similar to: testing "XML views"

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 50000 matches similar to: "testing "XML views""

2006 Jul 07
Testing views with Hpricot
assert_tag smells bad. Hpricot smells nice (apricotty!). Testing your views with Hpricot: views-with-hpricot/ Big thanks to _why for a great little library! Feedback is appreciated. rSpec integration coming soon (hopefully!). Cheers, Luke Redpath -------------- next part -------------- An HTML
2007 Jun 11
hpricot as dependency for building rspec?
It looks to me that hpricot is a dependency to building rspec: euclid% rake pre_commit (in /Users/smtlaissezfaire/ruby/projects/rspec/hpricot) rake aborted! Could not find RubyGem hpricot (>= 0.0.0) /Users/smtlaissezfaire/ruby/projects/rspec/hpricot/rakefile:9 (See full trace by running task with --trace) Let me know if I''m wrong. Otherwise, I''ll submit a patch in the docs.
2007 Dec 01
mock feed
Hello generous coders, I''m having difficulty getting a couple of tests to pass. I have an address model which takes an address and with a callback on save and update passes the address to google''s geocoding service. The returned XML is parsed and saved to the address object: protected def geocode_address key = "mykey" url =
2006 Nov 10
Specifying views
I''m trying to spec my views with 0.7.1 on edge rails per the instructions on the rspec site [1] and David''s blog [2], but I''m not having much luck. Here''s my spec in specs/views/accounts/ new_view_spec.rb: require File.dirname(__FILE__) + ''/../../spec_helper'' context "The new account form" do specify "should have an
2009 Mar 22
Problem running autotest in rails 2.3
People, I''m trying to run autotest on rails 2.3 I get a NoMethodError. Here is what I see: Sat Mar 21 20:47 /b/tmp/myfc23 maco$ Sat Mar 21 20:47 /b/tmp/myfc23 maco$ autotest loading autotest/rails_rspec ./vendor/plugins/rspec/lib/autotest/rspec.rb:24:in `initialize'': undefined method `failed_results_re='' for #<Autotest::RailsRspec:0x1205b88> (NoMethodError)
2007 Jun 27
rspec_on_rails: assert_select wrapper doesn''t play nice with XML
Hey, I''m using rspec and rspec_on_rails to test some RSS feed views, the problem is that the specs spew out messy warnings when they run: ignoring attempt to close channel with link opened at byte 61, line 3 closed at byte 141, line 5 attributes at open: {} text around open: "ss version=\"2.0\">\n <channel>\n <title" text around close:
2007 Jul 29
Merb test harness
Ezra, * test harness in new generated merb apps with helpers for testing merb without starting a server. * pin down plugin arch Seems to me that these two tasks go together unless you want to have rspec built in Merb. Regarding the test harness, my understanding is that: - a developer should be able to easily write specs against a merb application. - a developer should not need to start a merb
2008 Feb 29
outside-in = integration tests on views?
