similar to: Voicemail.conf not being re-read / Updates (e.g. pin numbers) ok.

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "Voicemail.conf not being re-read / Updates (e.g. pin numbers) ok."

2004 Dec 21
Minimal modules.conf (e.g. with autoload=no)?
Did anybody already attempt to strip down an asterisk config to an absolute minimum for a specific use? Let's say I have a home installation and want to use capi and iax exclusively, and load only the channels, apps, codecs, file formats I really need. Obviously, to dig through the whole stuff, while maybe being educational, is still a major task. I'm aware of the fact that requirements
2016 Dec 29
Connections to Samba fail when "includedir" is set in krb5.conf (e. g. after RHEL 7.2 to 7.3 update)
On Thu, 29 Dec 2016 21:40:56 +0100 Marc Muehlfeld via samba <samba at> wrote: > Hi, > > I spent some time today to figure out why my clients are unable to > connect to my Samba AD domain member after updating the operating > system from CentOS 7.2 to 7.3 and I thought sharing the reason and the > workaround can help others: > > If you run
2016 Dec 29
Connections to Samba fail when "includedir" is set in krb5.conf (e. g. after RHEL 7.2 to 7.3 update)
On Thu, 29 Dec 2016 23:21:23 +0100 Marc Muehlfeld <mmuehlfeld at> wrote: > Am 29.12.2016 um 22:17 schrieb Rowland Penny via samba: > > Hi Marc, that is your problem there and it has highlighted another > > problem, the Samba wiki page: > > > > > > > > Doesn't have
2016 Dec 29
Connections to Samba fail when "includedir" is set in krb5.conf (e. g. after RHEL 7.2 to 7.3 update)
Am 29.12.2016 um 22:17 schrieb Rowland Penny via samba: > Hi Marc, that is your problem there and it has highlighted another > problem, the Samba wiki page: > > > > Doesn't have anything about krb5.conf > > You should run the same /etc/krb5.conf as on a DC, ... You can set up a domain member without
2019 Nov 12
sip.conf host!=dynamic peer specific options (e.g. directmedia=off, transport=tcp) not working!?
Hi, when using some non dynamic host eg. host= in sip.conf asterisk is not considering specific peer options eg. directmedia=off, transport=tcp if I set host=dynamic and register the sip phone it works as expected. Is this a bug or feature - I wanna disable the usage of directmedia for some peers with fixed ip but wanna allow it in general. Same with transport=tcp. [97]
2016 Dec 29
Connections to Samba fail when "includedir" is set in krb5.conf (e. g. after RHEL 7.2 to 7.3 update)
Hi, I spent some time today to figure out why my clients are unable to connect to my Samba AD domain member after updating the operating system from CentOS 7.2 to 7.3 and I thought sharing the reason and the workaround can help others: If you run RHEL/CentOS 7.2 with an unmodified /etc/krb5.conf file and update to 7.3, the krb5-workstation-1.14.1-27 package adds an "includedir"
2009 Aug 18
Moderator access to meetme allowed despite pin
Hello, all. I've solved my own problem but will post it here in case someone else has the same misunderstanding in the future. We thought we had set up our meetme so that regular users entered the conference without a pin but could not speak to each other until the moderator arrived. We enforced pin entry on the moderator . . . or at least so we thought. If the moderator waited long enough
2010 Jul 03
strange issue while setting pin in MeetMe
Dear Group, after a compile Asterisk, i have strange issue. 1.) i get a recording message in Log, but i don't set the Option "r" 2.) if the room number has a entry pin, the caller get a voice Message to left a "Name", i'd never set this Option. How can i disabled to play "vm-rec-name" / this function? > Starting recording of MeetMe Conference
2005 Jan 06
Problems with MeetMe accepting conference PIN
Hi, I know this question may have been asked before (although the archives don't seem to suggest it), but has anyone had any problems with Asterisk accepting a PIN number for a conference room. At this point in time I have established the conference definition in the meetme.conf file as well as specifying the appropriate lines in the extensions.conf file. meetme.conf file: conf =>
2009 Jun 30
MeetMe not prompting for PIN
Hello, all. I must be brain cramping badly on our Asterisk installation. Our MeetMe macros are working fine except they do not prompt for a PIN. So I made a very simple conference room: exten => 7777,1,MeetMe(123456,cMaAsx,123456) Shouldn't this prompt the user who dials 7777 to enter a PIN before entering the conference room whether or not a PIN is defined in meetme.conf? I
