 05
user/password Authentication via Joomla database
Hello, did anyone ever set up Authentication via lookups to a Joomla (mysql) database? What I'd like to do is lookup Joomla users (who are in specific/multiple groups) in the Joomla database and then fallback to /etc/passwd authentication to let system users authenticate. I'm running : # 2.2.35 (b1cb664): /usr/local/etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf # OS: FreeBSD 11.1-RELEASE-p10 amd64 Thanks
2018 Jul 06
support for Blowfish $2y$10$
Hello, does dovecot support bcrypt $2y$ version? (BLF-CRYPT - Blowfish crypt) doveadm pw -s BLF-CRYPT generates a {BLF-CRYPT}$2a$05$....... password. Does this mean that dovecote will not authenticate against a $2y$10$....... password? Thanks in advance, -Graham-
2018 Jul 21
Freebsd: Fatal error - Support not compiled in for passdb driver 'sql'
Hello, I have the following fatal error when I uncomment #!include auth-sql.conf.ext in .../conf.d/10-auth.conf dovecot: auth: Fatal: Support not compiled in for passdb driver 'sql' I have installed via 'pkg'. Do I have to install the ports tree to get sql support ? Thanks, -Graham-
2011 Jan 18
Statistical formulas
Hello! I hope, i'm doing right, writing here. I have a question about the R statistical formulas: were can I look, what are they? E. g. I'd like to know which exactly mathematical formula is used in Wilcoxon test, and others. Is there somewhere on the Internet information about that? Thanks a lot! Ilya. PS Sorry for any mistakes in my English, it is not my mother-tongue.
2005 Jan 25
Bristuff ZapHFC and Loosing D-Channel
Using the latest(?) bristuff (Asterisk 1.0.4-BRIstuffed-0.2.0-RC3a) I have problems with loosing the D-channel. Most of the time, after the message "PRI D-channel down" it only takes a second or so to come back up, noted by the message "PRI D-channel up" However, today most of the time the D-channel stays down. Calls come in, but can't be answered. Does anyone know
2017 Feb 14
(DeviceIoControl, FSCTL_SET_SPARSE)
Im having an issue with what I believe might be pinned down to a need for a proper samba configuration. The problem: sparse writes (not sure which, either write sparse files to a system that doesn't support them, or vice versa) The system: Zfs-on-linux, samba share Accessing system which is erroring: Win7x64_ult, freefilesync Error message NOTHING I have done to it is
2004 Mar 23
Why does my cwrsync try to load ssh?
Just installed cwrsync 1.2.1 and I am getting this: C:\cwrsync>rsync -n -v -r /cygdrive/c/robj/pickmeup speedball3:/cygdrive/d/robj/pickmeup Failed to exec ssh : No such file or directory rsync error: error in IPC code (code 14) at pipe.c(81) rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes read so far) rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(189) Why in heaven's