Hi, In the spirit of "outside-in" are given-when-then scenarios supposed to be integration tests of views? Or should we be accessing the model interfaces directly (not through a view)? Thanks, David :) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2009 Oct 08
autospec cannont find gems
I am trying to install rspec for rails and have the following gems install C:\INSTAN~3.0-W\rails_apps\katai>gem list --local *** LOCAL GEMS *** actionmailer (2.3.4, 2.0.2) actionpack (2.3.4, 2.0.2) activerecord (2.3.4, 2.0.2) activeresource (2.3.4, 2.0.2) activesupport (2.3.4, 2.0.2) authlogic (2.1.2) autotest-rails (4.1.0) builder (2.1.2) capistrano (2.5.9, 2.1.0) cgi_multipart_eof_fix
2011 Dec 02
Testing Views with Rails 3 and Rspec2 - Can't stub request.path_params[:controller]
I am stuck to test a specific view which contains a request.path_parameters[:controller] variable as the example below follows: <%=link_to "Store", admin_stores_url, { :id => "tab-3" ,:class => (admin_stores_path == ''/'' + request.path_parameters[:controller] && ''active'')} %> The rspec view test file: describe
2007 Nov 20
How to test views with Nested Resources and Partials
Hi everyone, I am relatively new to rspec and I am running into a wall in testing my views. I have a RESTful resource Contracts with a nested resource of Line_items. I am trying to figure out how to test the "edit" form of the Line_items. What complicates this is the nested routing and how to account for it, and that there is a partial form (_form.haml) that both the edit.haml and
2011 Apr 23
rake spec fails where rake spec:(models|controllers|views) pass
I''m still trying to work into Ruby 1.9.2 and am now experiencing something that makes no sense to me. Using rspec 1.3.2 and rspec-rails 1.3.4 with rails 2.3.11 on ruby 1.9.2-p180, when I $ rake spec:models they all pass. When I $ rake spec:controllers they all pass. When I $ rake spec:views they all pass. But when I $ rake spec I get <path to
2009 Mar 21
Problem running Rdoc from Rake in Rails 2.3
People, I''m getting an error from Rake I''d like to debug. Here is a screendump: Fri Mar 20 23:28 /b/tmp/myfc23 maco$ rake doc:plugins:rspec (in /b/tmp/myfc23) rdoc -o doc/plugins/rspec --title ''Rspec Plugin Documentation'' --line- numbers --inline-source --charset utf-8 -T html vendor/plugins/rspec/ lib/autotest/discover.rb major-snip 95% [107/112]
2006 Nov 16
helpers not rendered in views? func=detail&aid=6713&group_id=797&atid=3150 I''m not sure if this is true of all helper methods but it is for the following. In this case the forn_remote_tag is rendered as an empty line. Apprently helpers are not rendered in view tests... template _xyz: <div> <% form_remote_tag :update => "some_div", :url
2008 Mar 11
Story testing views in isolation
Hi, I''ve been investigating plain text stories, and I had a quick question. How would I go about creating story tests for views in isolation, instead of the full stack? I had hoped to be able to do a straight render ''/'', but it says it can''t find the method. The reason that I want to do this is that I want to give our designer/business people a way to write
2007 Jun 06
sharing my netvibes tab about rspec
Link was 404 :-( the correct link is I should definitely switch from blogger to mephisto ... Hi, As I am not a big fan of mailing list, I have created a Yahoo!Pipes to generate a RSS from the user & developpers mailing list and integrated it into a netvibes tab. I have also put a few blogs from the rspec authors. More
2007 Oct 01
View Spec - Misbehaving
I''m trying to write my first view spec; I''ve done some controller specs with integrated views, but thought that isolating the views for some of these tests might be nice. So I wrote this: > describe PlayerContainer, "show" do > > PARENT_ID = 12 > CHILD_NAME = ''Child Name'' > PARENT_NAME = ''Parent Name'' > >
2012 Jun 14
Cucumber/RSpec ::: Capybara? Webrat What am I using??
Hey everybody I''m currently reading through the Pragmatic Programmers RSpec book, and I really enjoy it. But I’m facing some problems because of the fact that the book is already some years old, I guess. I have installed rvm and use Ruby 1.9.3, and I didn’t really get some Rails code examples to work properly, so I tried it with a 1.8.7 installation, but there I had some other problems
2007 Apr 13
ZenTest autotest now handles RSpec, yay!
Josh Knowles just let me know that ZenTest Autotest 3.50 now handles your RSpec specs. That''s a great news. Josh also shared with me a quick hack to make autotest work with only the RSpec plugin installed. Add the following into your ~/.autotest file
2007 Oct 04
PUT- or POST-ing xml
I''d like to write a test of a REST service wherein XML is submitted as the request entity. In Test::Unit on Rails, this seems to be possible in an integration test, but not in a functional test. RSpec uses the Rails functional test framework, as far as I can tell, so it suffers the same result; it tries to symbolize the keys of the ''parameters'' hash, except the