2006 Feb 10
Make Meetme start only when somebody puts in the admin PIN
Hi, Is there anyway to have a MeetMe conference start only when somebody (anyone, let's say I don't want to manage who is the "marked user") connects and has the admin PIN instead of the user PIN? I would have assumed this was an obvious feature, but I dont see it on the Wiki. Or I am misreading it, which is entirely possible. Mike -------------- next part --------------
2008 Jun 12
Adding new columns to (output) data - e.g., read 5 cols write 8
Hello, I have the following task I'd like to accomplish: A file contains 5 columns of data (several hundred rows), let's call them a, b, c, d and e (ie these are their column headers) I also have a set of definitions, e.g., f = a + b g = a * 3 h = c + d etc. I would like to write out a new .rda file that contains columns a b c d e f g h etc. I.e. , the original data plus new columns
2009 May 15
meetme dies looking for conf-getconfno
With 1.6.1, I'm trying to set up a test of meetme for creating dynamic conferences. cat meetme.conf [rooms] conf => 600 extensions.conf: [meetme] exten => 2663,1,MeetMe(,D) exten => 2663,n,Hangup() exten => 2666,1,MeetMe() exten => 2666,n,Hangup() What I'm expecting is to dial 2663, get a conference room number ( 600, I suppose since it's the only room ), and set
2008 Dec 08
meetme problem maybe connected to features.conf
Hello. I have a strange problem with the MeetMe application. Configured is a misdn msn to go into a preconfigured MeetMe room. exten => 12,1,MeetMe(1234,pIM) The first caller gets the prompt to enter the pin and then gets connected to the MeetMe room. The second caller gets also the prompt but after entering the right key he hears a dialtone followed by the message: The number you have
2005 Jan 14
Passing PIN Numbers
To All If anyone can shed any light on this it would be greatly appreciated. My phones are unable to enter pins numbers correctly when required by the party they are calling. For example I was given an outside number to attend conference bridge. After the call was connected it required me to enter a 4 digit PIN. Now here is the problem whenever I enter a pin it is received twice. For example if
2010 Sep 12
using read.table, removing extra quotation mark from a text field? (e.g. ""cat" )
I am using read.table to import a text file within R.   There are several "errors" in my text file.  An "extra" quotation mark has inadvertently been included within a few text fields.   e.g. for a pipe (|) delimited text file, I have something similar to this:   1|7|30| "dog" 2|6|25| ""cat" 3|4|20|"" 4|5| 56| "mouse" 5|3|56|
2009 Dec 01
GLM Repeated measures test of assumptions: e.g. test for sphericity e.g. Bartletts and Levenes homogenous variances
Hello and thanks in advance I am running a glm in R the code is as follows with residual diagnostic code below model4<-glm(Biomass~(Treatment+Time+Site)^2, data=bobB, family=quasi(link="log", variance="mu")) par(mfrow=c(2,2)) plot(model2) to test the effect of grazing exclusion of feral horses for a Phd with following factors: Treatment - 3 levels which are grazed
2006 Oct 28
where is the "record" method??? i.e. which is used in generators (e.g. scaffold_generator.rb)
Hi, Anyone know where the "record" method is defined. Its used in generators like in the scaffold generator. An extract from it is below (taken from scaffold_generator.rb): def manifest record do |m| # Check for class naming collisions. m.class_collisions controller_class_path, "#{controller_class_name}Controller",
2005 Jun 06
dial-a-string (e.g. 2=a,b,c, 3=d,e,f)
Hello, I've begun working on an AGI in PERL to provide the ability to dial a string, similar to composing text messages on cell phones. The current idea is that it would allow you to use a telephone to enter a string of text, (number 2 can be used for letters a, b, c, number 3 for d, e, f, Etc), and one could review the text thus far, backspace over characters, and "commit"
2000 Jan 26
[R-d] E-mail to R-devel will have prefix, ok?
A short "private" discussion revealed that several people desire to get a prefix in the "subject:"s of R-devel mailings. I'd propose to set "[R-d]" as I've done it (manually, this time!) above. Unless I hear load protests, I'll set this. your mailing list maintainer: Martin Maechler